The feedback on RFBep0 has been great. Everyone seems to like it, and the constructive criticism has been really helpful. Thank you, everyone, who left comments or sent in e-mail. I quite obviously still have
some growing to do, but the two major criteria (was it fun for me, and
did the audience enjoy it) seem to have been met. I think it’s worth
trying another one, and incorporating the notes.
(I was going to write down all my thoughts here . . . but I think I’ll just put them into RFBep1 🙂
I set up a new e-mail address for the show, too: questions can still go to ask at wil wheaton dot net and comments can go to podcast at wil wheaton dot net.
I figure that if I can do four of these things, and I can manage not to suck, RFB will get its own location, like or something, so I can set up special podcast feeds with feedburner and have show notes and other exciting things. I’ll also figure out some sort of schedule, so the show is coming out on a regular basis.
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Enjoyed the podcast. I don’t think any time limit should be used. Just choose how many questions for each podcast and go from there. Keep the podcasts coming!!!!
I also didn’t like the time limit…every time you would mention it I would think “No, wait, keep going!”
I understand why you would want to keep it a certain length, so it’s easy on the listeners, but don’t put too much pressure on yourself to stay strictly within that timeframe. A few minutes more or less won’t hurt.
I agree with the time limit thing, it’s good to have a target range, but don’t limit yourself to try and be exactly 20 minutes or whatever.
Also, I sent you an email regarding adspot exchanging for your podcast and my groups internet radio station, so I resend the whole schbang to the podcast address?
Hey Wil,
I liked the podcast a lot. The slinky song really came out of left field. I liked the story about meeting the guy from Firefly and I hope you’re right about hitting it out of the park at the audition.
By the way, where does the name Radio Free Burrito come from?
One word: terrific.
Great podcast. Aside from the fact that you emphatically stated it was a first go at it, nobody would ever know you were a podcast neophyte. Keep it up and I’ll add it to my list along with LugRadio. One point of feedback: it didn’t seem long at 30 minutes, and you held my attention tremendously. I especially enjoyed the segment about Sean from Firefly. What great shows (yours and Firefly)!
Enjoyed your first podcast, you should post files on I’ve had good luck with for serving up audio, video, podcasts. You should check em’ out. I’m not affiliated with them in any way, just like them and thought you might find their service helpful.
Great first pod cast Wil… I have enjoyed reading your blog and now to hear your voice truly shows the passion you have for all the subjects you write about. I will continue to listen/read for as long as you post! Thanks for making my life a bit more fun!
Good stuff. Glad to hear there will be more of The Burrito! Can’t wait!
Annie is right. You are the King of the Geeks. And we are damn lucky to have such a freaking cool leader. 😀
Please excuse the drooling fangirl moment there. I’m just stoked about RFB!
I’m glad you enjoyed it
off subject – Christmas lights?? any cool ones in your area?? I have been decorating all day so I’m really in the holiday spirit which is the only reason why I’m asking
Hello Will and everyone here. I just thought of a few things. First off do you know that Wil was in the VH1 Holiday thing. I can’t quite remenber what he talked about.
Also I can place myself in the 10 degrees of Wil Wheaton. I was an extra in the movie explores which River Phoneix was in also Ethan Hawk was in it also. Though they and I was young. So I can actually say I worked with River before Wil. LOL, The cool part is since we were all kids we all hung out.
Unfortutely If I was to be an extra today (which I have been) with adults my age they wouldn’t give me a second glance. I’m not near there society chart
I also happened to been an extra on a Hallmark movie . The name of the said movie was Blindspot starring Joan Woodward and Laura Linney. Well anyways somewhere on the show is someone that also worked in the Star Trek NG. Patti Yasutake Nurse Alyssa Ogawa. I don’t really know if Wil work on NG at that time.
So bascially I’m a want to be star. I just get little parts, but its still cool being on a movie set and getting to meet some nice people.
Sorry Wil not trying to hijack your Blog. Just thought I’d let you know that I might have 6 degrees of Wil Weaton. LOL
Great first pod. Like others have said, I wouldn’t worry too much about the timeline. its important to try and stay on track, but who cares how long it takes. I noticed the same things about Jeremy’s podcasts when he started LQ radio as another way of getting Linux and Linuxquestions out there. You just keep forging ahead. It’ll settle out to what it will be (or Wil be).
Dude. You are SO COOL! I am so excited and I hope your podcasts become a regularly scheduled event. I really enjoy your blog, your writing, your sense of humor, and your stories about your family life. It’s nice to know you’re a “normal” guy. Kudos on your podcast and you’ll work out the kinks eventually.
great podcast!…you sound so natural…conversational…and make it easy for the listener to get swept up in what you’re talking about…you could take this podcast to just about any talk radio network at have a contract to do a show before the day was over…i’m thinking in particular AIR AMERICA…but there are others where you would fare well…i really enjoyed the podcast…and i hope to hear more in the future.
K, Wil, I just sent you a question for the next podcast.
Should be easy to answer.
If not, I tried.
Hi Wil!
I also just wanted to say that I really enjoyed RFB. Keep up the great work!
Can’t wait to listen to the next one. Also can’t wait for some nice “RFB”-T-Shirts to show up.
How about that? ;o)
Hi Wil,
My husband and I just loved your podcast. It was so fun to listen to you. The lead in (and out) music was excellent. The fact that you didn’t edit yourself made it very enjoyable. My husband listens to podcast all the time and he said that yours was the best he has ever heard. This was my first and I would love to listen to more. You would make a great radio host.
PS: I just finished reading “Dancing Barefoot” and I am half way through “Just A Geek.” You are such a good writer. You make me laugh and cry.
Keep up the good work.
One more thing….10 minutes would be too short. 30 minutes was great.
Hi Will,
Why do I suddenly have bad, embarrasing memories of recording a ‘radio station’ on my old tape recorder? Seriously.
Kidding. I’ve never really been too interested in podcasts until I listened to Diggnation. Hope there’ll be more to follow…
Speaking of Wil and his radio-voice, I was talking to an aquaintence of mine (friend is too strong a word) about WWdN, and it turns out he’s one of those “Wesley, and Wil’s portrayal of Wesley ruined my life!!!” types.
So he went off on one of those tangents of stupidity, and I changed the subject. We started talking about gaming, naturatlly, GTA.
You know what’s coming right? He just looooooves the DJ.
There was nothing else to say but “Dude, Wil pwnz you.”
He didn’t have much to say after that. 😉
Naturally, even.
Haven’t listened to the podacst yet. But I did play in the Friday Night Poker Tourney (DollarDon). Had a great time at your table. The cah was quite lively and it was a blast playing with you, Boobie Lover and everyone else!
Also, I posted about the tourney at my blog click
Just thought this might be interesting, especially when I saw the latest comment on this post:
Just thought this would be interesting, especially in light of the latest comment:
26,200 ppl link to Wil Wheaton dot net.
That’s pretty amazing!
Holy crap you moved to TypePad…man, things really DO change when I’m away from my feeds…
So will RFB replace your audio blog ( You haven’t posted to it since April so I assume it will. However, we all know what happens when we assume. BTW, I like the spontaneity of the AudBlogs. My favorite one is about the American Flag doormat (
loved RFB. I hope you keep this up, I whould love to keep listening to it. You have a great radio voice and you’re comforting and enjoyable to listen to.
Radio Free Burrito rocked. Keep them coming, young master Wheaton. I enjoyed listening to your stories and thoughts, especially about Sean Maher. I’m a huge “Firefly” fan. I hope you get that part you knocked out of the park…