I made the (mistake?) of ordering a Venti coffee this morning, and I feel like a little hummingbird right now.
So how about a whole bunch of random crap?
- I love Colin Hay’s album Company of Strangers, especially How Long Will It Last? and No Win Situation.
- Sen. Harry Reid (D, NV) nails it:
"After reviewing the Republican record, I know why Ken Mehlman and Karl
Rove want to play politics with national security in 2006 instead of
having an honest debate about who can keep Americans safe. It’s because
this is a debate Republicans cannot win.
Republicans run good campaigns, but when it comes to actually governing
and protecting Americans, they have a record of incompetence."Right on, Senator. Think you can get the rest of the Democrats together on this one, or are you guys going to totally screw it up again?
- We just added a bunch of new bloggers to blogging.la. I can’t wait for the hazing to begin. I have my paddle and everything.
- Those people who freaked out at me because of my last post? Get a life. Failing that, get a sense of humor.
- I’ve read two amazing books recently, which I’ll mention and recommend later on this week.
- One of the points Stephen King makes in On Writing . . . over and over again is that people who wish to be writers must make time to read. I find that the more I read, the more I want to write, because my writing monkey only digs his claws into my brains when I read something and think, Oh! I can do that, too! Watch me now! I can’t wait to write about Friday night.
- Stephen King has a new book out today, about people who become zombies because of cell phones. It sounds really fun.
- iTunes Music Store use is up 247%, according to a survey which includes some rather interesting facts:
The survey also noted that iTunes Music Store customers were 2.2 times
more likely to drive a Volkswagen than any other car. They also
discovered that iTMS customers liked to drink cider and imported beer.
So I guess that on the road of life there are passengers, and teenaged
drunk drivers.
- One of my favorite bits on Futurama was, "I’m Roseanne, your guide to the world of facts." I love that line so much, I wish I could use it whenever I share some useless bit of information with someone, like, "Did you know that a baby’s head weighs the same as a brick of gold on the moon? It’s true. I’m Wil, your guide to the world of facts."
- I think I already knew this, but forgot: Good news, everyone! There’s a Futurama movie in the works, and there’s even a chance that Futurama could have a Family Guy-esque revival on television.
- Nolan told me the other night, "I love it when Professor Farnsworth says things like, ‘I’m sending you on a mission to Planet Certain Death, where you’ll have your faces crushed by killer robots as soon as you land . . . Enjoy!’"
- I got The Wilco Book + CD for Xmas, right before Santa came down and rained death upon the whole world, and it is really amazing. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, because it’s Wilco, after all, that the CD is as good as it is, but it wouldn’t be shocking if they threw together some "B" material to release with the book (which is awesome on its own, by the way). They didn’t. Several of the tracks have earned a coveted five star rating on my iPod.
- I watched I am Trying to Break Your Heart over the weekend. The best moment in the entire film is when Jeff Tweedy’s son plays drums on his lap, and makes Jeff guess which song he’s playing. When Jeff guesses that it’s Heavy Metal Drummer, he starts to sing it while his son plays the drums on his legs. It’s one of the sweetest and most awesome moments I’ve ever seen. In fact, it was awesome and a half.
- Mt friend Kat is taking me to see Jeff Tweedy when he comes to LA. Ding!
- Night before last, we had 70-80 MPH gusts of wind at my house, which knocked out our power for about 18 hours and destroyed several million-year-old oak trees in my neighborhood. One of them almost took out one of my neighbor’s houses. Yipe. Last night, we expected the wind to come back, but it never did. On the way home from school yesterday, the kids and I discussed the wind, and came to the following conclusions:
- I hate the wind, because it’s so destructive and loud.
- Nolan sleeps through it at night, and if he had to pick between wind and rain, he’d take wind.
- Ryan loves the wind, because it feels like it’s cleaning everything up, and it’s got all this raw, unfocused power.
- We all love days like today, after the wind has gone away, where it’s so clear you feel like you could see to the other side of the world, if the damn horizon wasn’t in the way.
- I had a bit of a panic recently when my Powerbook began acting weird. None of the disk utilities on my install discs worked, and I was on the verge of freaking out, when I was pointed toward Disk Warrior. I can’t praise Disk Warrior enough. It completely fixed all the problems, in about an hour, and my Powerbook doesn’t show any of the obvious signs of the abuse it takes from me, up here on the second floor.
- Though you won’t be able to tell when you read this entry, I’m stopping right now to call Allentown, PA, to do an interview. I really liked the reporter, and we talked for about 45 minutes. I hope I made sense, and I’ll link the article when it comes out.
- This post has way too many indents and sub-indents.
- Bill Hicks just came on iTunes. Who is the modern day Bill Hicks? I can’t think of anyone off the top of my head.
- The movie The Comedians of Comedy is really great, and almost made me forgive Zach Galifianakis for completely stealing a bit from me that I used to do on the J.Keith vanStraaten Show, and using it on Jimmy Kimmel’s show.
- Isaac Hayes’ Joy just came on iTunes. Good thing Anne isn’t home, or this post would be delayed by at least another three minutes.
- Eww! Gross!
- What?
- This post is really fun to write. I think I’ve been taking myself, my blog, and everything in general too seriously lately. (Deadbeats really fucking suck, man, and they can really take a lot of the happiness out of your life) Who cares if everything I write isn’t so goddamned great or important? And who cares if I over-use italics?
- A friend of mine just pointed out to me that I’d created another Prove To Everyone . . . rather than write an entire book about it to slay it, the simple act of identifying the existance of this beast was like turning on the light and realizing that the monster I kept seeing in the corner was just a jacket slumped over the chair. In other words, it was never really there, and only existed because I created it. Wow. I feel like I’ve been breathing through a straw, and I just got to take my first deep breath in months. Thanks, J.
- I think I’ve said everything I need to say, and I’m incredibly satisfied right now. Where is my mind? It’s right here. Rather than push it, I’m going to hit "publish," and go outside to enjoy a little bit of this amazing day we’re having.
I’m Wil, your guide to the world of facts.
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“The Left is out of touch with mainstream America” is about as tired and desperate a talking point as “Clinton did it!”
Bush’s approval rating is 36%. The Republican-controlled congress has an approval rating of 27%. 52% of Americans favor impeachment, as a result of Bush’s warrantless domestic wiretap program.
Face it: Americans are fed up with Republican corruption, lying, and incompetance. It’s a shame the Democrats haven’t stopped listening to their consultants and started listening to We, the People, because our country is clearly ready for a change.
I love your blog. No matter what you write, I always enjoy reading what you have to say, but today, I’ve especially enjoyed your rambles.
I’ll get into the specific notes of your blog on my own blog (http://360.yahoo.com/my_profile.html), but for now, I just gotta say this :
But really, thanks just for being such a cool geek and making me laugh my a** off on a regular basis.
Oh, will I love you all over again… thank you your rambling style and lack of cohesiveness was exactly waht this worn out flake needed! Ya know the baby’s yours right right?
Snorfle… snicker…. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Okay, naw you just sound soooo like my bestfriend, bridesmaid and lil sis, IckaImp/ Icka The imp whose been driven from her homeland by shame & contemp & shacked up with some Math Doctor in NewZealand! Her comp is down & it’s cutting into our IM rambles… sigh, the horror of poor comp management. I’ll advise the disk warrior ASAP. Thanks for the ramble… it really made my day. Do more, Poker bores me. snicker…
I’ll also say that you were the first actor I bothered to learn the name of in a lifetime of ignoring them from a jaded childhood due to living in Torrance– which ain’t far enough from Hollywood if ya ask me!
Hey, come troll me and make me be a better blogger… PLZ! You have become a great writer & moved beyond that cute teen I fell in love w/ but sorry had to keep my black man around… so it’s our first… sorry.
Great post, Wil.
I particularly enjoyed that you mention Stephen King’s book On Writing, it is an outstanding work – a must read for anyone interested in the craft. And funny.
I also overuse italics on an almost daily basis.
Wil, you can be my guide ANY day. Heck, you can be my guide EVERYDAY.
On Writing is an awesome book. My friend Cleggy bought me the book several years ago and I just love it.
Keep writing and don’t worry what anyone else thinks. A blog is a place for you to exercise your writing muscles. That’s why I started blogging. Trust me, I’m not setting the bar for future Pulitzer Prize winners. But sometimes I’m actually entertaining. 🙂
Fly Away Home
Thanks, Magdala.
I may be Conservative…but NEVER small backward or small minded.
I happen to have two very good friends (mother and daughter) who practice Wicca; I’ve been to two of their SamHain (pronounced Sow-Wan for you layman out there) celebrations.
And you probably won’t believe me, but I know one individual who belongs to the Order of Magdala.
I just happen to have a realistic worldveiw.I know that Liberals live in a chocolate-covered fantasy land.
Enjoy dessert.
Word on Colin Hay. Though I’m partial to Wayfaring Sons, myself. 🙂
I have been silently enjoying your words, thoughts and stories for probably a year now — wow has it been so long?
Well, I felt it wrong to not tell you that I think you’re great (well, what I have read is, because I don’t really know you, and don’t want to, not that you’re evil or anything to be shunned, but, you know, all that slippery slope not wanting the message to be misinterpreted and make me out as a stalker or something, and I’ll just get back to it now).
I find your style so warming and fantastic and unexpectedly funny, even when I don’t get all the references… and I just wanted to send along my appreciation for your honesty and courage, and hope you will continue to let the urge to express run free.
I read both “On Writing” and “CELL” this month. I finished CELL Friday night. Both were great books. The whole “zombification of the world” and people trying to get away from the zombies reminded me of The Stand, but the book stands (no pun intended) on it’s own and is a great read. SK fans & non fans will enjoy it.
Keep posting Wil. It’s always great to see a celebrity that hasn’t forgten he’s human. You can jump on a couch if you want to though.
Ballixxe said: “I just happen to have a realistic worldveiw.I know that Liberals live in a chocolate-covered fantasy land.”
Yeah, because they believe that we should work toward peace, equality, and a livable planet. Ha! But really we should just support the greedy power-mongers… they’ll take care of us!
A parting thought to Ballixxe:
It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. *You* have a “realistic worldview,” but you *know* that “Liberals (sic) live in a chocolate-covered fantasy land.” Here’s a radical thought: we both have realistic worldviews. Or maybe we both live in chocolate-covered fantasy lands. But if we can’t at least respect each other’s differing opinions, the world, whatever it’s covered in, isn’t going to get any better. Resist the name-calling, and you won’t have to remind us liberals that we’re the compassionate, caring ones.