Monthly Archives: October 2001

Almost Un-Famous

Almost Un-Famous

That’s the title of the story that I am mentioned in, in this week’s Entertainment Weekly.
I don’t subscribe to EW, and I couldn’t find a link for this article on the website, so a member of my loyal Radio Free Burrito listener armada scanned it , and emailed it to me.
Take a gander, if’n ya please. But be forewarned. The image is huge. It’s about 300K.

Radio Free Burrito Wants You

Radio Free Burrito Wants You

Hey kids,
I’ve been RFB-ing most of the day.
I know, I know, I should have posted about it, but I’m still BETA testing it, as far as I am concerned.
So far, the small cadre of BETA testers and I have been having a really fun time, and one of them, our good friend HuggyBarrell, sent me this Email earlier today:

We have a friend from Faire who’s a performer. He goes by the name Moonie The Magnificent. He’s sorta a comedy juggling act. Anyway, his daughter has children’s lukemia (she was in remission, it came back). She’s going to require a bone marrow transplant. We’ve set up a section on our Faire site that’s got donations for PayPal. I was wondering if you’d be willing to maybe put a blurb about it in your weblog or something? Since he’s a performer, he doesn’t have health insurance, is my understanding.

So, now I get to do something that I truly cherish in my life. I get to use what little celebrity I have for Good, instead of Evil. If you can, would you please give a small donation to help this little girl? As a parent, I can imagine the pain, and heartache of watching your little girl suffer with a horrible disease, and feel powerless to stop it.
You can make your donation by clicking here, or you can buy a CD, that was put together by some of Brad’s friends. The proceeds are going to help Sophie out. You can check it out here.
Look at it this way: you have an opportunity to save a life, today. How cool is that?

Crackity Jones

Crackity Jones

Have you seen this yet? I must admit, it made me howl, which caused my neighbor to come over and shoot at me with his bow and arrow.
That’s all for right now. Data’s on some sort of murderous rampage on TNG…goddammit. I’ve been seeing all these shows that I’ve never seen before, because I was so pissed off and lame when I quit…and I must say, I’m beginning to feel a bit of regret, because the shows are very, very cool.
Matter of fact, that gets its own entry later on.
Thank you to everyone who sent me MOJO…I can honestly say that I felt it, and I only felt a *little* dirty…as soon as I find out, I’ll tell you all about it.
Is it bothering anyone else that the commercials on TNN are all either Miss Cleo, or some K*Tel collection of shity songs that you thought had gone away?

Tree Huggin’ Hippie Crap

Tree Huggin’ Hippie Crap

I can’t go into the details, but I have a HUGE opportunity sitting in front of me, and tomorrow is do-or-die time…if this thing happens, I am back baby! We’re talking carreer re-birth, a new computer, and nice things for Mrs. Wheaton.
So here’s the deal: if you don’t mind, would you take 60 seconds or so, and send some good thoughts my way? I would be especially grateful if you were doing this between 2 and 3 PM Pacific Time tomorrow (Thursday).
If this works, I will have the coolest story, EVER, to post.