Who was the weakest link?
So I just got back from my taping of The Weakest Link.
I’m bound by contract to not say a single word about the show, like who did what, or who won, or anything like that…
I can say something, that is going to rock everyone’s world. It certanly rocked mine.
I sat in the green room (a place where actors hang out while they get stuff ready. There’s food, drinks, and TV, usually), and watched the World Series.
Not a big deal, right?
Well, I watched The World Series, With WILLIAM FUCKING SHATNER.
It was so goddamn cool. I was sitting there, talking about baseball with him, discussing Randy Johnson versus Curt Shilling (Who was better), the various strategies employed by the teams during the few innings that we were watching…and he was so cool to me, I don’t even know what to do. He was nice. He was funny. He was warm, genuine, and basically just a 100% cool-ass guy.
Matter of fact, I can say this one thing about the show: William Shatner was the funniest I have ever seen him, or anyone who was in Star Trek, ever.
William Shatner has earned 50,000 cool points with me, after tonight. One for each monkey at this site.
So, until further notice, I am dropping the FUCKING from WILLIAM SHATNER, and I am closing the store at the end of the week, even though it’s earning me enough to pay for the MASSIVE bandwidth I’m consuming here.
William Shatner, you are my new buddy. I’ll see you for Game 4. I’m buying the first round.
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