I just got hellabusy, so I know that if I wait until I have the time and focus to write all about my audition I’ll never do it, so I’ll just hit some of the highlights, because I think there are 10 readers scattered across the ‘net who really want to know:
- I haven’t gotten any feedback, so I don’t know what they thought. Usually, if they like what I did, I get a call the same day, or (at the latest,) the next working day. It’s been two days, and I haven’t heard anything, so I am pretty sure they didn’t like what I did, or found someone else who they like more.
- The character description was “uptight conservative,” but the script seemed to contradict that. My take on this guy is that he was just a tool. He was trying really hard to be cool, and overcompensated like crazy. He calls everyone “dude,” “bro” and “hombre,” and gets really excited to put on his Creed CD . . . which I thought was extremely funny. I played him very big. Maybe a little TOO big. Normally, if they are interested in me, I’ll get a little direction if I go too big or not big enough, but I didn’t get any of that. Which means I was right-on, or I was so far off it wasn’t worth their time.
- I had a really good time. Everyone in the room was actually quite nice, except for the guy who was really put out that I didn’t bring in a resume (I thought they already had one,) and they all laughed very hard at all my ad-libs. There’s a difference between “laugh track” laughter, and genuine “oh wow! I wasn’t expecting that and it amused me” laughter, and I felt like there was much more of the latter than the former.
- I got to see my friend Maureen there. Seeing people I like when I’m on auditions is always a good time.
- Unless I am totally off, I made a good impression on the casting people, which means they’ll consider me again for other roles.
Sorry that it’s not the cool narrative style I wanted to use for the report, but I gotta work on Just A Geek so I can turn it in by the end of the month.
It rules the MOST that so many people shared encouragement and stuff, and I wish I had something more definitive to report . . . but this not-knowing is a BIG part of being an actor, so you get to share that with me instead. I’ll post more details when I have them. 🙂