I just got back from Vegas, and I want to do a quick recap.
I only have a few minutes (I’m using Ryan’s computer, since my Linux box has a blown-out monitor, and the logic board on my iBook exploded — for the fourth time in two years — Thursday morning before we left) so I’m going to make a very quick recap of some highlights now, before I forget:
I now present the best of . . .
We made it to Vegas in about 4 hours, which was nice, but along the way we got a phone call that put our family medical terror to rest. I can’t go into it right now, but everything is going to be okay, and I want to thank everyone who kept us in their thoughts, and sent us their positive mojo, or prayers, or voodoo dances, or snake charming magic.
Thursday night, Anne took me to Blue Man Group at Luxor (one of my favorite shows, ever — I’m kind of a Blue Man Group Geek), and I got to go backstage, meet the Blue Man (Blue Men? Blue Mans?) and take home a painting that they made in the show!
Friday was my big performance day at the convention, so it’s really hard to pick out the top moment . . . but here are a few:
- I met some people who are longtime readers of WWdN, and they shared with me how this lame website has had a really positive impact on their lives. I was overwhelmed (if you’re playing the Joy Of Tech Drinking Game, drink now) and very moved that the things I write here could mean so much to someone I’ve never met.
- My performance from Just A Geek and Dancing Barefoot was awesome! The room was almost full, and I felt like the audience was “with me” the entire time. Near the end of my time, Brent Spiner walked into the room, and told me, in front of everyone, that he’d read Dancing Barefoot “cover to cover,” and that he liked it! Then he told me to wrap it up, so “these people can come over and listen to me talk.” It was really funny, and really cool.
- Our Earnest Borg 9 show absolutely killed! I was scared to death that we weren’t going to be as good as we were in Pasadena, but everyone in the cast, as well as my wife and parents who were in the audience for both shows, thought it was better! After the show, I went out to dinner with the cast, my folks, and my friend Kat, ate massive dinner, and gambled until the sun came up (well, until the sun came up on the East Coast, but still . . .) When I left the tables, I was actually ahead. Okay, so it was only 15 dollars ahead, but it’s the first time I’ve left ahead in about five years.
It was a great day. I met tons of fans who saw the EB9 show, and / or my reading, and the comments were totally positive. I also sold out of all the copies of Just A Geek that I’d brought with me!
Overall, it was an awesome and fantastic weekend. Adam and Gary put on the best Creation show I’ve been at since . . . well, I think it was the best Creation show I’ve been at in my life. All the fans I talked to seemed happy, the show felt very well organized, and everyone seemed to be having a really good time. You know what? It felt like a fan-run con!
It was also the best time I’ve had in Vegas in years. It was pretty crowded, but Lady Luck stayed on my arm the entire time I was there, and I am actually 35 dollars in the black, baby. Oh yeah. I am such a high roller, I think I hear the Travel Channel calling me right now.
There are some other details that need to be filled in, but Ryan has been patiently waiting for me to get off his computer, and I’m so exhausted from the weekend and the drive home that I don’t know if I’ll even make it down the hall to my own bedroom.
OH! Holy shit! I can’t believe I almost forgot to mention this: There *will* be an audio version of Just A Geek, unabridged and performed by me, available in September! If you’re coming up to Powell’s Technical Annex on August 6th, I’ll have some preview CDs to give out.
Okay, that’s all for tonight. Thank you to everyone who sent kind birthday wishes, too. That rules 🙂