I forgot to mention this until just now: On Saturday the 23rd of October, I’m going to be at the Dallas Comic-Con at the Plano Center, in fabulous Plano, TX. I’ll have copies of Just A Geek, Dancing Barefoot, and the last few preview CDs for the audio book version of JAG. For all you Munchkin players out there, I’ll have a very few “Heart of the Anomaly” cards, as well.
wil wheaton!!!photo by: ilisufor wendywho
So let me explain what is going on here: Wendy is a friend of mine, and she sent me a note that this sweet girl had my book, and posted about it on her buzznet moblog.
I thought it was too cool for words that someone was so excited to have my book, they took a picture of themselves with it!
buzznet has this new premium feature where you can add anything from a buzznet blog to your own blog using xml-rpc, and I thought this was as good an image as any to try it out.
fossilize apostle and I comb it with a rake
It sounds like lots of people have been tuning into the stream of my performance from Gnomedex, and enjoying it. That rules!
There was a suggestion in the comments from the last post that I should do each chapter live, and put the whole thing together into a collection of “live” performances. My friend Jim actually suggested something like that to me about a year ago, and I’ve been planning to do it with Dancing Barefoot. The plan is to set up four performances down at the ACME theatre (two a night for two nights) and then cut together the best stuff. The results of that recording will be “Dancing Barefoot — Live” or something spiffy like that.
I know I’ve mentioned the Just A Geek audiobook before, but it’s almost finished! David Lawrence has been helping me produce it, and we’re about 50% completed. I’m working on it some more tonight, right after I’m on The David Lawrence Show. (David and I are going to talk a lot of politics and stuff, which should be interesting because we agree on most things, but sharply differ on others.)
I just started Sean Astin’s book, and even though I’m only 18 pages into it, I am having a hard time putting it down. Wouldn’t it be cool if Sean and I did some book signings and things together? When I finish his book, I’m going to call him and suggest it.
Just A Geek audio and video from gnomedex now available!!1one
Linucon trip report is in the works, but it was honestly such an amazing weekend, I’m having a very tough time picking out just the highest of the high points.
Until it’s finished, though, I’ve got something that I think WWdN readers are really going to like:
IT Conversations has put up the audio of my reading from Just A Geek and Dancing Barefoot at Gnomedex!
Quoth the website:
You may know him for his portrayal of Cadet Wesley Crusher in Star Trek: The Next Generation, but inside the skin of an actor is a geek trying (successfully) to get out. He’s the author of the weblog, WilWheaton.net, and two books: Dancing Barefoot and Just a Geek. In this presentation recorded at Gnomedex 4.0, Wil reads original unexpurgated excerpts from his books, takes questions, and sits down for an interview with IT Conversations. It was one of the highlights of the weekend. Guaranteed to entertain, whether you’re a Star Trek fan or not. This is Part 1 of 2.
The audio is outstanding, but it’s not the best performance I’ve ever done (that honor is currently assigned to my performance at Linucon.) As I’ve mentioned before, I was terrified when I went up there, and I can hear the tension and apprehension in my voice as I try to connect to the audience . . . but about thirty minutes in, I think I got more comfortable and hit my stride. I’ll post part two when it’s out.
The entire performance is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 license, so please, please, please share it with people.
I’d love to hear feeback from anyone who tunes in.
UPDATED: In the comments, tsu points us to Part Two. Cool! Thanks, tsu!
Updated again: There is also Video of the performance (.wmv) available as a torrent file (mpeg is on the way, apparently. Sweet!)
home from austin
I just got home from Austin, and one of the greatest, superest, funnest, most bestest weekends I’ve ever had in my life.
I’m on about 4 hours of sleep, and my day started twelve hours ago, though, so I’m gonna go fall down for a little while. I’ll put up a trip report as soon as I can get my shit together.