Apparently, my poop tastes like candy.
Lots of people emailed me this link, because they authors used my picture in their advert, and I gotta admit, it’s pretty damn funny.
And I love that the ad goes: Britney, Gillian Anderson, and me.
That’s right, baby! Somewhere, somehow, someone thinks that I rate with the two hotties.
Speaking of Hotties, FARK has this post about voting for the 100 Sexiest Women of the Year at FHM magazine. I don’t know how it happened, but take a look at the bottom right corner of their graphic.
And thank you to everyone who commented on the last post. I read the whole thing when I got up this morning, and the perspective I’ve gained through your thoughtful remarks is very comforting.
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Hey Wil,
I just watched a story on 20/20 about the SAG strike, where a small-potatoes actor was banned for life from the SAG for auditioning for a commercial(which he didn’t do when he found out there was a strike)and where Elizabeth Hurley was forgiven for doing several commercials during the strike claiming she didn’t know about it.Same with Tiger Woods and Shaq. Both knew (IMO) there was a strike yet neither was banned. What’s up with that??
ps. I’m not blaming you of course.
I’ve been burned by unions and consider them all corrupt in varying degrees.
pps. I think your Moron Link is dead.
Um, dunno if someone’s makin’ fun outta your site mr. wheaton 🙂
You don’t know?
That was one of the sweetest parodies I’ve seen in a while.
Tee hee
Yo all, Wil, I stopped in to say man o man….
Wil, thanks fer being a sport about that FHM sexiest women voting….. that definatly made my Friday ! For those that aren’t FARKer’s, it started as a joke, to vote for Wil….and the guys at FHM magazine caught on and first placed Wil in the banner…..then all hell broke loose !! I’ve never laughed at my monitor that hard before. Peeps I work with were looking at me weird !…. that link is to a page I set up with the banners in order…throughout the day…as FHM changed it.. …password is ‘Farkers’ (no quotes). I know “Wedge” a farker set up an animated one that kinda slide shows them all, but it’s 1.4 mb and I can hear you 56ker’s cussing already…
Thanks again Wil ! and if your ever in Las Vegas, I owe you a Guiness(sp?).
Hello! In my oppinion you are hotter,but then again I have loved you since the late 80’s and early 90’s. You have always been my favorite actor so it probably doesn’t count that I think that. I think it does and I am very sure your wife would think so too. Thank you for reading the reply’s not many actors/actresses do, so thank you:)
Man, what a great comic strip! Even above and beyond lumping Wil, Britney, and Gillian together.
I’m another LJ’er who reads Wil’s site daily.
Haven’t had time to read through all the notes in this list, so someone may already have posted it.
Go look at
(Might have to type it in yourself, as I don’t know the codes to drop hypertext into a post offhand)
Funny-ass parody of Mr. Wheaton (SIR!)’s site.
well, we can’t have THAT as the last post !
denny likes poop sites
This doesn’t have to do with anything on your site really but are you going to make an appearance in the new Star Trek movie?
This is the second time I’ve been directed to this page via a random google search. The first time I was looking up “food with faces.” The second one was trying to find the email address of my friend “Bil Withonel” (with one ‘L’).
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