I‘m working like crazy on this chapbook, so it’s been a day of intense output, with Real Jazz on XM to provide me some inspiring input. I’ve narrowed it down to three stories across about 17 pages, and it’s going to be pretty damn cool, even if I say so myself.
Jesusmotherallahbuddha, I really need to get out of the house, and stretch my legs and my brains. Just walking the dogs around the block between thunderstorms isn’t doing it for me. I’m going nuts here.
I really need to get the hell out of suburbia, man. I think there’s a trip up to Lucky Baldwin’s in my very near future, so if you see a guy sitting at the end of the bar surrounded by empty glasses which were formerly pints of Guinness, scribbling like mad in a Molskine notebook, approach with caution (or with another pint.)
To take a little break tonight, though, I’m playing in my weekly WWdN game at PokerStars. It starts in 20 minutes, so if you’re interested in goofing off with some poker nerds and me (redundant redundant) fire up the client and go to Tourneys -> Private and look for WWdN #17.
Speaking of PokerStars, my friends from the marketing department sent me a TON of hats, T-shirts, and cool ‘Stars schwag to give away at the convention this weekend.
Ryan and I keep quoting this line from Family Guy: "And I, uh, thought that dogs, uh, laid eggs. So, so, so I, uh, I learned something today."
"Hey! Where’s my money?!"
Okay, back to work for fifteen minutes, then it’s poker time.