Can’t Sleep
So it’s 2:30 in the morning. I have to get up at 5:45, so I can call a bunch of radio stations, to do my part in the publicity for Weakest Link effort…and I can’t sleep.
I hate that. I think it’s something I ate, because my stomach is burning something fierce, and my poor little brain is running a mile a minute. Does that ever happen to anyone? You’re trying to sleep, and your brain won’t shut up? It’s either having an argument with someone, or singing songs, or replaying the days events? It usually happens to me when I’ve just started work on a new show. The whole night after that first day, I wake up every fifteen minutes or so, hearing them call out “Rolling!” and “Quiet!” and “We need Wil! Get Wil away from the hookers! We’re waiting on Wil!”
Did everyone (well, most everyone) have a good weekend and a good Thanksgiving? Usually Thanksgiving is just another meal in my family, but this year it was really different. Being with my family was very important this year, moreso than usual. My mom asked all of us to bring candles up to her house, like the big jar-type candles, so that she could make a little memorial to my great aunt…so we did, and it was really cool. I took my step-kids shopping for them, and told them to pick out candles that reminded them of Aunt Val, one way or another…so Ryan picked out one that smelled like roses, and Nolan picked out one that smelled exactly like her house. I thought that it was really cool, because the one Nolan got was called “compassion”, and that was the defining characteristic of Aunt Val…there was never, ever, someone with such boundless love and compassion for people. Anne got her one that smelled like Gardenia, and mine was acacia.
You know, I consider myself to be pretty skeptical, sometimes too much for my own good…but I swear that I’ve felt my Aunt Val’s presence in the last few days, and it’s been really comforting. I miss her, but I feel so happy when I think about her, and about how cool she was, that I don’t feel sad…
I’ve always taken the 4 day Thanksgiving holiday totally for granted, but this year I spent the whole damn thing with family, and it was great, since I was originally planning to be out of town.
Here’s a little re-cap of the weekend:
Anne and I spent the whole day together Friday, at the zoo. I took pictures, and I’ll be adding them to the gallery sometime later today. Then there was the concert with my brother Friday night. Loren and Kelly came by Saturday, on their way home. We went to dinner, and they came and saw me in the worst improve show, ever. Then they went home Sunday, and Anne and I went to see “Spy Game”, which is one of the best movies I’ve seen this year
Has anyone else noticed how movies keep getting more expensive, but the quality of the films, and the movie-going experience, is getting worse and worse? I mean, they’re charging us 9.50 for movies in some theatres now, so that we can sit through commercials in the theatre, and watch the shitty movie on a screen that’s slightly bigger than the bedsheet that my uncle used to project his vacation slides on. I’m thinking that if they’re going to be charging us so much freakin’ money to see the damn things, we shouldn’t have to see commercials in the theatres, or if they’re going to run even more advertising, that they should reduce the cost of tickets, but that’s just me.
End of tangent. Sorry about that.
Robert Redford and Brad Pitt are just awesome in this film. I hope it does well at the box office, because I’d sure like to see more movies like this.
It was really cool…I hadn’t realized how little I’ve been seeing Anne the last few weeks, because of my meetings and her work schedule…and when we do see each other, we’re so busy being parents and stuff that we don’t get to actually enjoy each other’s company…so spending the bulk of the 4 days together was wonderful, and very much needed.
Finally, I tried to watch The Simpsons last night, but FOX was showing this horrible movie, instead…it was sort of like Star Wars, but without all the cool mythological over tones…
Wow. I can’t belive that I’ve been sitting here for an hour. I think I’ll try to go back to sleep now.
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