I’ve been watching I Love The 80s 3D for the last 90 minutes or so, and I keep seeing commercials for I Walk The Line.
Huge Johnny Cash fan that I am, I have been really excited about this film . . . but I’m scared to death after seeing the commercials. I really hope the personalities of the lead actors don’t overwhelm the characters they are playing.
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I’m excited about the movie too…but probably not for the same reasons you are…uh.
I’m tiring of that “80’s Name That Tune DVD” commercial. If I see that dopey man on TV wildly looking around like he’s gotten the trots and can’t find a bucket to squat over, I’m gonna poke pins in my eyeballs.
I should be sewing my kid’s costumes. Sigh.
I’m watching that two. Wierd. Neither Mr. Phoenix or Mrs. Witherspoon are WB actors, so I think you’re okay. Thank GOD AND ALL THAT’S HOLY, Katie Holmes didn’t get the part. Or worse, Kirsten Dunst.
sewing costumes, eh? hell, i’m still WEARING mine…we had trick or treat tonight, so i walked around the neighborhood in a reneissance costume with a skirt i kept tripping on…
I too have not stopped watching the “I Love the 80’s 3d” blitz. Yea, I would hate for a movie about Johnny Cash to become a “Joaquin Phoenix/Reese Witherspoon” picture and hope it honestly reflects the man as he was. And if I see the 80’s DVD Name That Tune commercial again I’m gonna totally puke, man (I’m really just mad because, for the life of me, I can’t name the stupid Winger(?) song in the commercial).
Blogging should be like Johnny Cash. OK, kinda cheesy, I know. But there it is.
By the way, I love the 80’s rocks and all, but be honest, readers, how many of us are watching it wishing we could be delivering some of the commentary? Oh, wait, is that just me? *sheepish* Sorry.
Huge Johnny Cash fan that I am, I have been really excited about this film . . . but I’m scared to death after seeing the commercials. I really hope the personalities of the lead actors don’t overwhelm the characters they are playing.
Ditto. Likewise, I really hope Joaquin doesn’t pull a Jamie Foxx on us.
If a Cash movie had to be made, why not the Folsom Prison album as the subject?
I am very excited for the release of Walk the Line. The trailer I saw in the theatre didn’t scare me at all. I admit that I wasn’t totally thrilled about Reese Witherspoon playing June, but she might be able to pull it off. I think that if anyone could portray THE MAN, it would be Joaquin. He doesn’t seem like a prima donna attention whore and I should hope he’d respect who he’s playing. How could you not respect the Cash???
Anyway, I grew up on Johnny Cash and his music has always been a part of my life. I have such wonderful memories of car trips with my family and all of us singing along (my sisters and I liked It Ain’t Me Babe because it was the only one my mother would sing along to). I know his death (sniff) stirred up a lot of fans, but I know there were legions of them around before that. I guess we had to wait until now for a movie to come out. I hope it’s worth it!
I think Joaquin will do it proud. Reese, eh..I dunno. But Joaquin is like a Gary Oldman, he can morph.
I have to say that I am SO happy someone else said that the guy from Midnight Oil looks like the guy from The Hills Have Eyes. I just have to cyberly (yes that’s a word now) slap you a high five. No one else has EVER said that that I have seen or heard. I can at last die happy.
I’ve been compulsively watching it, too. I have to say that I love the sideburns, and that with you and Weird Al on the show, the commentary is much more fun to watch!
Also caught it, but being over 45, kept wondering why there were not more commentators who were of legal age in the years being discussed…sorry, Wil. *grin*
Amendment: I was talking about “I Love the 80’s 3D” above, not I WALK THE LINE.
I was really excited too when I saw the preview. I had read about it a few months ago in EW. I actually believe Joaquin will be amazing. I’ve never been disappointed in his abilities as an actor and I think Johnny Cash would be proud.
When they first cast this movie, I was disappointed and petrified. But after seeing the trailer, I think Joaquin will pull it off as well as anyone (playing JC is quite a challenge, given how unique he is).
However… I’m still very concerned with Reece. That one just seems very, very off. If she manages to pull that off, I will sing her praises (not a fan, presently). But I’m not optimistic.
i saw you on i love the 80s on friday! 😀 i was supposed to go out to dinner at 5 but i made my friend wait 30 min so i could see the sideburns 😉
i heart joaquin, and i think he’ll be fine, but reese tends to play reese, so i’m not so sure about her. ahh well, still want to see the movie!
Just wanted to let you know that it’s “Walk the Line,” not “I Walk the Line” (Sorry, I’m a perfectionist.)
I personally think the movie will be great and both Joaquin and Reese will do fantastic jobs. I mean, if both Johnny Cash and June Carter-Cash (reportedly) chose the actors that would portray them, I would assume they felt these two would do a great job.
I watched I Love the 80’s 3D, but I didn’t see the commercial about Walk the Line. Could be because I usually flip channels during commercials. I like Joaquin, I think he will do a good job.
Steph- The song on the 80’s Name that Tune commercial is “The Final Countdown” by Europe. I yell it at the tv everytime that commercial is on… *embarassed* Winger was more.. “dirty” than popish Europe.
Wil, your comments made me laugh. Thanks for your wonderful contributions of the wonderful 80’s.
I am looking forward to ‘Walk the Line’. I think Joaquin Phoenix will do a good job. I don’t know about Reese though. It could be worse. I think that it’s awesome that the actors in the movie made the actors sing and play the instruments and that none of it was dubbed.
Since we Tivo anything and everything now, we skipped over most of the commercials. However, I was so glad to see you get a lot of screen time on I Love the 80’s this time around!