"The mind spends most of the time lost in fantasies and illusions, reliving pleasant or unpleasant experiences and anticipating the future with eagerness or fear. While lost in such cravings or aversions, we are unaware of what is happening now, what we are doing now. Yet surely this moment, now, is the most important for us. We cannot live in the past; it is gone. Nor can we live in the future; it is forever beyond our grasp. We can live only in the present. If we are unaware of our present actions, we are condemned to repeating the mistakes of the past and can never succeed in attaining our dreams for the future. But if we can develop the ability to be aware of the present moment, we can use the past as a guide for ordering our actions in the future, so that we may attain our goal". –S.N. Goenka, The Art of Living
Thank you, Michael, for the above quote.
The convention was pretty fun today, even though it was freezing cold in the room where I was set up. It’s Friday, so the crowds were very light (probably 600 people total in the whole place today) which gave me time to visit with old friends, and spend lots of time with the few fans who stopped by my table to chat.
Two long-time WWdN readers stopped by, and shared some incredibly supportive and kind thoughts after reading my blog the last few days. That was really, really thoughtful and cool. Thank you.
I sold about 10% of the limited edition chapbooks — which, I must say, turned out to be really fantastic. I am so glad I had a printer do them for me, rather than trying to assemble them on my own.
The coolest thing happened: about half of the people who bought the chapbook returned within thirty minutes or so to tell me how much they liked it. One woman told me she loved it, and couldn’t wait to hear me perform material from it tomorrow. That made me feel really good, and validated the work I put into the stories, and putting the book together.
There was a camera crew there today, from a well-known late night talk show, and they wanted to talk to me and Chase Masterson. I told them no, because it was clear that they were only there to make Star Trek fans look like assholes, and I wasn’t going to be part of that. For fuck’s sake, you guys: these people are here because they love Star Trek, or Lost, or Firefly, or whatever. They’re thrilled to be around like-minded people where it’s totally cool to dress up and challenge each other to quote-offs. They’re not here so you can laugh at them, you jerks.
Because the crowds were so light, I got to wander the dealer’s room, and really take in all the cool stuff that I used to get so excited about back in the old days; things like FASA Star Trek RPG sourcebooks, classic Star Wars toys . . .
[cheesy fade effect, and some appropriate music, please.]
At one point, I walked past a booth that had lots of classic Star Wars toys in it. I glanced in, and my eyes fell on an original Darth Vader’s TIE Fighter. I had that toy when I was a kid, and just looking at it was like those car commercials where the guy touches the car, and he gets this rapid-fire burst of images until he takes his hand off of it. I saw that toy, and was assaulted by this rapid-fire burst of images of riding in the car to KMart with my parents, hoping to buy a new Star Wars toy, playing with the toys on the gold shag carpeting in front of the brick fireplace in the house in Sunland, running around the back yard in the fading evening light in the dummer of 1980, me piloting the TIE fighter, chasing my brother who piloted a snow speeder. (We weren’t afraid to combine Star Wars and He*Man, so why not combine Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back?)
[cheesy fade effect, and some appropriate music, please.]
I know I only stood there and looked at it for a few seconds, but it felt like several minutes. I like it when things like that happen.
I also got lots of audio to use in a future podcast, and some of it is really cool. I’ll have a Grand Slam podcast next week, probably.
Tomorrow is going to be a great day. The crowds are expected to hit near 2000, and the several cast members from Firefly and Lost will be giving talks. I’m pretty sure I’ll leave my table during the Firefly talks, and I’m going to try to get Morena Baccarin to tell me that she loves me. Failing that, I’ll see if I can get Adam Baldwin to do the same.
And on that incredibly uncomfortable note, I’m going to open a Newcastle, and go watch some TV with my wife.
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Glad it went well today Wil, and I am highly looking foreward to your next podcast. Have a blast during the rest of the convention, and if you can get Adam Baldwin to tell you that he loves you, please take pictures of whatever ensues after. Just kidding. Well, maybe just a LITTLE bit kidding… ;P
What did you watch on the tube with the wifey? Just curious. Which shows capture your attention? or are you just snuggling up for the hey and who cares what is blaring? Love your blog.
Did you ever play the Star Trek role playing game? Because that kind of blows my mind.
And, I’m sorry, but Jewel Staite as Kaylee is way hotter than Morena Baccarin or even Adam Baldwin.
great post Wil! I really felt like I was there. and I am so excited to hear the great feedback about the book. really looking forward to it.
It’s a shame that most coverage of Star Trek (or any sci-fi fans, for that matter) is still of the negative type.
I was interviewed by a film crew, a few years ago, because I was doing a study of Star Trek fans, and they (the filmers) kept trying to get me to draw the “weird line”.
I kept telling them that it’s all subjective – that what I might consider weird, someone else might consider perfectly fine, and vice-versa – so really, who am I to say what is normal?
They never ended up using me. (I wonder if I was uncooperative? (; )
Anyway, the convention sounds like fun! Perhaps one of these years, I’ll get a grant to go out there and continue my research.
It’s a shame you didn’t get a chance to grab a deathstar, you know, to make up for that whole landspeeder issue from your past. 🙂
Morena Baccarin… oh lordy. It was a serious shame she was so underused in Serenity – both visually and the great part of the series she played as Mal’s ‘barometer’.
If you manage a kiss from her it’ll so, like, totally top that whole Ashley Judd thing… right?
Anyway, hope the next few days are good for you, and to you – and you don’t get too many people offering to babysit your dogs. 😉
Your anecdote about the TIE fighter brought back my own memories of G.I. Joe’s storming Castle Grayskull. Good times.
I’m envious that you may get to see Evangeline Lilly, a fellow Canuck. I’m mildly infatuated with her. If you get a chance to meet her, you could always use the “six degrees of seperation” theory as an opener.
Evangeline -> Dominic Monaghan -> Sean Astin -> Wil
(A Kate-crazy Canadian Mountie)
Okay this is the longest of longshots, but I’m gonna try it anyways 😉
I just got my BA in Anthropology last June from UC Santa Cruz (go Banana Slugs!) I’m in the process of grad school aps, and believe it or not I’m going to study geeks. Mostly ’cause, well, I am one. In particular, I’m going to study online communities and currently I’m focusing on IRC, but I’m hoping to expand out to communities like the one that has sprung up around WWdN as I get the ball rolling.
Anyways, in this transitional year, I’m doing some pick-up lectures at my community college on geekdom as a whole. In my mentor prof’s Visual Ethnography class, I’m getting ready to use the movie Trekkies to talk about subcultures… and I want to know if I can use your quote about the media being jerks in my lecture. I know I don’t *have* to ask, but I hate to lift the quote without permission, even with attribution, because I really respect your attitude towards geekdom and your geek fans.
My contact info should be in my profile, but if not you can email me with my name here in care of userfriendly.org (yes that userfriendly.org! It’s what got me into online communities in the first place, in more ways than one). Or even just a “Go For It Keth!” in a post or something 🙂
Enjoy the con! I hope one of these days I can attend one… paid for by grant dollars and for purely scholarship purposes of course.
‘n stuff.
Must see talks on Firefly…must see…
I’d love to know where to order a chapbook… 🙂
I am way jealous, I wish I could be there! Damn responsibilities!
I’d love to know where to order a chapbook as well 🙂
I hope you have a blast tomorrow. You best tell us everything about it! I live vicariously through your blog you know:)
(by the way I totally just saw you on I love Toys talking about Star Wars toys. That is really awesome…. I’m not a geek or anything– I promise (: )
It sounds like a lot of fun. Wish we could be there! It nice to hear stories about it, anway. 🙂
I am way jealous! But I am still glad it was fun! It’s a shame I live on the opposite coast though. At least Otacon is coming up for the anime geek in me and that is only an hour away. Booyah.
Fill us in on the awesomeness later! 🙂
You know Wil, that comment about getting Adam Baldwin reminds me that I have meant to tell you it is a good thing I like women, or your wife would have some competition……..
Okay, all kidding aside (though you do have a sexy radio/podcast voice) I am glad to hear about your success with the chapbook.
Also, I meant to tell you that Radio Free Burrito Episode 8 is the first podcast I have ever listened too from beginning to end. I have tried to listen to the podcasts of others, but they put me off. Usually because of the monotone voice, the rambling nature of the podcast, and the udder inanity of the subject matter.
And yes, I meant to use udder instead of utter.
rook = troll
Once you’ve had your way with Morena, Wil, be a pal and give Jewel Staite my number. kthnx.
I was at Best Buy today and saw so many DVD TV collections I’d love to share with my son– Doogie Howser, He-Man- Transformers… Ah the memories. This is what I’m talking about Wil, introspective posts really inspire people to think and reminisce!
I won’t be able to make it to the Grand Slam, Cajon Pass is probably closing and I won’t be able to get through *sigh*
Enjoy the weekend!
If you liked 21 Jumpstreet you should check into that too. It’s held up pretty well – minus the dubious 80’s fashion…
Sounds like it was a decent day, excellent stuff! I hope Day 2 is good fun, I look forward to reading about it 🙂
Everytime someone even mentions Morena Baccarin, my jaw hits the floor, and its really starting to hurt, so please stop. 😛
Wil, this is another good example why I continued to read your blog in the first place!! You did not do the cheesey actor thing and do the interview just for some personal attention, instead you stand up for the fans and really care about people and their feelings!! What a great way to be, I really like you even more.
Gee, “I’ve got those..’Wish I were THERE’ blues…along with the ‘rest o’the lot. But love those podcasts..(dial-up is SUCH a PAIN-(**sigh**))Glad you got’AroundTOIT’ and got them pods casted, hmm if you ever need any more ’roundToITs,let me know, I’ll send ya a tshirt and the ToIT. Thanks for taking a stand against those boorish Latenight talk show ass’es that think the sci-fi fans are all dweebs for pickin…
I hope you realize, on the slim chance Firefly gets going again, they’re gonna need a new pilot….
So, Wil, here’s a major hug aimed your way and some mojo from a longtime reader monkey who never gets a chance to post except when something you write strikes a chord.
No, not about the Trek convention, although I’ve appeared as a guest speaker at a few of them (I’m a science writer so I get asked to talk about Hubble and Mars and stuff like that). And yeah, there’s always somebody who wants to make Trek fans out to be weirdos. Shows you the power of a closed mind.
But I digress.
This issue of feeling like you’re lost as an actor. Nonsense. I saw Walter on CSI. You nailed him. It fit the work.
So, you’ve grown some, stretched your wings.
As a writer, I started to stretch my wings by taking acting classes. Do I want to get cast and sign up in AFTRA and all that? Probably not, even though I have a blast doing roles and readings and monologues. I connect with the audience and give it my all. But, it wasn’t what I set out to do, and by golly, after watching the AWEscars last weekend I realize that, unless I want to look anorexic and take silly roles, Hollywood would have no use for somebody like me. And that’s okay. I’m a writer. Have been for years.
And you know what I’ve found? That the acting informs the writing WAY more than I ever expected it would. A surprising find. And it has improved my documentary scripts a lot.
I’ve spent the last year working on a project (writing) that requires me to “channel” a third entity (I know that sounds weird) in order to write it that entity’s voice. It’s like I’ve lived this role for a year, writing in this person’s voice. The acting helped immensely.
So, it’s an experience.
Maybe you can find a way to channel something else to bring you back to acting (or bring acting experiences back to you). It’s worth a shot. And, now that I say that, I think you probably have to look in nonstandard places for that experience. Or maybe it comes to you from a place you least expect it.
But, I see you are open to possibilities — so look out beyond the mountains and see what you can see.
And hang in there. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being average or normal occasionally. We all are at some points in our lives, even when we spend some of our time in limelight.
be well, Wil.
I enjoyed this post a lot, especially the part where you said that the people at the conventions aren’t there to be laughed at. I never went to a convention, but I would if I had the opportunity to do so. What’s the big difference between dressing up at a convention and dressing up for a Halloween party? You are at a place where it’s acceptable to do so.
The media shouldn’t be allowed in if they are going to be disrespectable to people. I wonder if it ever occurs to them that these are human beings? That they are making fun of people who are minding their own business and are engaging in a legal and harmless activity?
Ah man, now I wish I had actually wandered up and talked to you. Okay, I wandered up but didn’t talk.
If it means anything, my friend and I spent the day avoiding the Kimmel film crew. There’s no way they were planning to do anything but make fun of people. Thanks for not participating in that!
/me send Wil mojo to get Morena and Adam to do as he wishes.
Wish I was even close so I could go.
Good luck with the rest of the con.
Great to see you had a fun time – it’s one of my life goals to head out to a convention, so…one of these days. Until then, hope you don’t mind if I live the experience through your own. =) Good for you, standing up for geeks everywhere; I don’t see why people feel they ought to get off on other people’s passions by making fun of them, but that’s their issue.
Speaking of childhood memories (channelled through media-based toys), I was at Target today going through the aisles (saw they were selling copies of Stand by Me and couldn’t help but smile, sorry) and found, not only a Slinky, but a ViewMaster, too. Wow… Little things like that really can take you back.
Anyway, it’s so not fair that I am missing this convention. I’m nowhere near it, and I don’t have a car, but still! Hope to hear all about it from you. You know we’re out here waiting on your every word. =)
Take care, and hope you don’t mind skimming the post of a fan (new to the blog but not to your work),
It just shows how desperate and pathetic Jimmy Kimmel is getting by going to conventions and prey on the fans there.
Is he simply trying to show how cool his fans are?
Here’s a newsflash to Kimmel: Before your attempt to insult scifi convention fans, you need to have some fans yourself.
That’s good that Day One was relatively relaxing/slow-paced. If only I had a few hundred dollars to fly across the country and go to a convention…
Joe- Burn! Jimmy Kimmel isn’t funny and never will be. Even though Conan O’Brien(sp?) may poke fun at Sci-Fi geeks, he’ll at least admit how much of a huge dork he himself is.
Glad to hear day one was so successful and fun for you! And I loved how you ended it “watching tv with your wife”. You’re such a cool guy!
I hope day two has been just as awesome.
Firstly, as an Aussie the crowd figures you a quoting a mind blowing! We struggle to get 50 to a convention these days!
Second comment, I know how you felt when you spotted the tie-fighter. I bought what I thought was a genuine 1976 X-Wing with Luke on ebay and was estatic, even when I later found it it was a 1986 I still felt like I was touching something precious. That could have been because my big brother wouldnt allow me to touch his Star Wars toys all those years ago though 8)
Hey Wil. I get that same flashback when I see x-wing fighters. Me playing with my friend’s craft, totally off in another world (no pun intended). That and seeing the ads for Boba Fett’s ship, complete with a frozen Han Solo to put in the trunk. LOL
BTW, also saw your turn as Walter tonight. Well done, my friend.
hey i was just wathing i love toys the other day and was happy to see that you were there and quite amusing. and i thought to myself he seems quite geeky i hope he is or i will be sad. and upon further investigating (though not much) i saw that you were and it made me happy. huzzah!!!
lol and i am jelous of your convention hoppings. i mean u get to go alot and get paid for that. whereas i have to pay to go :'(
glad to see you’re having fun.
ps firefly kicks ass.
Back when Saturday Night Live was still good, Shatner did a skit where he attacked the serious Trek Geeks he met at conventions. I’m sure you’ve seen it… It was funny, and I’ll admit he had a point (or rather, the SNL writers did). But, darn it, anybody who got that much fame and money from those same rabid fans should not be attacking them! I know that your experience in TNG has hurt your various later careers as an actor, writer, and other interests – I’m very glad to see that you still respect your “Wesley” fans enough to defend us from idiots now and again.
Besides, Shatner managed to get his Emmy – there’s still hope for a good actor tarred by the SF brush.
Haha! Wil,you definately suit the goatee-type beard