According to The Onion, I am.
This is too cool!
I had an audition for John Doe again yesterday . . . but I didn’t nail it. I have a call for CSI later this afternoon.
Update: The role, which was about six lines, shoots tomorrow, and I haven’t heard anything, so it’s not happening. I’m actually sort of glad . . . if I’m going to be on CSI, I’d rather have a bigger role that I can do more cool stuff with. While I was out there, I ran into Scott Grimes, who I’ve known since childhood, but haven’t seen or spoken to in almost a decade. It was great to see him, and we made plans to get our families together for funtimes. So it wasn’t a total waste of time and miles on my car. 😉
Busy, busy, busy . . . and you expect me to watch your damn cats? There’d better be Anchor Steam Liberty Ale in the fridge, buddy.
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WooHOO! First comment!
Let there be Wil-Power!
BTW, hope you get the CSI one… I don’t watch John Doe, and even the presence of the great HMIC won’t make that happen (I hate FOX- they killed Dark Angel AND Titus…) but CSI is probably the best show on TV right now…
Much mojo for CSI today!
And you better be keeping a good eye my cat. Be careful, because when he gets in a mood he likes to bite. And he only gets one bowl of food a day. He’s a little on the chubby side…
Oh, and your darn Ale is behind the milk in the fridge. *mumbles under her breath about costing and arm and a leg*
Read some of the reasons why Nemesis failed cause Wil wasn’t in it enough in the comments of this Slashdot post:
Funny stuff
Yea, I hope that you get CSI, then I could get my wife to watch you. She only know’s what you look like from the TNG says…
i hope you get the john doe gig, that’s a good show. i heard it was being cancelled though.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Anchor Steam Liberty Ale……..
I personally think CSI would be really cool.
Hey, you’re one above God in heaven.
So you got that going for you.
I loved the “Baby’s Third Through Eighth Words Registered Trademarks” bit too.
Oh, and *mojo* for CSI.
Hope you get ’em Wil.
Hey, Wil, good luck on CSI. That’s a really good show and people watch it! Ever since FOX stopped showing The X-Files, the network has been a graveyard for shows… I don’t think people watch it anymore. But CSI is a really good show… yeah! So break a leg!
Anchor is the name of the brewery. So Anchor Steam is a beer, and Anchor Liberty Ale is a beer, but Anchor Steam Liberty Ale is nothing at all.
But I too prefer the Liberty Ale to the Steam. So there you go.
No Anchor anything, but there’s Guinness and Abita Purple Haze!
Hey Wil
saw this link reported on slashdot today – Rick Berman finally answers the question as to why Nemesis tanked (answer: he doesn’t know).
If you landed that part on CSI, it would be so much coolness in one place that I think my head would spontaneously explode.
But hey, it’d be worth it. Yeee! 😀
::mojo ahoy::
Hey Will,
I have 5 Guiness in the fridge – please leave me at least one…
Thanks dude,
Is there no discussion about PAX movie? I saw it with my girlfriend to learn that she is a huge Wil Wheaton fan. We stumbled upon it and lo and behold, my girlfriend of 2 years comes out as a WW fan. Terrible movie though. We enjoyed it anyway.
Cripes, I’d have to leave you a pony keg to watch my psychotic cat…
Mmmm. Anchor Steam Ale.
Is there some cat-related piece of trivia I am missing that would make them put your name on there? Or is it just some weird joke on how you spend your time? Anchor steam liberty ale? Is this good beer? like “Mmmmmmmmmmmm… Beer” kinda good? I recommend Red Hook Hefeweizen with a lemon, oh is it delicious.
Would you watch my dogs?
[sending mojo your way for CSI]
Hey, thanks for looking after our cats, man. You helped make our 6-month vacation a possibility.
Here’s an extra $1 for changing the litterbox, too.
I hope you get on John Doe. That’s one of my favorite shows right now.
The Wrath of Wil
Search for those words here:
Hey Wil,
Found this music vid of Leonard Nimoy singing some song about Bilbo Baggins.
Someone was hitting the wacky tobaccie alittle hard back then….
The san diego union tribune mentions WWDN in their article in the currents section, “A penny for your Blogs”. Aint it cool?
Hi Wil,
Please be extra nice to Herbie, our Persian today. He likes to murder bugs so if you happen to find any bring them on in. He is quite an expert at dispatching spiders. However, when the legs tickle he will spit them out, only to eat them later (after much claw action) when they are more “still”.
Otherwise, he’s a regular cat.
Have fun and no laser pointers please.
hey — good luck with CSI. i don’t watch john doe either, so like other posters i’m sending you mojo for csi. the way i see it, i’m grooving on anthony michael hall’s “dead zone” show as of late. i wasn’t going to watch at first because i can only SEE him in the breakfast club, or, coming out of a bathroom stall with panties in his hands for all the school to see. his career seemed to have tanked, but this dead zone program (and his role as bill gates) have impressed me greatly.
speaking of revived careers — i watched book of days. i loved it. i’d watch it again.
i’m “stupid in love” with wil wheaton.
rock on.
Thanks for watching my cat. You’ve been a real help.
hmm…yes…auditions…good luck!
We have CSI here *points at TV*
That means nore Wil than we can possibly imagine….for an hour at least.
And you had Onion recognition. Truly you are great.
Inspiring first post. And so relevant. Thanks Dake.
*Waits for people to tell him to stop being a troll*
It’s my problem. I will deal with it.
Come Igor. To the Audition Mojo-Tron! Away!!!!
Ahh the good ole Onion!! They never fail.
Mojo on the CSI audition, Wil….
The cats? Oh, God, the cats
I’m a big fan of CSI. I hope you nail the part. All the best.
Her Name is Phoebe and she gets a big bowl of dry food for the day and a largish scoop of the canned in the morning. (Partials are in the fridge and new cans are under the sink.) We will be back on the 15th.
Wil, I for one would be honored to have you watch my two cats. Assuming, of course, you could handle the “TerrorKitty and Hairball” duo. Trust me. The younger cat is a major terror, attacking anything and EVERYTHING that moves, makes noise, or just sits there, including any and all inanimate objects, the other animals, and TOES. She isn’t even afraid of the watergun anymore. I honestly believe she is the only cat I have ever seen that will, completely willingly and without hesitation, jump into a sink full of water and like it! The other cat is just a typical feline, shedding her solid white fur all over anything she sleeps on. This of course is just about anywhere in the house, with preference being baskets full of clean laundry. :}
As far as CSI goes, all I can say is that I hope you get the part. I personally don’t watch it, but will probably make an exception for episodes that you are in. Hopefully you’ll get to play a character that stays alive throughout the entire episode and not the luckless sap who ends up with a severe case of rigor mortis in the first 15 minutes…
As far as the baby who’s first were were all trademarks, I wonder how long it will be before the owners of those trademarks slap lawsuits on the family, trying to get royalties out of them.
Wil, if you get on CSI I will be the happiest camper in the maritimes!! Good luck!! Hope you get it! :)!
Good luck for both spots on “CSI” and “John Doe”, Wil.
We watched “Book of Days” the other night and I thought you did quite a nice job with the role, even if the movie was a little bit heavy-handed for me.
As for the cats … no Anchor Steam, but we are well stocked with New Castle …
Ooh, Wil potentially making appearances on real TV shows. Cool!
Think that the airing of your movie (formerly known as Boise and I can’t remember the real title) had anything to do with it?
Face it Wheaton, you’re an actor. Don’t fight the dark side.
I think Wil should be watching Phil Spector.
Heya Wil,
Now, I don’t have a cat but my upstairs neighbors do and when you come and catsit DON’T BE A STRANGER, y’hear? I gots an arseload of beers in the fridge (Sam Adams’ Cream Stout and Winter Lager) and a copy of Toy Soldiers I bought second-hand from a rental store; come on down, bring the cats, I’ll bust out the houkah and we’ll have a grand ol’ time. I also taped “Boise” but … sniffle … it’s just too soon.
And when you catsit my parents’ cats be careful of the black one, she loves to have her tummy rubbed, but she’s a bit flatulent.
Major mojo for CSI!!!
I wonder if Uncle Willie will be get to be a dead body? I wish I could be a dead body on CSI, that would be so kewl.
So I guess the only other question is….
Las Vega$ or Miami?
If you DO make the CSI audition (which I’m sending mojo for), please tell us which episodes so non-watchers of the show can check it out. Good luck and stuff!
Well, I don’t have any cats (yet). But you could watch my 8-year-old who likes to crawl up and down the stairs on all fours. And I hope Pete’s Wicked Ale is good enough.
CSI! DUDE! Good luck on it!
Hey Wheaton,what would happen if a cat fell *cough* * cough* out of an open window with a buttered piece of toast on its back?
You should really try for a part on one of the Law and Order shows. There are 9 of them I believe, so your chances are good. Plus I’d think you’d make a great psychopathic killer.
Mr. Wheaton:
Will Romulan Ale do?
As far as for cats, it appears the neighbors’ cats have been using my flower beds as a litterbox again. Time to get the phasers out…..
I clicked on The Onion link but I don’t see an article or anything about you!
I’m sending mojo to you for CSI anyway. 🙂