One of the things I love about my new job is that I can sit at my desk, and look out across Century City, and see the Hollywood sign and Griffith observatory. Then I can get up, walk for 15 feet, and look out across Santa Monica and the Pacific Ocean…on a beautiful day like today, when we have lots of little fluffy clouds (to borrow a phrase from The Orb, who borrowed it from Rickie Lee Jones, from a conversation she was having with LeVar Burton on Reading Rainbow), it looks magical, like an animated movie. On days like today, I am insanely envious of my friends who live in Northern California, who get to have days like this all the time.
Now that the sun is low in the sky, and just about to sink into the ocean, the sky has darkened, and the clouds have lost that friendly look, in favor of a sinister, brooding, stormy look. In the time it has taken me to write this paragraph, the sun has lit of the reflective sides of the buildings in Century City, and there are these beautiful pillars of fire and ice reaching into the indigo January sky.
It would seem that Winter has at last decided to come to Southern California. It’s about time!
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That Orb CD has to be one of my favorites. (circa 1992 I think). Driving through the Canadian Rockies from Calgary Alberta to British Columbia, 2 in the morning, no one on the road except for you and the truckers, listening to the Orb. And now I know where that sample comes from! Discovering the source of a sample is sort of like meeting someone in person for the first time after talking on the phone with them at work for years. Levar, eh? My circle gets smaller..
It’s 85 degrees here, sunny, and I got nothing to do except come to this here page, or go to the beach.
I hate my life.
BTW, what’s up with all the poetic writing and shit?
For a second there, I thought I had mistakenly come to some teenaged girl’s blog.
Then I looked at the picture and thought, ‘Man, that’s one butt ugly broad…” before it finally sank in to my thick skull that it was Mr. Wheaton(Sir!).
*Sigh* Beautiful entry, Wil. Thanks for the pic. 🙂 Have a good night, all.
winter and an earthquake.
is that the cali version of dinner and a movie?
I geeky-tourist-ishly brought shorts to La last month, and knew the first night I was there that they would stay in my big ol’ traveling bag. Brrr!! It felt like Olympia at night! It felt 20 degrees! I hear that’s just in December, though. And the daytime was nice and warm. I miss L.A. Your lovely little entry brought back memories. Here up north, there’s snow at the ground, but it’s in the gray slushy stage. I wish I could see Century City and Santa Monica and the Hollywood sign from *my* window!
What did you mean, exactly, when you said “new job” Wil? You never really specified & I have no idea when else you might do aside from acting. I’m new to your site, so if it’s something you mentioned before, I missed it, & I didn’t see anything in your FAQ that addresses this.
Wow! Sounds great! I live in England, and we don’t get anything like that (no tall buildings except in London). We had a pretty mean storm last night that nearly blew my window in on me though. Still, I’d love to go to America. Oh, by the way, is the title of your site anything to do with that Pixies song? I love that!! All the best – cya!!
Oh, forgot to say – I have a lovely view of a wall from my window…
Envious of friends in Northern CA? It actually snowed here, in the Bay Area (at sea level!), a few times today. That hasn’t happened since the 70’s. When it wasn’t snowing, we were having hail storms. We’re freezing our asses off!!! 🙂
I was so bummed because I missed Beat the Geeks with Mr. Wheaton(sir?) on it! But it turns out my best friend (who also loves Wil) taped it so I get to watch it later. Phew. I was having a meltdown, man.
Dude, I was so bummed because I missed Beat the Geeks with Wil (sir?) on it! But it turns out my best friend (who also loves Wil) taped it so I get to watch it later. Phew. I was having a meltdown, man.
kendoka, you need to get up early and check out the moonset – it’s been gorgeous the last couple of days. Although I’m sure it would look even more spectacular if we weren’t in town (yes, I’m in Bloomington too)
And what the heck happened to winter here? Jeez Louise, if it weren’t for my near-blue skin, I would have worn shorts yesterday!
Very poetic, Wil. It’s always exhilerating to see a beautiful show in the sunset sky.
Garsh–Wil told us about his job at G4 earlier this month. You can read all about it in the January archives, (beginning 5 January 2002).
Alice–the message board is called “Soapbox.” Click on the link to the left and you’ll enter a lovely world. But, you should also be advised, going off-topic in the comments section is a tradition ;).
I wish I had an easily accesible window at work to see what you saw, Wil. I work in Marina Del Rey and the sky can be positively gorgeous. But if I’da known about you on Beat the Geeks, I woulda left work to watch it!
Still, between the earthquake centered near my brother’s place last night and the police dragnet today less than a minute from my parents’ house, there’s been enough excitement. Beat the Geeks (which I love, BTW) would have been too much, especially with Wil up against a Star Trek geek.
Have I mentioned how much I love LA?
I live in Hawaii, but I’m from the Bay Area. Sounds crazy, but I miss the Bay Area and its weather. Yeah, I know, once I’m in it, I wish otherwise. Eh. The grass is always greener…
May soon be living in SoCal, tho… eek! I better get off of the computer and seeing this island paradise… 😉
I live in Hawaii, but I’m from the Bay Area. Sounds crazy, but I miss the Bay Area and its weather. Yeah, I know, once I’m in it, I wish otherwise. Eh. The grass is always greener…
May soon be living in SoCal, tho… eek! I better get off of the computer and seeing this island paradise… 😉
I live in Hawaii, but I’m from the Bay Area. Sounds crazy, but I miss the Bay Area and its weather. Yeah, I know, once I’m in it, I wish otherwise. Eh. The grass is always greener…
May soon be living in SoCal, tho… eek! I better get off of the computer and seeing this island paradise… 😉
my comments aren’t showin’ up. WTF?
A have a question for all you Californians:
How much snow constitutes a snow warning out there?
Down here in Texas is was a whopping 72 degrees here in Houston. Winter? We don’t know winter! LOL!
However today’s high is in the 80’s! That was a great description ya had Wil! interesting!!
Today’s sunset had a blend over of pink and gray clouds, the night was awesome. Had a full moon or so with clouds covering and showing bits of the moon!
Looks like something that came out of a horror movie!
It was pretty tho!
Till laterz Wil! 🙂
Thanks Shell! That’s very helpful.
Hmmm… hazy and humid… storms predicted for later… I smell a tornado! (Perfectly fitting for January, don’t you think, all?) (;
VERY LOVELY! BTW, my old college buddy is a partner in a tax law firm in Century City. He got his master’s in tax from NYU about 20 years ago, so he should be fairly on top of things..also teaches once a month up at Berkeley, I believe. For future reference.
The east coast sunset wasn’t half bad either yesterday, except it was 3 hours earlier than the one in CA. But truly the best sunsets are when you go up into the mountains and the sun dips down below them in the afternoon, around 4pm or so. Then as it’s really setting, a bright rainbow of colors from red to blue highlight the sky in the west.
Quite amazing anyway you look at it. :-p
Quite right, Liz! I remember my first sunset in the Adirondack mountains – it was like magic! What was even better was the early morning canoe across the lake… as the sun rose over the mountains on one side, a wall of gold would make its way down the mountains on the other side, and suddenly it would touch the lake, and explode into a million tiny sparkles through the mist.
Kendoka – your description reminds me of a particular sunrise. My husband and I drove to Colorado for our honeymoon, and we drove through the night. He was driving at dawn when I woke up, and we were in Kansas.
Nothing but rolling wheat fields as far as I could see, no houses, no hills or trees, no buildings, just our highway. The sun wasn’t quite up yet, and the whole world was colored pink and gold.
Felt like I had gone to sleep and woken up on Mars. And married.
Posted by Karla– 🙁
Wil, don’t be too envious of Northern California. While it is generally beautiful here, we actually had a snow warning and a little snow overnight here in San Jose. Weird, I know!
Still, it *is* quite beautiful here. 🙂
grrr– I tried to add a note at the bottom of my last entry–
I wrote “posted by Karla” b/c it keeps leaving off my name at the end– but somehow my note got cut off
And that’s what the frowny face was for, not the fact that I woke up married 😛
Duh. I should have recognized Rickie Lee Jones’s voice in that song, especially since I saw that VW commercial dozens of times.
I’m definitely in the -20 Celsius and snow section of the world, in Edmonton. So yeah, winter in southern California does not quite compare.
Did anyone post that WWDN won best new weblog?
wil ur site izn’t working y aren’t my comments posting?
kendoka asked: “How much snow constitutes a snow warning out there (in CA)?”
Here, in the Bay Area, and in the surrounding areas, ANY amount will warrant a ‘snow warning’. In Petaluma (300 feet above sea level), a town about 30mi north of San Francisco, they received almost 2″ of snow and all the schools were closed for the day. That cracked me up, because I grew up in Colorado where you’d walk to school during a blizzard and think nothing of it. At least those kids were able to hang out and enjoy the snow, while it lasted. In places where the schools remained open, quite a few people let their kids stay home for the day. I would’ve done the same thing. Anyway, there’s a long-winded answer to your question. I miss our usual fantastic Nor-Cal weather. The weather has been so bizarre for just about everyone across the country. Maybe Mother Nature is just giving us a taste of what other people usually deal with during this season…?
Thanks, Jessika! I’ve often wondered if it was just a joke that everything shuts down in places that don’t normally get snow.
My pleasure. It’s absurd that a few inches of snow can make people freak, but that’s California for you! 🙂 When I lived in Los Angeles, I used to love it when we had any kind of rain at all. People would forget how to drive, children would walk around looking confused, and somber meteorologists would show up on your TV at strange times, while headlines such as ‘Storm Watch 1998’ flashed across the screen. “Well folks, it looks like we’re going to receive about a half an inch of rain by tomorrow, so exercise caution when you venture out and make sure you have extra supplies on hand in case of outages.” Watching people go crazy over nothing can be entertaining sometimes.
To Shayne in Houston:
I experienced a Texas winter when I lived in Dallas. Dallas drivers are such fascinating creatures.
You know that saying “when it snows, the whole city shuts down”? Well, not Dallas. When it snows, they go ice skating! Except they do it at 90 mph on the highway in their cars.
Well, it seems today winter has finally reached us here in the midwest as well. Wet sloppy snow, fun, fun, fun. Makes me wonder what the hell I was thinking when I moved away from Florida, sheesh.
Hey Jon,
25 inches of snow in Detroit? Maybe in the U.P., shoot they’ve been snowed under up there, but here in metro Detroit we don’t seem to get much snow at all. In fact, most of the people I know are all freaked because we might get 5 inches tonight(and 5 inches ain’t much, no matter how you look at it, lol).
Are the weather people running around screaming, “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!!!” at all, fenaray?
What’s Crackin! – Just need to go Play Bingo – for my Online Bingo Habit! But I cannot Find a Good Bingo Online website to cover my bingo addiction!