Monthly Archives: September 2005

deep in a dream

In the past two weeks, I’ve developed a really annoying case of insomnia, and right now, instead of joining the rest of my family in Morpheus’ sweet embrace, I’m on my bed, with my powerbook on my lap. Chet Baker is keeping me company while I experiment with some creative writing.
Ferris snores on my floor, Anne is snuggled up in her sleep cocoon, and through the open window above my head, cool air pours down on me, bringing in the faint smell of gardenias.
I just heard a train blow its whistle in the distance, probably near Union Station, and if I’m very still, I think I can hear/feel the thrumming of its engine . . . yeah, I can. That’s cool.
A car just drove down my street, and a bird is singing in my neighbor’s yard. Ferris just started to dream: she’s kicking her legs and barking in her sleep . . . I hope she catches whatever she’s chasing.
This insomnia has been driving me crazy . . . but right now, it doesn’t seem so bad.

spreading the word

I just got the following e-mail from Larry Dixon and Mercedes Lackey:

I am trying to get this out to as many platforms as I can, so anyone who can cross post this for me, I would be greatly appreciative. We have about 3 acres of land set up for refuge for people who need it, as well, we are working on coordinating both a lift for people who need it, as well as directions for those that have transportation. Most of the information on this can be found on Right now, we’re trying to get the word out as fast as possible for all our brothers and sisters in the SciFi and Fantasy community, so any aid in getting this word out will/is appreciated.

I took a look at Larry’s site, where he says

“I’m an experienced emergency worker (7 yrs volunteer firefighter, 2 yrs stormspotter & CERT (Civilian Emergency Response Team)). Mercedes Lackey and I have an existing charitable foundation we are turning towards the effort of helping the fantasy, scifi, and roleplaying games fans hit by Katrina.
When Katrina was coming in, I packed up my rescue gear for activation, and began putting together a civilian relief convoy to help out the Gulf Coast fandom. The high-level dispatch I saw today is, in as many words, “Nobody Goes In” during the continued, and perhaps complete, evacuation of the Gulf Coast. The only aid people that are being specifically asked for at the moment, through my channels, are fast water rescue teams.
So, the angle of the fan/pro/gamer aid effort I’ve been assembling is now shifting on the fly—from one of going in with supplies for those who stayed and pulling out those left homeless, to instead, locating the fans who HAVE evacuated, and relocating them to places they can get back on their feet. We’ll be taking some in ourselves up here in Oklahoma. We have room and resources in house for six or so people and our contractor is readying to rebuild the garage into a bunkhouse to accomodate up to 22 at any one time.”

Spread the word, if you can. Larry and Mercedes seem like Good People™ who are evidence that you learn about what people are really made of during the bad times. And this is a really, really bad time.
In a semi-related story, as of this posting, PokerStars players have contributed well over $10,000, (which will be matched dollar-for-dollar) in our Katrina Relief Tournaments.