I had a meeting with an agent tonight.
He asked me, "What do you want to do? What’s your five year plan?"
"I want to write," I said.
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I had a meeting with an agent tonight.
He asked me, "What do you want to do? What’s your five year plan?"
"I want to write," I said.
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I wrote A LOT about my sons, and our relationship, during this five year mission. It's rewarding and special to look back at those posts, now, knowing everything I know.
After a long Exile, I returned home this weekend. Until the heat death of the universe or I stop blogging (whichever comes first), I'll be back at WWdN.
This is the second to last post I made at WWdN:in Exile. I’m copying it here for completion’s sake. In 2001, blogs were very new things. In fact, as much more time was […]
This weekend, after way, way too many years in exile, I’m finally returning home. Wow. Typing that made me feel all the feels. I wasn't expecting that.
. . . more to this story later. I’m exhausted.
Kind of a big tease isn’t that.
Write Wil, if it is what makes you happiest.
Life’s too short
I think it’s great that you want to write. But do you realy need an agent for that?
Funny how things change, huh?
Literary agent, acting agent . . .
or cleaning agent?
Go for it!
I have to say that I really enjoyed your appearance on CSI and I was looking forward to seeing you acting again. Having said that, WRITE. If it’s what drives you then do it. As a somewhat frustrated writer I say if it’s what makes you happy and you don’t do it then nothing else in life is going to seem right. Besides if you don’t write another book what on Earth am I going to get my best friend for his birthday next year?! 😛
They say the key to good communication is brevity, but I think that story was a bit short even by those standards.
You got moxie, kid. I like moxie.
Sorry, dunno where that came from.
There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be a professional writer. You’re great at it.
To quote your former Captain… nah, I won’t do that to you.
I hate that question. I feel like every person who has asked me that was trying to setting me up to knock me down. It never feels like the person is actually trying to help me.
Good answer by the way. I imagine that if he is an acting agent that it didn’t enthuse him to work for you. You can act and write, you know.
Fuckin’ A! Write your heart out, I already know you have the talent. Seriously.
I’ve recently come to the conclusion too that it’s something I’d love to do for the rest of my life… write or make art of some sort. Life, for me, was “OK” but on the blah, marginally happy side for several years now.
But recently, I’ve really made the effort to have music, films, poetry, art, etc. surrounding me every day of my life. Then it was easy to write, the ideas just flowed. And I’m so much happier. It’s not exactly making a living for me (I have another job) but it makes me happy in life.
As soon as I get a job I will go out and buy your two books and read them. I really loved you on I
My boyfriend asked me that question last week and I answered it the same way you did. I bought new writing books over the weekend and actually did the exercises in them this time. Then I realized it was Novemeber and I signed up for nanowrimo. What a great way to kick off a dream.
I know how great you’re feeling right now. Best of luck and lots of mojo to you.
Are you sure you didn’t say, “I want to rock?” Dee Snider would have been proud.
Write!! I loved your first two books, and while I still hope to see you on the screen (big or small) I want to read your words! I even subscribed to Dungeon magazine because of you! So please write!
I just sent you an e-mail with a call for submissions to a poker story anthology. It seems to be a perfect fit for you, so if you go for it, I wish you luck.
On the fires of life, stagnant soup gets burned, but stirred soup gets flavor. (So it’s okay to “Mix it up”. It will add more flavors to your stories.)
…Maybe I should have added the words “IN BED” at the end of that!
I’m a writer, but I’d really like to edit.
I just wanna dance!
Act so you have the money to write.
http://www.defectiveyeti.com/ is sponsoring a short story contest….check it out.
In whatever creative medium you choose to pursue, I believe all of us will still be here reading your chronicles as a writer, actor and bonified “Pro” poker player. As my ole boss always reminded me as I made my choices: “Do what’s best for you”. So do what’s best for Wil Wheaton… we ain’t going any where!
It’s wonderfully ironic that you’re already tired out after writing just four lines–I think you might have work on your endurance a little bit….
It’s funny, when your were on I Love the 80’s 3d, they listed you as “Wil Wheaton, actor”. I immediately said to the tv “Nuh-uh, he’s Wil Wheaton, author/actor”. As much as I love to read your work, please don’t drop the “actor”.
I second CaptAngel’s statement. Do whats right for you and your family. :o)
I enjoy writing, that’s a recent development. I suppose it’s because for the first time in my life I am writing what I like, and what I know. So…I know why you want to write. All those ideas screaming to get out.
It is just -so- hard to actually find the time to do it and do it well.
Do what you love, of course. That advice is as old as western civilization.
I’d still like to see you act as well as write. In a perfect world you’d end up as Zoe’s new love interest on a relaunched Firefly series. 🙂 The five year plan question is a hard to answer. Situations change and people change. Can one sustain a singular goal through all those changes? Those with a clear vision can. The rest of us are trying to decide what that vision should be.
There’s nothing wrong with being a writer! 😉
In fact, we need more screenwriters out there who have acting experience like you do.
But I have to admit, I think your acting skills are pretty damn good. I caught a rerun of the “CSI” episode you were on, and it was fun to watch you in action.
I agree with both: Do what you want? and We will still be here! My week would not be the same without coming here.
I second the “what a question”! I have never known the answer to that question and while at one time I may have wanted to know – now I hope that I never do!
Five year plan?! I couldn’t come up with a 5 month plan.
Yay! I made it! Exile, Wil? Wow. I have a lot to catch up on!
As for your aspirations…here’s a quote for you. I’m sure you’ve heard it before:
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you’ll land among the stars.” – Les Brown
You’re an awesome writer Wil, and though I love your non-fic, I’d *love* to see you try your hand at fiction next time!!
The Goddess of Justice and Vengeance
P.S. I’ve been earning Geek Points in my absence! I’m up to Level 4.6! I even know some HTML! OMG! I can actually sort of understand some of your more techie posts now! Whoo hoo!
I read ‘Just a Geek’ last night in one sitting. Looking forward to reading some more…
Will, there is what we do, and there is what we do for a job. I’d recommend you make a small window in your life for the book, Good to Great. I make money being a soldier, but my passio is elsewhere, and my skillset is elsewhere — I am also seeking to find that right thing that balances all three ($, skill, passion). Be a hedgehog, Wil, be a hedgehog….
amen, brother!
The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem…
5-year plan? I have no idea what I am gonna do 5 minutes from now. Live life via the second…
If you’re lucky enough to get to do what you love, then that’s what you should do, by gum.
and tell us more of this story!!
Good for you Will. Keep on writin’!
I’ve read quite a bit of your blog now, but haven’t commented. First time, long time.
It’s great to be able to do what you want. I’m trying to get to the point of earning a living from my writing. I’m no where close, but luckily I have been afforded some time to try and work it out.
Here’s to both of us having great success!
Keep up the good work!
Book Writing?
Yes, Wil. Art is absolutely correct. Good to Great is a little known book that’s on my ‘must read’ list.
Ok, truthfully, it’s the ONLY book on my ‘must read’ list. It’s about the top 11 performing companies out of 1400+ surveyed. It took many many moons to collect the data for this baby, and it’s very imperical. I love the way that the information is presented, in a ‘take it and draw your own conclusions’ format. Sure the book gives -some- speculation and digs a little deeper into the ‘why company X has been so successful’ but there’s a lot of damned insightful stuff in there.
Instead of Hamlet, I wish my grade 12 teacher made me read THIS instead.
Be a headgehog!
Ah, you’re already writing, Mr. Wheaton — and doing well!
I hate that darned “Where do you see yourself in 5 years” type of questions. I know… the point is to see if the interviewee has goals and a focus. But I think it’s time for new questions.
“You’re gonna be a great writer someday, Gordie”. Sorry: I just had to say that. Keep writing: I read your first two books and loved them.
Much as I wouldnt mind seeing on a screen again, your an awesome writer. I finally got ahold of JaG and finished it within a day (what can i say, I read fast). It was an awesome read. Hopefully Ill get ahold of Dancing soon, and I believe I read somewhere your working on #3? Awesome. Write. Your 7th grade teacher was right. Your an awesome writer.
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