Fark me.
I really want to add a new entry in the ever-expanding saga of SpongeBob Vega$Pants, and his adventures across the 9th dimension.
Really, I do.
But the thing is, the story is filled with lots of very funny things that happened, and I’m not feeling very funny the last couple of days.
I’m feeling really sad. I’m feeling really scared, and I’ve been feeling really depressed.
Thing is, I can’t get those firefighters out of my head. I can’t stop thinking about the people who were on cell phones with their loved ones when the towers came crashing down. I am haunted by the images of people holding hands as they jumped out of the World Trade Centers.
I get angy, and I think, “I hope they find the people who are responsible for this, and I hope they bring back some of those torture methods from the middle ages…I want to be able to watch ravens pick at the bodies of the terrorist leaders, while they die slowly, and painfully.”
Then I think, “I have a 12 year old step-son. If Bush & Co. get us into this multi-year conflict, he could be sent off to Afghanistan to fight in our next Vietnam.”
Truth is, I don’t know how to feel. But I’m getting tired of this “If you’re not with us, you’re against us! My country, right or wrong,” attitude that pervades every place I go.
Fark linked to my WFS story, and someone pointed out my Noam Chomsky entry. And now they’re saying things like:
09-22-01 02:25:33 PM Reave
I am more interested in his previous article ( http://www.wilwheaton.net/greymatter/archives/00000051/*.php )
He is suggesting that basically the US shouldn’t retaliate and just let whoever – bomb the US into oblivion while we try to make peace. Peace is not a bad thing, but I think you need to defend yourselves.
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