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With respect to the ongoing discussions and arguments regarding AI, I present a couple of images I coaxed out of Stable Diffusion this morning, when I asked it to help me make some Psychedelic Black Light Klingon posters...
Take two minutes, for you, because you deserve it.
A very nice editor at Huffington Post contacted me yesterday, and asked me if I would be willing to grant permission for the site to republish my post about the […]
I’ve loved Homestar since I first saw it a little over a year ago.
I bet most WWDN-ers already know, but if I enlighten just one monkey, it’s been a good day.
cute… thanks wil!
Well, you’ve enlightened THIS monkey.
And, lo, it’s been a good day!
Remember to read Strongbad’s email!!!
Um, yeah… I’m clueless and about to be enlightened. 🙂 Off to check out
Why does Strongbad never to an adult film?
Wil, Wil, Wil, whatever am I going to do with you! You’ve taught me so much about how to waste time on the computer. Thanks!
Welcome to Strongbadia! Population: Tire!
Best. 404. Ever.
If only it were a real 404, though…
You should probally put a link button on your site Wil 😛
Cheers Wil, you’ve just loaded me up with yet another homework-stalling technique.
A One that isn’t cold is barely a One at all.
Oh boy…
*goes and checks it out…bookmarks it..comes back*
ROFL…another enlightened monkey here. Thanks Wil! 🙂
You could make it a link on your side bar. I’ve been to that place before, but I’ve forgotten how fooken funny it was. 🙂
I’ve been a huge fan of Strongbad for quite some time now. His emails are some of the funniest things ever.
lets get ready to LOOK SO GOOD!
Strongbad Rules!!
I don’t get it, so it must suck.
Heh that was cool wil thanks… I’ll have to check the rest of it out tomorrow 😉
I figured that most WWDNers were Farkers too and therefore already knew about “Homestar Wunner” but I guess not. Good call on linking it then.
Thanks for the link, Wil! Some silly, funny stuff there. Being a first timer at the site, I clicked the link for First Time Here? I loved the Homestarrunner trying to get the intro right and having to do lots of takes – I don’t suppose that seems at all familiar to an actor, eh? 😉
Thanks for the enlightenment!
For some reason there was a People Magazine on our dining table, and Strong Bad was in it on a T-shirt some guy who lost a bunch of weight was wearing (in the After photo).
I’ll pay $1.25 for a nude pic of Marzipan.
You worry me, Wil Wheaton. You reeeeeealy worry me! >;}
So now all someone needs to do, is put H*R on the Enterprise… Strongbad would make a great Klingon…
Now I am starting to worry myself. Gah! Where the hell is my prozac?!
It’s dot net!?
I see you have resorted to distraction now Unca Wilie.
You can’t fool us…WHERE IS YOUR BOOK?!!!
[sing song]
Where is the book?
[sing song]
Where is the book?
[sing song]
Where is the book?
EVERYBODY>>>>Where is the book?
See what you did to me , Wil? I had to tape Joe Millionaire so I could play with this site. Hmmmm, I need a life, don’t I? 😉
lol that was funny 😀
I am glad you write enough to keep me up with these things. Craaaaaaazyyy.
Strong Bad for President!
Hey, it can’t be any worse than the choices we’re normally given…
Ooh! I’ve been into the homestar runner site for about….a year, I think. Most of my friends just don’t get it, but when I click on something like Strong Bad’s email or Marzipan’s answering machine, sometimes I laugh so hard I almost have an aneurysm…..
Arrgh..I hate monkeys only to find myseld becoming a monkey!!!
Thanks, Will….really…
Oh . . . Hey Wil. How long have you been standing thewe?
I’m still confused by the title: It’s Dot Net!
I hope you don’t mind this plea for info., Wil..
I LOVE that site!! Strongbad emails crack me up everytime. Comic book, Tragdor and Japanese cartoon are my faves at the moment. Ive downloaded the songs, too. =o)
*hits the post button singing “everybody everybody”*
The ironies are amazing I just found out about this and was gonna post it…..Darn….Well i posted some humor about a monkey instead.
I’m so glad to see you finally put a link to that one Will! I wrote an email to ya once with that I think cause I thought you’d like it. A year you’ve been reading it though… thats longer than me anyways! 🙂
Oh and about the title for those that still don’t get it. Click on the ‘first time here’ button on the site.
Hey Wil, have you written to strongbad? They’d HAVE to publish your e-mail if its coming from you. They’d prolly get strongbad to beat you up klingon style or with a laser just for kicks.
I luuuuuuuuuuuurve HSR! Rock on, Wil.
This is exactly what we need during this time of sadness. Some well deserved humor in our lives. Thank You Wil
Yup, Homestar Runner is a well done, funny Flash Cartoon.
Some of you might remember that Robert over at Retrocrush did an interview with the creator:
i’m quietly awestruck and quite confused, wil.
i want to say, “thanks”, but i’m not too sure.
thanks anyway.
See? This is why I check out WWDN every morning. Homestar Runner is the funniest thing I’ve seen in months!
“guitar” was the first Strong Bad email I read. I haven’t gotten to the other ones yet, ‘cause that first one made me pee myself.
This does not look good for Homestar Wunner…
hehe. I love that site. Sadly I did not get my much desired Pom Pom shirt for xmas since their store sold out in December. Sigh. Soon, it will be mine. Yes, it will be mine! 🙂
Only 6 more days until the next email…
Oh, and some of my fave emails for newcomers to the site:
-little questions
-trevor the vampire
-spring cleaning
-50 emails
-property of ones
-action figure
-some kinda robot
Check them out. 🙂
My friend Justin (who apparently knows the Brothers Chaps) introduced me to around Halloween 2001. It just keeps on getting better. 😀
Total awesomeness.
I was the only person in my art class to recognize Strong Bad on my teacher’s sweatshirt. Now she says I’m guaranteed and A and we have our own little conversations in the middle of class about the latest email every Monday! 😀
This is the funniest thing ever….well since i rediscovered the word boobs at least.
Ha, boobs *giggles*
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