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this post is an ask for technical support. Just a basic, straightforward, "Hey, Internet, can someone help me out here?" And before you ask, yes, I have turned it off and back on again.
I am still on a break from public life, but I understand some number of people were concerned that someone was building a foundation to impersonate me, and I wanted to verify that those accounts are, indeed, mine. There is no need to report them. But thank you for looking out for me.
Yesterday, I blew it all up. All the websites I maintain on my server, including this one and Anne’s, blew up when I did … something. I exhausted my knowledge, […]
As most of you know, I deactivated my Twitter account earlier this month. It had been a long time coming, for a whole host of reasons, but Twitter’s decision to […]
007 373 5963
punch out ruled!
I’d order one if there was a Tux T.
John McGregor
Isn’t that teenage mutant ninja turtles 2?
Think Geek, John!
Think Geek!
L,R,L,R,A,B,start. 🙂 Awe, that brings back so many memories. That’s how I used to get 30 lives on Contra and Lifeforce for the little orange haired kid I used to babysit (everyday for several hours after school). We’d beat the game and then he’d want to “do it again!” so then L,R,L,R,A,B,start and we’d beat the game and then he’d want to “do it again!” so then….
I didn’t say this brought back GOOD memories. lol
all I can say is
You What?!?!?
One very confused Spike here……
It’s a code for something isn’t it?!
Yeah that’s it and only those who are strange can get it, which is why I’m sitting here trying to understand!!!!
Spike 9.21pm GMT
23rd Feb 2002
Spike – It’s the old Contra cheat code.
A friend of mine has a t-shirt with an outline diagram of the old nintendo controller, and that code is printed beneath it. It’s a great shirt.
right, now i get it
thank you sean
The food one rocks. I just downloaded a Gauntlet emulator a month or so ago. I’ve gotten farther than I ever got in that game – because I was too poor to afford to go far as a kid :).
Heh, funny, I found this site yesterday too, through Penny Arcade.
I really dig that Playstation Controller one, but unfortunately it does not come in women’s styles. It’s a conspiracy, I tell you!
But the Gauntlet food one comes in women’s! Score!
wasnt UUDDLRLRAB the blood code for Mortal Kombat 1?
I dunno about U,U,D,D,L,R,L,R,B,A,START
I never really played contra much…
Great, now I’m all confused
Ahh, the olden days. I remember Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the video game..
The night of our graduation last year, my friends and I sat and watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the first one). We were getting all nostalgic n stuff, it was so much fun. That was our thing ya know? Our time.. so yeah. Hooray TMNT!!! We all knew all the words and it was just tons of fun.
I go with gamecube especially when Zelda and Mario is coming out very soon zelda will have three games one cel shade and the other two will be one to follow majora mask and the other a releastic one.
Wil, for shame, for shame! Torvalds, the immortal God of Geekdom shall strike thee down with a Gnu hammer for thy blasphemous utterances.
John McGregor
Yes gamecube is not mature but alot better than xbox or ps2 there will be a ps3 coming soon but I stay with gamecube and there company because IO only go with them I started out with them first then sega but sega no longer making consoles just games and most likely will be on gamecube.
So in my opinion out of xbox ps2 and pc and gamecube games I go pc games why better graphicvs then gamecube for zelda and mario. The other ones are crap. They are mature games just have to find them like perfect dark james bond games and etc or you could petiotion the games companies and say put them on gamecube also star wars is on gamecube and they should have a star trek game like voyager or the star trek brideg commander.
Andrew – wholly incorrect. The only GC Zelda comming out is the Utter Shit Cel version. No realistic Zelda will be comming out. Period.
Ah the old days.
You outta check out the brand-spankin-new TMNT comic Pete Laird is putting out. Just head over to
The first movie was the best…..~wipes tear~….
old-school nintendo and atari…
“… these are a few of my favorite things…”
sorry, just had to comment with something… yes, i am that bored.
The Gord can solve your problems. The Gord knows all. The Gord thrashes those who believe in the GameCube, and does it quite well in the following passage:
Sweet.. wrong thread.
Woah, some serious thread-crossing happening here 🙂
Lucky we weren’t talking about something important *grin*
I thought it was up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, SELECT, Start…
Then again, I could be wrong.
Oh man do you ever rock wil. Heh. That sequence is legendary to all geeks and one way we can relate to non-geek gamers. Keep posting. And stories about the TNG cast are always cool for us who only know them as what they acted like onstage.
Contra kicked some serious ass. Thanks for the reminder. 🙂
Hmm… I’ll take the old Atari joysticks with their little stick and ONE button. I am hopeless when it comes to these complex systems…my friends tried to teach me when I was an undergrad, and I just couldn’t do it.
I am an embarassment to my generation. (;
JEFF- That’s the infinite lives cheat. The one I posted is just 40 lives.
more than that. that’s the “konami code”. it unlocked stuff on a shitload of games.
more than that. that’s the “konami code”. it unlocked stuff on a shitload of games.
I thought it was U,U,D,D,L,R,L,R,B,A,B,A START
and the SELECT,START was for 2 players…
but then what do I know.
I recognize code like that 🙂 I just bought a Playstation 2 last week also, and the first game i rented was GTA3. i found “cheat codes” similar to this style for that game that allows you to restore your health, weapons, etc. Very cool game!
*Toonces smiles and nods, like she knows what everyone is talking about* Yep, yep, mm hmm!
*Toonces runs the other way, arms flailing wildly*
Thanks for correcting me. Much appreciated
ummm… *thinks*
wasn’t that the code for like, everything?
I browsed through the posts here, and it seems everyone has their own idea of what specific game it was for, but I can remember fiddling with the controller to get that combo in during the “preview” screen on almost every console game there was…. *shrug*
owell… i’m old, what can i tell ya. *grabs his cane and hobbles off to pop another geritol*
and now for something completely not related to this thread:
Rest In Peace, Chuck Jones.
As well as being the code for 30 lives in Contra, it was also the code for 30 lives in Gradius, as well as a stage select in TMNT III (all for the NES). I suspect there were two or three more konami games that had the code, but those are the ones I remember off the top of my head.
OK, I now know that html does not work here. You learn something every gosh darn day!
ahh, Contra…
Wasn’t there a code with B,A,B,B,A at the end.
I remember that being real important to me about 12 years ago and I can’t remember what game it was for.
Ya Gotta Show Mad Love For The Universal NES Konami Code!
Contra I, or a few other Konomi games, right on.
I believe the B,A,B,B,A was for Bubsy for Genesis (and possibly same code for SNES), though I cold be mistaken. 🙂
Wow…and I thought I was a nerd. I am nothing compared to all of these people. It’s like a convention of the uber-nerds.
It’s absolutely excellent.
HAHA!! I haven’t been to the site in a few days, but when I saw U,U,D,D,L,R,L,R,B,A,Start… I knew exactly what that was. As a matter of fact I recently bought Contra for NES a few days ago in E-bay. Man I feel like a nerd, and it feels good.
Wil, that brightend my day. Konami before they started to suck… NES games are still the best games. Did you know The Ataris have a punk song called “Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start”? It kicks ass too. Everyone should check it out.
I Bought A Playstation One Controller And One Of The Metal Connectors Are Missing But The Controller Works Fine. Does GTA3 Support Vibration On The Playstation One Controller Because It Doesnt Work On Mine.
Ok, it was originally the code for the original Contra for NES. Now it is used in hundreds of games because of its greatness. Yes you have seen it with B A B A SELECT START, that is the two player code, both are for 30 lives per person.
What’s Crackin! – Just need to go Play Bingo – for my Online Bingo Habit! But I cannot Find a Good Bingo Online website to cover my bingo addiction!
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