Kettle, Meet Pot. Pot, Meet Kettle.
I was just reading the comments from the Vega$ trip, and laughing along…I think I have some very cool readers, and I feel like there’s some supercool community happening here…I like that.
In there, I found this link to some pictures from the Vega$ show…so I followed it, in the hopes of snarfing some of them for my photo album. See, the light in the ballroom wasn’t exactly conducive to great pictures, and the one I have of me…’s just…yeah.
So I went there, looked at the pictures, and read the comments.
And I am so fucking enraged, and indignant, and incredulous, that I posted a comment myself, but, even after walking Ferris (who is female, BTW), so I could calm down, I am still all hopped up, and I’m giving it it’s own entry, so everyone can see it.
I’m multi-faceted. You’ve seen my funny facet, you’ve seen my political facet. You’ve seen my romantic facet. Now, cast your gaze upon my indignant, outraged facet…if you dare!
In regards to the comments at TrekkBBS:
WTF is wrong with those people?! I mean, don’t they get it? People like those, who criticize Jennifer and Ethan, and call Garrett by his own name, and then by his character’s name, in the same sentence…(“Garret, what’s…blah blah…I mean, Harry can grow up…blah blah…”)
Dude, people, GET A FUCKING LIFE!!
It’s nimrods like you, who sit behind your computers munching fritos and wrestling with the great dilemma: “Watch Xena, tape Farscape? Watch Farscape, tape Xena?! What to do?! Help me, Q! Someone! Help me!” People like you who make us not want to go near a convention, EVER!! So fucking what if Ethan was wearing shorts. It was over 100 degrees in Vega$!! Would you rather he wear a fucking spacesuit?! Listen up, assmonkeys: It is people like you who give all star trek fans a bad name. It is because of people like you that normal people are afraid to admit that they like the show, and have to apologize for watching it.
Who the fuck are you to criticize us? Huh? Put the pizza down, and step away from the star trek monoply, folks.
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