My CSI airs tomorrow night, and E! Online’s Guilty Pleasures said some nice things about it today. There’s no perma-link option that I can find, so here’s the blurb:
CSI: The Next Generation
It’s not like we sit around reading blogs while we’re supposed to working–we totally don’t–but sometimes our work leads us to read blogs. (Just trust us, okay?) Anyway, fans of CSI, blogs and Star Trek: The Next Generation will find no greater confluence of goodness than on this week’s episode of the forensic crime-stopper series CSI (Thursday, 10 p.m.), starring Wil Wheaton, onetime Ensign Wesley Crusher and current blogger, as a homeless man who, at least according to Wheaton’s blog, has bad hair and rage issues. Certainly, more drama will ensue, and we can’t wait to watch and then read about it on Wheaton’s site. After work, you know.
After my episode airs, I’ll be able to write in a lot more detail about the specifics of filming it, and comment on how the final cut reflects and differs from what we shot.
Man, it’s only one day away! I can’t believe it’s already here.