Heeding the "it’s not real until you’re actually on the set" philosophy, I haven’t written about this movie that I’m working on tomorrow.
Yeah . . . I booked a movie! I’m have a cameo as a director called "Alan Smith" in this great movie, which has a title I can’t disclose. I’ll call it The One Where Wil Wheaton’s Cameo Kills And Wins Him Some Stupid Award (TOWWWCKAWHSSA, which is actually pronounced "Toe-wik-a-whissa." Which makes me giggle like a product tester in the nitrous oxide factory.)
The thing is . . . I was supposed to work in the morning and make it to the ACME show at night. I just got my call time, and they’re bringing me in late in the afternoon. Unless they change the schedule, there is no way I’ll be able to make it to the show. I know that several WWdN readers are planning to come to the show tomorrow night, and I reminded the folks at The One Where Wil Wheaton’s Cameo Kills And Wins Him Some Stupid Award that they assured me the movie wouldn’t conflict with the my show. They’re working on it, but I’ll be very surprised if they can shuffle around an entire day’s work just to accomodate a day player, (even if he name *is* in the title of the movie.)
The cast will survive without me, and the show will still be hilarious, but if you want to see me do my funny, you’re probably better off waiting until next week.
Check back here in the next couple of hours, as I’ll update when I know for sure whether or not we can make it happen.
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ooh! first post! finally! congrats Wil! i hope it works out for you…
Good luck Wil! Congrats about landing a movie role 🙂 YAY! I know we all look forward to seeing you in film again, in any form 🙂
Are you sure that part isn’t for “Alan Smithee” — one of the most prolific, although thouroughly misunderstood, film directors of all time?
I hope to star in my dream role someday in “TiM’s WIG To MOW JiM” (The Movie Where I Get To Makeout With James Marsters).
Juvenile as it might sound, I assure you, I’m only doing it for the sake of art.
(seriously though, Wil, let us all know ASAP as soon as it’s safe to tell us about the movie!)
Good to hear, Wil! I always like hearing good news about other people…it’s always more exciting than my own good news for some reason.
And just because I said I would, here’s a little text capture from just after Wil got knocked out of the tourney:
SWhoBA [observer]: dun tell wil this, but i wanted to be Ashley Judd
SWhoBA [observer]: *blushes*
Nice game Wil, I hope to observe a few more before trying my hand at losing my shirt.
*reads Shane’s comment* O_O *mutters* bastard…evil bastard! I PAID YOU THE CASH!!! WAS THAT NOT ENOUGH?
You never went away, Wil…you just got better:-)
Congrats on the movie gig, Wil. That rocks!
Congrats on the movie gig, Wil. That rocks!
Just saw today that your blog is in exile. Was delighted to see you on ” I love the 80’s 3-D” this week, and laughed when you told Wesley Crusher to shut up! Looking forward to seeing you back on the big screen as well 🙂 Congratulations 🙂
I’m so thrilled for you! Uncle Willie’s making a comeback! *dances and throws confetti*
I saw you on I love the 80s and had to tape the whole damn thing just because of your geekiness (okay, ansd Lance Bass is hot, but I swear you were first reason)! The Wesley Crusher bit was lovely…although did you have to screw with my view of the Snuggle bear? I love Snuggle…*twitch*
Toe-wik-a-whissa? That right there is why you are my Geek King!
Awesome news!!! Have fun!
Congrats on getting a part in the movie.
Great to hear about your movie. I just found your blog today, I was watching you make fun of yourself on I Love the 80’s 3D. Funny stuff.
You’re playing a director named Alan Smith? That’s a little too close to the infamous “Alan Smithee pseudonym for my taste. Hope you have fun doing it and I can’t wait to see it!
Top on Wil’s filmography at http://www.imdb.com is some film called “Demon Board (2006) (filming)”. Of course, the only character listed is “Detective Joyner” played by Jeffrey Coombs, so I have no idea if this is merely the working title of TOWWWCKAWHSSA but I am suspicious…
Yay for you! Congratulations! I am so happy.