One of the things I love about my new job is that I can sit at my desk, and look out across Century City, and see the Hollywood sign and Griffith observatory. Then I can get up, walk for 15 feet, and look out across Santa Monica and the Pacific Ocean…on a beautiful day like today, when we have lots of little fluffy clouds (to borrow a phrase from The Orb, who borrowed it from Rickie Lee Jones, from a conversation she was having with LeVar Burton on Reading Rainbow), it looks magical, like an animated movie. On days like today, I am insanely envious of my friends who live in Northern California, who get to have days like this all the time.
Now that the sun is low in the sky, and just about to sink into the ocean, the sky has darkened, and the clouds have lost that friendly look, in favor of a sinister, brooding, stormy look. In the time it has taken me to write this paragraph, the sun has lit of the reflective sides of the buildings in Century City, and there are these beautiful pillars of fire and ice reaching into the indigo January sky.
It would seem that Winter has at last decided to come to Southern California. It’s about time!
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Dude! Wil was just on Beat The Geeks not five minutes ago in my time zone!
Okay, I’m calm again.
Well said!
I had a similar sunset just a few hours ago, with a few hazy clouds at the horizon refracting one giant beam of light straight up into the sky.. and casting a glow over the entire city of Bloomington in that nifty fuscia-gold color that only works in sunsets.
Dude. I saw it, too. What’s up with no one telling?!? There I was lazing about with a headache and I heard a special guest, looked over, saw who it was and just about fainted when I sat up too fast. Really, it was only because I sat up too fast. Heh. TV’s Wil Wheaton rocks.
Lucky, in Texas winter is rapidly leaving! It keeps getting hot here! Enjoy the nice weather while you have it. 🙂
That’s awesome. We don’t usualyl get cold weather here too much, but we got 10 inches of snow at the end of December… 🙂
Enjoy it while it lasts!
Snow? Someone’s got snow!?!? Please send some my way… I grew up and went to college in the snow belt, and so far have not received enough to warrant plowing this year.
Wow, just caught TV’s Wil myself, on “BtG.” Will is a bad-ass! Even tossed a word of praise to the notorious Star Trek geek, who must have been forced to cut the mullet for the job. Hope to see more Wheaton goodness on the television device in the future.
I just saw TVs Wil Wheaton on Beat the Geeks, too. Sweet.
Although my wife nearly gave me a heart-attack. I was downstairs dealing with laundry; she was upstairs feeding our 8 month old. I hear this tremendous thud and then hear her cry out for me to come quickly.
I rush as quickly as I can up the stairs, my heart leaping into my throat. Only to find Wil on TV and my wife having dropped a (closed) quart of orange juice.
Adrenaline rush still hasn’t gone away.
You can walk outside? Nice! It’s freeeeezing here!
What is this television thing of which you speak?
Being the luddite that I am, I abhor technology in all its forms. Even buttons are too “high-tech” for me. Anything fancier than a sailor’s knot on the rope holding the burlap sack I use in place of pants is far too elaborate.
Besides which, there was an awesome sunset here in SC, too. So long as the night isn’t overcast, we *ALWAYS* have beautiful sunsets.
Supposedly it has something to do with all the dust in the air.
Not that I’d know. I’m intimately familiar with dust and dirt, since soap is too technological for me. But this “atmosphere” thing is WAY too much for my simple mind.
Well that was very poetic…
You know I’d like a winter that DID NOT hit around -30 every day….I really would…
and if you want snow. Come here…I’ll dig some off my roof for you *L*
I can’t believe I’m complaining about this… it’s January… and it’s been sunny and in the mid-50s for three days.
Of course, that was a plus just an hour ago when some idiot in my building set off the fire alarm and I was forced to walk down 28 flights of stairs and stand outside for half an hour, then walk back UP 28 flights of stairs because the firemen had shut off the elevators.
Ah, but the sunset was nice…
Hey, just saw Wil on Beat the Geeks and thought he was cool. It was funny how he recognized the Star Trek Geek from Trekkies and told him how he loved him in that. It was pure irony. I don’t think you could have created a better scenario.
I’d like to take the moment to complain about the lack of winter weather in January too, Kendoka. Last week was snow. Today I left the doors open all day and got a little warm. God, I hate Maryland….
The clouds are rolling in here…usually, since our patio door faces west, we can see some beautiful sunsets over the Rockies, but not today.
We’re expecting a bit of snow either tomorrow or the next day. Gonna get chilly tomorrow morning though…15 degrees or thereabouts.
Last night, though, there was a beautiful full moon at around 2:30 AM, at just the right angle where I could see it out the computer room window. Made me want to howl…
Sounds like a perfectly beautiful day, Wil. We had one, as well. I walked out this morning to drive to school at 8:30, and I swear to God, it felt like April or May. I could hear birds singing or something. It was awesome. By the time I left school, at 3, it was at least 70, and I got to drive the entire way home with the window down. *BIG-assed grin*
Try southern Indiana. There’s not even a Great Lake down here to generate storms! (;
I wish I had your talent for writing! I could use it for my site, It might make it a little more interesting.
LOL, since when did any one of us get a commplient for our replies? We must be pretty bad writers…
I’m not throwing stones if any of your Mommies and Daddies are famous authors.
When I look out the window of my loft-office…the window across the open space above the dining room, I can see the frozen lake with a gaggle of geese walking on the ice (oh, and pooping).
When I look out the sliding glass door of the dining room that is connected to my deck, I see three cats “barking” at the geese and smashing runny wet nose prints into the glass.
Thankfully, they’re all my wife’s cats.
Hello, Chicago lack-of-winter.
Winter?? Southern California? WINTER?
Your winter is our Summer man! Enjoy the Shorts and a t-shirt weather….I know I would. 🙂
I’m sick and tired of the -45 degree Celsius weather (Not including the Wind Chill factor)…I’d GLADLY change spots with you if you want Winter there Uncle Wil.
I don’t know about LA, but in OC we haven’t seen those clouds and it’s damn cold! I have no doubt it’s been winter!
Cool! I was watching that same changing light stream past the dark, dark grey clouds. It lit up the foothills of Pasadena in orange, with more dark clouds above them. Gorgeous. Looked like a really well done matte painting. Nothing like real life. You say there are people that get this all the time?
Winter leaving in Texas? It’s 75 today, and we have a 60% chance of snow on thursday. Gotsta love the best state in the U.S. hehhehehe
Well, here in Central Calif. it’s freezing, we’ve got a snow advisory, and a HAILSTORM!! What was that again about global warming? :-\
I wish I could walk away from winter…. even though it hasn’t really hit Chicago either…but will this week. I would give just about anything to see a worthwhile beautiful day…I’m tired of the muggy sky and crisp Chicago weather…and the sun doesn’t set on Lake Michigan liek it must on the ocean…
The odd thing is that I live in Wisconsin, which is known for its punishing winters–and yet it’s like Spring here, now.
Damn odd, I tell ya.
it just snowed in reno, nv…still snowing, in fact. 8 inches in the valley. but i’m out here in blacksburg bfe virginia, and i wore shorts today. i’m not quite sure which is better!
Dd I log onto the WEATHER CHANNEL by mistake?
Ok in Atlanta it was 40 something this morning
and this afternoon it was close to 70..not much
winter in Ga. this year either…Yes Mr. Wheaton
(sir)you do write mighty pretty..Damn is there
anything you don’t excel at?
“The weather today will be hot and shitty, with a pissy weather front…”
Global warming’s great, isn’t it? C’mon – you thought those environmentalists were actually looking out for you? Who loves ya baby… That would be Dub-ya.
Our local news here showed us footage of the Bay Area and the snow they were getting.
Meanwhile, here in Detroit (Hockeytown), we’re getting record highs of 57 degrees.
Who would have thought? But I’m not complaining. I’m enjoying this (even if my allergies aren’t.) Anyway, I know our snow is coming. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but knowing Michigan, it’ll be 25 inches in April.
Why didn’t you tell us about BtG! Dammit! I am sitting here doing nothing, I could just have easily been sitting in front of the tv! That show usually has the lamest contestants, but I would have happily watched for the Guest Star!
Result! BtG is on at 8pm here on the west coast!
I had no idea that I was going to be on Beat The Geeks.
Dammit. I would have liked to watch that, and tape it for my reel.
Worst thing is, since I get Comedy Central on the DirecTV, it won’t be on again tonight.
Oh well. There’s always the whining phone call to my friend Keith, who hosts the darn thing 🙂
I remember a time when here in the Mid-Atlantic states region that by January we had several snowfalls and school had been cancelled at least twice by now. I miss those days. Summer is my best season but when its January and only approximately 2 inches of snow has fallen, its a bit odd. I want snow! I want to take my little cousins out sledding! I want to throw snowballs and watch my dogs chase after them.
Also envious that you got to see such a cool sunset. A few weeks ago I saw a beautiful sun set that lit up the Philadelphia skyline as I travelled across a bridge linking Philly with NJ -it never looked so good (the city skyline). The sky was a bright, rich fushia color highlighted with wisps of orange and purple. It was kind of odd b/c it looked as if the sky was on fire yet at the same time it also seemed so very peaceful. I was taking public transportation so fortunately I got a real good chance to enjoy the view -we all did, except the driver. Few things are more beautiful than a sunrise or a sunset.
Dude, you need to bump up the font size for the main page… Either that, or I need thicker glasses…
Oh yeah, the appearance on BtG! It was cool. I was already happy to see the appearance of a Star Trek Geek who’d been in Trekkies. Very nice. BtG is my new favorite game show, btw. Cool shirt, Wil, tho I like the one w/ the Mud-Flap Ladies from Weakest Link more.
Re: winter in wisconsin
Rob, you should be used to it by now. Every January and February for the past 6 years or so, it has been warm enough to wander around in shorts (which, to us wisconsinites/former wisconsinites means about 50-60 degrees F, for those of you not familiar with the ways of Wisconsin).
Have they finally given the city of Madison and the UW campus permission to use salt when it snows instead of that crappy sand they used to spread every year? And do they still have those insane John Deer riding tractors with brooms to clear state street? And, um, is the cow still sweeping in the summer?
oh my goodness! I watch Beat the geeks all the time. One day, while looking through the archives at this site, I saw that Wil was going to be on it, I was like,I have to watch it every day. Today, as soon as Keith said the words “special guest”, I ran upstairs and turned on my VCR to record it. I am very happy to say that I got it all recorded, except for the part in the end where the Music geek was challenged and Wil was sitting in the background eating popcorn on the couch with the other geeks. Woohoo! About weather, here in Maryland it is sixty degrees, which is really weird because a week ago there was snow on the ground.
JSc said: Have they finally given the city of Madison and the UW campus permission to use salt when it snows instead of that crappy sand they used to spread every year?
I’ve seen it used, so I can only assume yes.
He also said: And do they still have those insane John Deer riding tractors with brooms to clear state street? And, um, is the cow still sweeping in the summer?
The street zambonis? Oh, yeah, they still have ’em.
No idea you were from out here, JSc. Ever been to Broom Street Theater?
Well since my last post I have sat here and read
everything I had not already read in the archives.
So I officially apologize for being “pissy” to
Mr. Wheaton..and now I understand lots of things that did not make sense..being a newbie.
I honestly am overjoyed that you take time away
from your life to share yourself with us.
Thank you Uncle Willy.
I owe a thank you to Scott, who emailed me a correction on this post. Originally, I had thought that Orb had sampled Suzanne Vega, but Dave pointed out that it was Rickie Lee Jones.
Thanks for pointing it out to me, Scott. 🙂
it’s my birthay! and it snowed!
that’s all. I just felt like sharing.
How eloquent! That’s really beautiful. I wish Winter decided to come to the East Coast; today was 70 degrees.. which is wonderful weather.. for April! I want some snow.. I want to see four full seasons, like it used to be a few years ago.
Tiggerfencer, happy birthday!
Aura, I’m with you!
Why weren’t we warned about the Beat the Geeks thing!? I saw it. and that’s why i rushed on to this website to see if it was mentioned. There should be a real message board around here so we don’t have to go off topic like this.
Brand new Toro sno-thrower and it has been in the 40’s and 50’s the past two weeks and bone dry.
BTW, would you happen to know the answer to 27 Across in Monday’s NYTimes? Without cheating?
there is a real message board. you have to seek it out. like sherlock.
In Oklahoma we have no sunsets. At 5:00 some guy comes around and just turns the lights off.
there’s a cold front sliding down the south eastern leg of my pants, and my hair’s experiencing a low barometric pocket. as for my pocket, it’s dripping hectapascals all over the carpet and there’s a dense cumulus layer encasing my skull, which is making it kinda difficult to see the keyboard.
ah, weather. who doesn’t love talking about it?
on ‘beat the geeks,’ do they actually beat the geeks? like, with sticks and stuff? ’cause that would be cool.