And now, your weekly reminder about the WWdN Friday game at PokerStars, which PokerGeek has dubbed "The biggest homegame in the world":
What: WWdN: Donegal Invitational
Where: PokerStars.
When: Friday, November 4th. 7:00 PM EST
Password: monkey
Tournament number: 14391236
Buy-in: $10+1
It’s hard to find a starting time that can accomodate everyone who wants to play, but the 7:00 PM tourney a couple of weeks ago drew the largest field, so I’m trying that time again this week. I know that it’s not the best start time for West coasters, but if I set the start time much later than that, it blows it for almost all of the people East of us. In an effort to accomodate as many people as possible, I’m going to add a game for us on Thursdays, which I’ll call the WWdN West Coast Warm-up, unless someone can come up with a better name. It will run as long as there are people interested.
For more poker blogger shennanigans, I also endorse Saturdays With Dr. Pauly:
What: Saturdays with Dr. Pauly
Where: Poker Stars
When: Saturday November 5th at 1pm EST
Tournament Info: #14338880 (check under Private Tournament Tab)
Password: hiltonsEligibility: Anyone with a Poker Stars account
Attire: Pants optional
Pauy’s tourney has some really cool bounties and bustout gifts, so if you’re going to play, check out the details at Tao of Poker.
If you play a lot of online poker against total strangers, the social element of the game is largely lost. That’s a real shame, because when I play with friends, I always have a good time, win or lose. That’s the goal of the WWdN tourneys, and I’m sure Dr. Pauly would agree. Check out last week’s live blog to get a sense of what I’m talking about:
6:39 PM – The tournament is shocked into silence as we learn that the blogfather has busted. GG, Iggy.
6:44 PM – I finally got to checkraise! w00t!
6:45 PM –
I’m sweating PokerGeek’s table, and — no shit — they had THE HAMMER
the same time we had THE HAMMER on my table. I think that’s a goocher.7:13 PM – Bouncin’ around the room: Ferris and Riley were
playing really rough in the hallway behind me, with the barking and the
running around and the wrestling . . . I guess it was too much for
Ferris, because she just walked into the room and flopped down at my
feet. Her little dog head is resting on my foot now 🙂8:05 PM – Spaceman
just made another set with pocket rockets, and busted penneriii.
Spaceman has 18100 now, and lept over patrickjst to take second place.
GRobman is still the man with 25089.Penner42 said: three sets in one orbit? Must be nice.
Spaceman said: I’ll take what I can get, Alan 🙂
EVDevil03, who is clinging to life with 4785, dryly observed: I just want to get out of this table alive.
See? The biggest homegame in the world. 🙂
If anyone has suggestions or comments about the WWdN games, I would love to hear them. See you tomorrow!
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I’m signed up for it, Wil. Looking forward to it, it should be better than the Katrina Tournament where I spent 90 minutes sucking blinds until I actually had a human at my table. ;*)> I’m practicing my suckout moves! (*chuckles*)
Poker’s fun, but shouldn’t you be writing???
Ok, ok, just kidding–wish I had time. have fun, everyone!
I would like to state up front, that after an extensive search of all the sites Wil has linked to from here, I still cannot find the answer to the question that has been bugging me for months.
I’m from a state that’s too pious for it’s own good and doesn’t allow the evils of gambling so I have past experience unless you count cheating at Euchre with grandpa.
A few weeks ago Dr. Pauly made a nice post describing the meaning and history of some of the more poker recently coined poker jargon — including THE HAMMER.
This is a completely unrelated comment, but I needed to post! I blew a tire on my way into work today, and called ahead for my students to watch a film in the Social Studies library, “The Day Lincoln Was Shot,” until I made it in. And just who was I surprised to see playing the role of Robert Todd Lincoln??? You were great!
Tomorrow night is the last high school football game of the season for our team, so I should be able to make the Friday tourneys starting next week. I might even stay up late on a Thursday and join the left coasters now and then. Looking forward to it!
i’ll have to pass on the shennanigans this week…my school formal is tomorrow, and it starts RIGHT AT 7! well, at least i have a date…Nick’s such a cute little geek…
So where’s the thursday game? or did I miss the part where you said next week ?
I would love to be able to play in the tournament but it looks like it will need to wait until either
a) Poker Stars has a client that will work with a Mac
b) We finally hit even a mini lottery and can afford to get our computers networked
Gamblin Bug is in, baby.
I go with Shallar. no mac == no sale. Sorry.
7pm EST is midnight in the UK. Too late for me unfortunately. 🙁
If you’re using OS/X, you might be able to get WINE to run under it. Then you can use the Pokerstars client under WINE?
Well, for someone who doesn’t have much money this tourney is huge for me. I finally made it. Good luck to us all.
I’m hoping to make it today.
Unfortunately for me, I got excited and signed up early last week, but then got held up at work and missed the tourney. Pokerstars was still kind enough to take my cash and give me a chair till I was blinded, in 55th place. I forget, what did you place last week? 🙂
Thanks to food poisoning yesterday, I’m off work today and can play! Seeya at the tables.
When there are Intel Macs, WINE might be a viable choice, but as long as they’re using PowerPC chips, it’s a no-go.
PokerStars also works with VirtualPC. I know that Shane Nickerson plays that way.
I will ask my wife about the WINE (it’s her computer and I know almost nothing about IMACs). We do have O/S X on here… hmmm…. .
We used to have VirtualPC on here, but took it off since it was using too much disk space.
Many thanks to everyone for the suggestions… if we can get it to work, I’ll be out there with y’all.
no pokerstars linux native client?
for shame.