I wrapped CSI on Wednesday. A brief audioblog about it is here.
I watched the show last night with Anne and the kids, and drove them crazy with comments like, “Oh! Behind that wall is where the craft service table is!” and “See where that corridor curves? That’s the end of the set and if you take a right you’ll walk right out of the stage.” and “Jorja Fox is even more beautiful in person.” and “I was totally in that set on Monday!”
They endured my enthusiasm with patience and good humor. Heh. Anybody else see it? It was seriously the most disturbing episode I’ve ever seen.
Lots of people have asked what flavor of CSI it is, and when it will air. It’s the original CSI (the one in Las Vegas) and it was apparently going to air the first week of March, but it looks like CSI is going to be preempted by March Madness, and it will air later.
But! You can see my World Poker Tour Hollywood Home Game on the Travel Channel on Sunday February 20th. I hardly ever caught cards that night, and I hope I don’t look like a total dope when it’s cut together.
I’m playing in the WPT invitational in less than a week, and I haven’t sat at a poker table since November . . . I haven’t played NLHE in even longer, and I don’t know when I’ll have time to get my game back up to speed between now and then. I have figured out that I need an extra four hours in each day, so I have time to write, be a husband and stepfather, and play poker and D&D. Can someone get on that for me? Thanks.
My latest Games of our Lives is up. This week, I look at a Space Invaders bootleg called Cosmic Monsters:
Let’s be honest, okay? You take the Earth for granted. We all do. But a horde of Cosmic Monsters have turned their greedy, multi-faceted eyes on our Big Blue Marble, and they’re determined to bring their unique brand of alien terror to mankind! Luckily, you’ve got three shields and a missile base that moves left and right. Though the Cosmic Monsters are numerous, they don’t have the most advanced battle plan, so be prepared for them to move from side to side as they drop closer and closer to Earth. And since saving the planet may not be enough for you (it is the ’80s, after all), you will be rewarded with points, hundreds and hundreds of points, which you can use to… uh… impress your friends, or something.
Sketch is doing really well! I’m leaving in about twenty minutes to take him down to the kitty cardiologist for a re-check, but I am very hopeful that he’ll get a check-plus from his doctor. He’s eating, grooming himself regularly, and his breathing is between 24 and 36 (depending on how much he’s been playing with his Kitty Hooch mouse, of course.)
My friend Kevin is in an art show at the Richard Heller Gallery Saturday night. Kevin is a fantastic artist, and all you Westsiders should check it out.
Oh! I’m officially added to the lineup at the Creation Grand Slam show in Pasadena March 11 – 13. You’ll notice that March 12 is a Saturday, which means if you’re coming to town for the convention, you could take a field trip to Hollywood that night and catch me and two other EarnestBorg9 cast members in our supermegaawesome sketch comedy show Acme Love Machine.
It’s raining here, and there’s a pretty strong breeze blowing across my backyard. There’s a tiny hummingbird with a shiny green breast sitting on a telephone wire that connects to the eave just above my office window . . . the wire’s moving all over the place, but he’s not letting go for anything. That’s cool.