I have no idea what the hell is going on here, but I think the caption says it all.
Thanks (I think) to Courtney, who sent this to me.
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With respect to the ongoing discussions and arguments regarding AI, I present a couple of images I coaxed out of Stable Diffusion this morning, when I asked it to help me make some Psychedelic Black Light Klingon posters...
Take two minutes, for you, because you deserve it.
A very nice editor at Huffington Post contacted me yesterday, and asked me if I would be willing to grant permission for the site to republish my post about the […]
I think it’s just a cheesy publicity stunt.
No clue.
Speaking of WTF, tho… how about that figure skating? (;
When were Ricky Martin and Metallica in the same venue together, anyway?
OMG. That’s……wrong….
I bet they hit him after the cameras were off
That picture should be illegal. That’s just wrong. WRONG.
hey I hear the russkies are going to shoot one of the n’stink kids into the Sun on a rocket; maybe they have room for those 3, too. Or at least Lars.
You know what..IU’m officially scared..
That’s bout it. I’m scared
Lars and James look a bit embarassed to be sandwiching Ricky Martin. I would be embarassed, too, if I got really drunk and all I got was a backstage pass and Ricky’s “special attention”.
bwahaha..thats classic
I think its just getting into the spirit here… celebrating diversity an all that .. 😛
That’s not cheesy.
The Cheese doesn’t approve of music that cannot be shared or that could potentially steal its girlfriend…
good freakin’ lord.
OK everyone sing along,
We are the world,
We are the children
We are the…
Is that a subliminol Halmark logo there on the TV screan?
uh, no
I think that Ricky Martin must be a Metallica fan. I can’t believe that Lars and James are fans of Ricky.
As for figure skating, Sarah Hughes performed wonderfully during the free skate.
“Wow, I’m actually hanging out with real musicians.”
Jeez! Ricky sure has narrow hips.
Wonder if he can do a quad like Timothy Goebel.
WTF??? is right!
Thanks, Wil. That’s going right into my collection of “Signs the Apocalypse Is Inching Closer to Reality.”
actually, this isn’t surprising at all, just your usual moment of cheesy pop-acts mingling. And for those who were wonderin: the real Metallica were replaced by record company clones years ago (ca.1990).
/me agrees whole-heartedly with Andreas
This just makes me shake my head and sigh “I’m glad I like real crappy bands that no-one knows” 8-P
*runs screaming from the computer*
I’ve been coming here for awhile now but never commented, until now. Now I have a purpose. That purpose is to say “What in the bloody blue hell is happening to this world?!” I am thoroughly frightened now. * sits and waits for the world as we know it to come to a horrifying, pop induced halt*
After a quick bit of searching, I found this page:
which says:
James and Lars were seen at a Ricky Martin concert at the Oakland Coliseum Arena on July 24th. They watched the show from the soundboard, then made their way backstage and said hello to Martin.
The world is getting weirder by the minute…
Sweet mother of God.
I personally think Metallica sucks anyway.
“The world is getting weirder by the minute” -Lionfire
“In the 60s, people used to take LSD to make the world weird. Now, the world is weird, and people take prozac to make it normal.” – guy from Blur
Jesus fucking Christ, I think Metallica is totally losing whatever coolness they had leftover after they lost most of it when they released the Load of an album.
You know, money does strange things to people. Fifteen years ago, who would have thunk it?
I remember back when Metallica had Long Hair, and they were cool with kickass music.
I think it’s like in that old story about Sampson and Delilah, you cut your hair, you turn into a suckass wimp.
but then… Ricky Martin had long hair too…..
James and Lars went to a *Ricky Martin* concert?!! What’s next..? Britney headlining OzzFest? Anyway, that picture reminded me of something Monsieur Wheaton wrote in September:
…I’m on the way home with Anne, and this really wussy song comes on the radio, and she says, “Is this The Crash Test Dummies?” (One of the wussiest bands in history, for those of you scoring at home)
“No, it’s Metallica.” I told her.
So if any of you were wondering if Metallica has completey lost it, there you are. I can’t believe that the guys who croak out “Until It Sleeps” are the same guys who gave me whiplash in 95 listening to “Damage Incorporated” and “Master of Puppets”
Holy shit! The Metallica Slashers were right! They *have* been fucking!
“It’s game over, man. Game over! What the fuck are we gonna do now?”
Answer: They’re all corporate rock whores?
Eh … I think they look kind of cute together. :o)~
brrr….sure is cold down here in hell these days…..
And from another point of few…
Get those weird heavy metal freaks away from my Ricky Martin! They’re just trying to steal his talent!!
No, seriously, I’m a waay bigger fan of Ricky Martin that I am of Metallica. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions.
weird metal freaks?? Hey, we have feelinga too y’know…
Weird metal freaks….indeed. Pffft.
Anyhow, we all know Mr Martin likes a little bit of man lovin’, especialy when he gets treated to a spit-roasting..oooh yes…. 😉
ok…that makes me twitch…
i didn’t think they could get any more commercial and corporate. ah, well. i’ve been wrong before.
it’s amazing how the big road tours, videos, then videos with girls, radio play, etc. were all bad things until metallica started doing them. sometimes i wonder if cliff hadn’t been killed, would they still be big sellouts? i don’t know.
ah, well… i still sneak a listen to master of puppets (my girlfriend’s) when no one’s looking…
That’s going to replace the whale in my nightmares.
What the hell… if Kid Rock can get up there and sing country with Hank Williams, Jr, why not Metallica and Ricky? Either way, your ears will bleed…
MetalliWhore and Ricki Martin… slut central?? Geeze, as if MW can’t make enough money by selling themselves to the RIAA, they have to get RM and his sleeze to pay up for a shot like that? What is this world coming to?? I guess, “Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Good googly moogly.
Maybe Ricki’s going to replace Jason Newstead on bass.
Metallica and rikki. Oh that so does not go together. WHO IS RUINING MY FAV BAND!!
metallica is obviously using ricki as there poster child for their anti-Napster campaign.
“Poor little Ricki has lost millions of dollars…”
Comment, Part Deaux:
Posted by AMStrange at February 22, 2002 01:57 AM
“James and Lars went to a *Ricky Martin* concert?!! What’s next..? Britney headlining OzzFest?”
Nope… it’ll be Britney heading Ozzy… on her knees…
EWWWWWWWWW!! how did this happen!!! I bet they Kicked RM butt after they took the pic, it wouldnt be good for legal purposes to have a pic of RM beaten up now would it, so they had to take the pic before they kicked his A**!
*Looks at the picture*
*Rubs eyes*
*Blinks again*
Alright…I’ll bite…
Someone throw me a bone, I must be missing something here…Metalica….Ricky Martin…Metalica…nope, sorry, I can’t seem to make the connection.
Isn’t it obvious what’s going on here?
Ricky’s trying to live la vida loca. :0
Thank you, thank you…I’ll be here all week.