Just a reminder that The Friday Game at PokerStars is all set up, and taking registrations. We had 152 players last week, and I can’t wait to see if we match or exceed that number this week.I’ve had a great time in the first two games (even though I haven’t gotten anywhere near the money) and I’m excited to see what the third week brings. I can honestly say that I’ve been looking forward to the game all week.
Last week, I live blogged the action at CardSquad, and I plan to do it again, to keep the "TV table" meme alive.
Here are the details. Please share them as you see fit:
What: WWdN: Up4Poker Invitational
Where: PokerStars.
When: Friday, October 28th. 9:00 PM EST
Password: monkey
Tournament number: 14090593
Buy-in: $10+1
As always, if you bust me out, you get naming rights for next week’s game . . . but I’m feeling lucky this week, so watch out for my raises. Hope to see lots of you there!
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Is it feasible for me to sit out for 200 minutes then come in and stage a comeback and win this thing? Otherwise I’ll have to sit this one out too… :-/
Though I did get down to $65 in a 10-1 SNG yesterday and came back to salvage a 3rd Place from it all, so maybe I can pull that off…
(craziest SNG I’ve ever sat at, may provide History wil if you are interested)
See you in future WWdNs!
(PokerStars ID: SeedyV)
I’m really looking forward to this weeks tournament. It’s been really fun playing in these. Although it’s going to be late over here in the UK. There’s every chance I’m going to be blind drunk…that seemed to work for the first week so it might be a good idea to try it again 🙂
Hopefully I’ll see you again at the “TV Table” Wil
While i’m new to the whole Poker blogging scene, I caught a good screenshot from the first WWDN Invitational Tourney that I feel the need to share. Heres a link to the blog post, and a link to the screenshot.
It shows my brother (penner42) and I having presto at the same time, with the exact same suits, and it has our host and tournament winner in the shot too… Enjoy.
See you all at the tourney tomorrow.
(PokerStars ID: penneriii)
Sadly again I will only be able to watch this one. Hopefully tho I will be in the one after that the Friday Nov 4th one.
Good luck to all those in tomorrow’s game.
I think I’ll actually be able to catch this one! (as an observer)
I’ve been a lurker on the site for a while and you’ve even got me playing on pokerstars, though I think I have many thousands of hands to play before I will venture forth onto the cash tables.
Good luck to all involved.
Hey Wil – hope to see you again tomorrow night. I doubt I will catch the rush I had last time, but we’ll give it a shot. 😉
C’mon kids – if my sorry, ah, game can win one of these, it’s at least 50% luck, why not sign up. For $10 it’s a ton of fun, and you can rub elbows with the big dogs.
Hey.. I’ll be rootin for ya sparky lol 😉
Hey, I’ll be rooting for ya sparky lol 😉
ick! sorry for double post ;P
Thanks Misty. 😉
Nice! Finally a WWdN tourney I will be able to play in. Most of the good games happen while I’m at work, since I’m in Alaska.
See you at the tables, Wil.
Once again, I can’t actually play in it, but I will be watching. Good luck to everyone who plays!
Unfortunately, as a sportswriter who covers the Friday Night Lights (of New Jersey) I will not be able to make any tourneys on Fridays. Hopefully there can be one on another day of the week (Sunday, maybe?) so I can participate. Good luck to all this week.
After my stunning victory 🙂 over Dr Pauly in the bloggers tournament I can only guess that next weeks tournament will be called the Terrymr tournament.
ok b.s. aside … I hope to be able to make it and have some fun.
Finally. A reasonable fucking time.
Now watch… I’ll fall asleep or something.
WOOP!!! I’LL BE THERE!!! thought i’d miss it ’cause i’ve been tapped for Trick Or Treat duty tonight, but since it’s at 9, i’ll be able to make it! WOOP WOOP!!! just gotta make sure i finish the dishes…aw screw it, i’ll do the dishes afterwards!
Have fun all, can’t play this time, because it starts at sparrow-fart in the UK. I look forward to playing with you when we’re *all* awake !
well, now I got 2 peeps to cheer for 🙂 sparky and SWhoBA 😉
ok – I’m originally from the UK but have no idea what “sparrow-fart” means.
I hope you’ll keep these games going for a couple more weeks at least. My PS persona GamblinBug has been on hiatus during our house remodelling, so she’s jonesing for some action.
“sparrow-fart” is that time of day when sleeping sparrows have no fear of breaking wind.
In other words, the early hours of the morning.