I spent way too long trying to come up with a clever title that wasn’t so damn literal, but here we are.
One of my many moles deep within the publicity department smuggled this picture from the episode out to me. Many Bothans were mildy inconvenienced to bring it to you:
The Habitation Configuration airs on November 8th!
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NICE! Looking forward to this ep. Actually, I look forward to all eps of The Big Bang Theory. LOL
Love the shirt.
The Guild T-Shirt FTW!
If you’re wearing that tee on the show, my week was just made.
Indeed I am. I requested special permission to wear it and everything.
If you were going to all that trouble, should have made it a Tabletop shirt.
More importantly… does Evil Wil play Fawkes on “The Guild” in the “The Big Bang Theory” universe?
Dumb question; since you play yourself on BBT (albeit evil) would they normally have put you in costume??
Epic shirt usage 🙂
This will be epic and adorable as usual.
Love the Guild shirt! nice plug for the show. lol
I can affirm, this was a hilarious episode. Some excellent one-liners!
Awesome! BBT is the one “geek” thing my wife and both enjoy – me being a science nerd (scientist) and her a music nerd (elementary music teacher). She’s like the TableTop games I’ve bought, but can’t get her into the Geek&Sundry thing. Still working on it though…
Yay! Fun with Flags. I cannot wait.
Wow, it’s great to see you back on the BBT Wil! Thanks for another great Tabletop as well. My family will be playing Last Night on Earth soon, and there will be cheesecake!
Wil, I’ve been wondering what your perspective is on this essay about BBT: http://butmyopinionisright.tumblr.com/post/31079561065/the-problem-with-the-big-bang-theory I’m happy there is a show about science and general geekdom, but I wish it were a more positive view. I’ve shared that blog post with many friends and they see the same problems.
Somebody else posted the same thing on Wil’s Oct. 10 post, they indicated that they felt the need to apologize for TBBT: http://wilwheaton.net/2012/10/in-which-the-audience-cheers/
Wil responded thusly: “You don’t have to apologize for liking something because someone needs to feel important by attempting to tear it down.”
I’m new, but I have read your blog for a while Wil. I really enjoy it so I decided to sign up (which I didn’t realize I could do until recently).
I am looking forward to seeing you on the Big Bang Theory!
That’s my birthday! Thanks in advance for the awesome birthday present! 😀
Last night’s episode was pretty great, but I’m sure your’s has the potential top it. You, Beverly Hofstader (Christine Baranski), and Mary Cooper (Laurie Metcalf) are my favorite re-occurring characters. November 8th can’t get here fast enough!
Woo-hoo! This will be epic! 🙂 Is that Tiny Spock I see on the table? I cannot wait!
Love the Guild t shirt, too bad that isn’t a Sparks McGee action figure.
I don’t care that the Bothans are the wrong franchise. There’s nothing wrong with you liking both. :>
I’m excited to see a vexillology episode with Wil, this should be fun.
And when the producers decide to have Felicia on the show, the circle shall be complete. You hear me Chuck Lorre?! Make it happen!
When the Guild and BBT crossover, all bets are OFF!
All we’ll need then is a Doctor Horrible sing-along blog covering the mayhem, and perfection will be achieved!
A Wheaton episode on BBT, on MY Birthday 🙂 Happy Happy Geeky Joy Joy for Me!
Lovely – I’ve been hoping for more fun with flags! And The Guild t-shirt – huzzah! 😀 TheGuild needs more love.
Sorry, Wil, I'm a Star Wars nerd… 😛
Looking forward to the episode…
Because my English it’s really crappy, i’ll write this comment in Spanish:
Estoy seguro que el nuevo episodio de Fun with Flags será genial. Supongo que la figura de acción de Wesley Crusher también cumple un papel importante en el episodio 😉
Saludos desde Argentina!
Loving the shirt…
Newsflash… Flags may be fun (this week) 🙂
this is boss- though i have to think- did you ever think you would want to work on dr.who and be cast as one of the americans they sometimes cast on the show? O.o
ps. love your work- starting from stand by me up to now:)
I would love to work on Doctor Who, but I doubt it will ever happen.
I see your working on Doctor Who as as sort of like being ‘the wrong scale’… (as in; Wesley Crusher figure wanting to play with Princess Leia) 🙂
That’s a shame. BBT, Walking Dead, and Doctor Who are my favorite current shows. Any chance you’ll get a Walking Dead spot one of these days??
You know what a Nerdstorm it would create if you ever get on Dr. Who?
don’t have doubts- there are still 2 doctors- and they do have episodes where they are in Manhattan alot 🙂
Chalk me up as another “The Guild” shirt lover! I think a Tabletop shirt would have been a little obvious, but a “Guild” shirt is as about as perfect as a STNG shirt…both were families you were a part of instead of something that was your own like Tabletop is. Very classy of you Whil Wheaton. 🙂
I can’t wait to see this!
Is that a Commander Riker figure?
P.S. You’re in my spot.