Well, here’s episode seven. I went over ten minutes, but I think that’s okay. This episode focuses on two things: how the ten minute challenge is going, and how the blog in general is going. Warning: I’m feeling really unhappy right now, and I talk about that, too.
Show Notes:
- The logo for today was designed by WWdN:iX reader Marc, who asked that I not link to his "in progress" website. Thanks, Marc!
- Radio Free Burrito is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
- This episode is 16:00 and weighs in at 6.9 MB.
Here ya go:
Download radio_free_burrito_episode_seven.mp3
Update: Your friendly neighborhood torrent maker Brian has done his thing:
High (orig):
Low (mono, VBR bit rate range 0-24, 2.8 megs):
Mirror for the Low..
(Thanks, Brian!)
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I think I originally commented on RFB episode zero, saying it might be good to have it about 10 minutes or so, but now I change my mind! I am finding that the 10 minute podcasts just don’t seem fulfilling enough, although the frequency at which you are putting them out makes up for it a bit… Keep ’em coming…
Balance is the hardest thing to come by in this society. I am constantly trying to strike a balance between the various aspects of myself, the demands of my family, and the demands of medical school and developing myself into the kind of person that people want to come to for healing. I think you’re feeling the crunch of this one for sure. The hardest thing is not to swing back in the other direction so far that you lose track of “the other side.” It’s a hard battle, Wil. I commend you for stepping foot on the path towards winning it.
But, man, along the way – try not to be too hard on yourself. Not that you need psychological advice from me of all people, but… what you put out on your bad days most people don’t touch on their best days. You’re an engaging fellow and I’ve enjoyed “going along for the ride” with you… when you’re totally on it, funny, touching and a creative powerhouse and also when you lose steam and falter in your content a bit.
So, yeah. I liked listening, look forward to more whenever.
Eric in Portland, OR
I started reading your blog because of my boss who reads it and knew I enjoyed you on STNG and am kinda a geek myself. I soon grew to love getting a peek into your head as often as you let us. Please don’t let that sound as stalker-ish as I think it did. I had never listened to one of your podcasts until tonight and was really touched by the honesty in what you were saying. I am not a feedback person normally, but felt that I needed to now because I don’t want to see anyone feel unappreciated or unwanted and that was kind of what I heard tonight. I know what it is to realize that all of a sudden you have become that person that you said you’d never be. Someone who doesn’t take chances, just rides the river instead of running against it. It’s an easy place to end up though, huh? Sometimes all it takes is realizing that you are in a rut to get you out of it. I also know what it is to lose yourself in what you are, i.e. spouse, parent, friend, instead of being just you. You find yourself living through your family and not living. You seem to have reached a crossroads in your life, but let me just say that where ever your journey takes you and your blog and podcasts, I for one will continue to read and listen for as long as I can. By the way I loved the exerpt from Language Barrier! Keep it up!
As writer, I have to say that I am so glad to hear that someone else goes through the same things I do. Thank you for letting me know that I am not alone.
Dude, a year or so ago you had the books coming out and the WWdN forum running off this site. With neither currently happening I’m sure the ‘readership’ is going to drop off naturally.
It’s *not* a reflection on yourself.
Please read the above line a few times.
The podcasts are great – all of them. The posts are fine, though if anything. I get a little ‘1000 yard stare’ on the poker stuff.
I totally understand the family thing as a father myself. The internets means you have to keep an eye on what goes out there, especially when it comes to the kids, and especially when you work, and make a buck or two because of it.
As someone who rents a second floor apartment, has a busted car in the driveway, and is trying to work out how to get close to $10k off credit cards, I understand that sometimes things feel like they kinda suck.
I’m sure you’ll work something out. Life’s not that bad… really. 🙂
i absolutely loved this podcast. I think the 10
Hey Wil,
Bear in mind that it is entirely natural to have bouts of the ‘doldrums’ of varying length and frequency. I’m pretty certain that you understand this but there is a hint of that delusional ‘creative person’ vibe in your ‘cast where you sound like you should be *amazingly fucking creative* all the time. It doesn’t happen…didn’t with Mozart and Einstein and Hawking and it doesn’t have to with you. Come to terms with cranking out quality, *interesting* (truly interesting that is) stuff with frequency and you’ll keep reader and listenership. I can’t see a good mixture of real life and creative stuff being a problem for we who read as long as you don’t devolve into ‘and then I took a really satisfying dump’ territory. I can echo ‘akashik’ up there and admit that the Poker stuff pretty well leaves me cold but as long as it’s not hogging all the space I work around it. Just shake off that crappy feeling (or work through it) and I suspect you’ll come back around to a place you’re happier with and we’ve come to expect.
“They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.”
Please discuss this quote by Benjamin Franklin. You had mentioned that you would be getting a little more political in your writing.
Though I must add that I really enjoy your work.
Wil, I am a long time lurker – but I have to say that I have found you to be engaging and funny and I am really enjoying your podcasts (although I have to admit I loved your “field trips” the most)
It is important to honour the creative person that you are, and the more you do that the more you will enjoy what you are doing and the more people will connect. I think that we all go through waves in our lives. This is just one of them for you, but it is certainly not one that will last.
I will admit that I skim the poker posts that you do (I just don’t get it).
Keep moving forward and follow what you know, inside, is the right thing for you to do.
Good Luck – and I’ll go back to lurking and doing my own creative schtick.
This is my first time listening to RFB, but I absolutely love the feel of it. Big fan of old time radio style and music clips.
And is it bad that I am so lusting after Garage Band that even if everything else about Apple sucked ass, I’d still want one just so I could play with Garage Band?
I mainly just wanted to say, you actually have an *excellent* radio voice. If you were ever so inclined, you could do this so, so well.
I know exactly what you’re talking about with the whole Joe-vs-the-Volcano-esque “going through the motions.” I…yeah. I’m there.
Honest feedback? The poker bits are only going to appeal to avid poker players. I’m not one so I skip over those. I eat up the personal bits. If I can tell it’s something *you* care about–and I don’t mean care about in a ‘hobby’ sort of way, like the poker bits, but stuff like your family, or a cause you care about, or even stuff like that random audioblog you did where you ranted about the flag doormat–your deepest feelings show through and that’s when your writing (or speaking) really shines.
And I don’t even mean to say that the things that are happening in your life are the only things that inspire your writing. But I think that when you draw from the things that *move you*…something *happens.*
In regards to readership: Really, if that is what you want, the answer is simple. Write about your life as if your words were the script of a reality television show. Write in far more angst, drama and impossibly good looking, vacant people.
The drawback to this is that it could suck your soul out through your closed eyelids.
But if what you want is to rediscover an implicit passion in your blog entries and still remain authentic, I always enjoyed hearing your thoughts on things. Politics, entertainment, Macs, global warming. Whatever. (Okay, maybe not poker. I hate the poker. I can’t help it; I tried to become interested just because you wrote about it. Similarly, after nine years with my husband I still don’t understand the appeal of Dungeons and Dragons either. So now you know my opinion isn’t valid anyway.) Especially about science fiction. You’re smart, you have actual thoughts in your head. What do you want to change in the world? Why? Your opinion matters not because you’re on TV and in movies and on stage, but because you live in this world and you think about it.
Dude. Don’t let fear be your editor. Be the hawesome. It’s waiting for you and is pissed that you’re calling it saying you’re stuck in traffic.
In 2000, I started working in IT at what is still my day job. I had always wanted to be my own boss, so I grouped up with co-workers and tried for years to write software (we were all coders). The projects were never finished. Some we’d start; some we wouldn’t. Some would fail because of us, some wouldn’t. They all failed, however.
In July of 2005, I was talking to a friend of mine who is now just at the point where he’s got his own business, and he’s sustaining himself as a musician. We talked for hours on that hot, Florida afternoon, and he made me realize that my “crazy, fun creative side” always fought my “structured business side” (the latter being the software I was trying to write). He explained to me that my creative outlet needed to be what I enjoyed, not what I thought would be profitable – at least to start with – and the money would come.
Right there and then I decided to peruse my love: making independent movies. I bought a camera and started to amass gear, and within a couple months had enough equipment to start. Since then, I’ve made several small, fifteen minute films as practice, and have begun on a large, two hour feature. I’ve accomplished more things in the past 8 months doing what I LOVE to do, than I did the past 8 years doing what I thought I SHOULD do! It’s been an amazing creative outlet! And, this feature will get released to DVD, so the money will start coming in shortly. Just like my friend said.
The point I’m trying to make is that you need to create and make art for yourself. Believe in the quality of what you do, and people will or will not like it. As long as you enjoy making it and can get a decent fan-base for your work, you can sustain yourself, and more importantly, you’ll look back at these years and won’t have regrets.
“although I have to admit I loved your “field trips” the most”
The fairly recent one you did for the interview at Nickelodeon was especially great. A few years back I read an interview with Jhonen Vasquez shortly after Invader Zim got pulled. He mentioned spending over an hour each day, during production, sitting in his car, before he could even face walking through the doors on the same building you walked into with such joy.
I found it an amazing apposition, given there are two people I highly respect as artists, in the same position (ie the garage), with totally different retrospectives of what amounts to a very similar situation.
If it wasn’t for your own podcast, Jhonen’s own (years old) interview wouldn’t have the same depth without your own opinion. It’s not like I’ve ever been there right?
Hi Wil, So.. I never read the poker posts cause I’m not a player, but I understand that they are important and entertaining to folks who do play, so I’m glad that niche is being served.
Personally… the recent onslaught of saccharine, family-related stories were wearing thin. And dammit.. it’s just not sexy! I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but I pay attention to your writing, readings, and podcasts because of the sharp wit, angry ranting, and profane angst which I’ve come to love as your unique voice. If I wanted to hear a cutesy story about someone’s phone conversation with his wife, I’d go talk to any number of my boring suburban acquaintances. But if I want to hear a manic, hyper, profane audio diary from a much-beloved actor on the way to his audition, I come to you. Do you know what I’m saying?
I know a lot of people love the family stuff, and I do enjoy the especially cleverly-written ones (such as the “Mr. Roboto” story), but for the most part.. such stories are… well… *common* … and what you have to offer, based on your life and unique voice, is quite uncommon.
Don’t get me wrong… I’ll keep reading and listening no matter what, and I’m VERY grateful you take the time to do any of this at all for us, the fans…. but.. since you asked.. I have to agree with the sentiment in that guy’s email… Take some risks, be bold! That’s when you stand out from the crowd. That’s when you’re Wil Fucking Wheaton.
So that’s my honest, fan-girl opinion. For whatever it’s worth.
-The Nerdy Girl in Portland
Hey Wil.
I’ve been following your blog for a little over a year now after I discovered it through fark.com. This is the first time I’ve been motivated to register and comment.
The appeal of the blog is that it is interesting (don’t be afraid to use that word). It’s noteworthy that an individual who is part of the Hollywood scene – who was in an IMDB top 250 film and a major tv series – is prepared to discuss his career and how it progresses so frankly. I do hope, however, that the prospect of you becomming a full-time blogger doesn’t mean that you’ve given up on performing – be it on stage, screen, cartoon or video game.
Your enthusiasm for things geeky is another drawcard and because of your accomplishments, your insight on these things is unique.
Finally, don’t be afraid to take pride in your accomplishments – whether it’s a performance or something you’ve written or a tune you’ve put together. People visit your blog because it’s a manifestation of your talents, it’s only right that you take a bow.
Wil – I have been a fan of your writing for a relatively short time. I did not discover your blog until you were already in exile…. but I have to tell you that the day is not complete until I have read your posts. It is one of the first things I do when I get online every day. I do enjoy the family entries because you describe them in such a touching and amusing narrative. And maybe because I’m such a girl, this very personal part of your life being shared with us feels like a gift. Like you trust us with this intimate information. Maybe it seems “common or safe” to some, but I don’t agree. To write about that which you cherish makes you vulnerable.
I do also enjoy the rants and your reactions to frustrating experiences. Maybe some people just respond to conflicts and are not satisfied unless there is a topic to debate. I say go with the variety. Some days, when something funny or touching happens with your family, share that. Other days be politically correct or incorrect – whatever your mood dictates. I have been entertained by every single blog – not once have I left the site feeling unsatisfied by your entry. I don’t comment each time, because unlike you, I seldom have something “interesting” to offer. Maybe there are many fans like me, who are avid readers of your work, but fail to give feedback. But I believe the people are reading every day. Remember your post around Christmas about the disagreement with your father regarding the Tookie Williams execution… and the subsequent political discussions??? That blog had about 137 comments. The readers are there…. and they love your work… they have just not been vocal about it.
You are so talented in your writing and the different moods of your podcasts. I have loved all of them, whether they have been 10 or 37 minutes. I think it is totally natural for someone with creative abilities to experience self-doubt or frustration – I think artists have higher highs and lower lows because they are so expressive and your feelings are more intense. It’s not necessarily a bad thing – perhaps emotionally exhausting for you – but it is exactly those intense feelings that create such beautiful offerings for us to enjoy. Your work of fiction should definitely be explored. I was hooked by just those few paragraphs. Believe me I will continue to thirst for whatever venue you explore – whether it be in your blogs, your books, the podcasts, your acting – because once you find an artist you admire and enjoy, you will follow their work, wherever it leads. And I admire and respect your creative voice.
Again I come around after blogging my evening away, looking to see if you’ve left exile. Pleasantly – I see you haven’t.
The balancing act of work, life and the fine line that separates them is always worthy of discussion. It is something that everyone, regardless of their access to technology suffers through. We as the technologically literate simply have more ways to talk about it.
Enjoy your ability to use the web for self discovery – and revel in fact that mere mortals (just like you – but without the 1 degree of separation to Frakes) are interested in how YOU walk the line – and attempt to balance it.
Your trials as a digerati step-father are just like those of the iron-worker that just read this and just like me, while I wait for my first child to be born. Parent, entertainer, husband, father, short-stack – whatever. It doesn’t matter.
Be safe if that’s what feels right, and push the limits if it’s what your soul needs today. It’s all good.
Keep fighting the fight… We’re listenin
I’ve been reading your blog since long before you were exiled, and the one thing that I love about it is … it’s real. It’s not clogged with typical blogger “oh read my mighty words and cower in despair, puny non-creative one!”, that forced cleverness that quite frankly annoys the shit out of me. There is a naturalness in your writing, a flow that many would give their right nut or left tit (depending on gender) to achieve. I HATE POKER but I like reading about your tournaments even if half the time I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. If you can keep someone reading about something they don’t like, then you’ve done your job as a writer. I knew who you were before I came across the blog, but I would hardly call myself a fan of Wil Wheaton the actor. I am, however, a huge fan of Wil Wheaton the writer. Keep it up, dude.
What you do everyday with your blog brings me great joy. I love how you let us into your head. You have a wonderful gift and I am honored that you share it with me.
Life is full of doubt, pain and suffering but, I believe you need to experience the pain and the doubt to fully appreciate the joy of waking up each day, thinking about the possibilities ahead. There truely is happiness in a hug, a conversation with someone you love and a good mug of beer. Keep doing what you’re doing for as long as it makes you happy….we really are reading and listening!
I get the 1000 yard stare over poker and linux stuff. But I enjoy reading your blog tremendously.
I’m not a big poker fan and know little of computers other than what I need to know to do the stuff I do, which isn’t much.
However, I find 99.9% of your blogs entertaining. I never post comments, but I read daily.
As far as the Podcasts are concerned, 10 minutes a day has been cool, but having one once a week that runs 25 minuts to 40 minuts would be great. Hell, even 50.
I gotta agree, these 10 min podcasts are cool, but the longer ones are also cool as well. Gives you more time to talk about stuff.
I used to read your blog ocassionally before it exploded 🙂
Then I kinda forgot about it for a bit, and finally came back to reading it about the time you created this backupblog, and now I got it set in my rss reader-thinggy.
Just waiting for you to get back onto WWdN2.0 🙂
I think someone said it already, your posts are real, no extraneous bullshit. When something interests you, you blog it. As you say in RFB #7, there is an amount of questioning “should I write about this” for whatever reason, to protect the family, career, etc. That is understandable. I think all writers have that “cannot go there” place. Perhaps the goal is to find that place where you challenge yourself, where you can take those personal risks that excite you and help you in your creative process(es).
10 minutes is just too short for anyone to express themselves. The 16 min episode was just about perfect in length and topics. But those first podcasts where you went 30+ min were also great. Perhaps not putting a timecap on the podcasts may be the way to go.
The bottom line is, I enjoy what you have to say and when I come across someone that can express themselves well, I tend to read/listen to what they have to say.
you are great!!!
1) Personally, I can live without the poker posts. I agree that there is an audience out there for them, but it ain’t me babe.
2) You have a voice, you have talent, you’re intelligent, and you’re funny. These all keep me coming back as a reader. But I felt like you reached out and touched my heart when you seemed to be at your most vulnerable and personal. And honestly, those posts seemed mostly about your auditions and your family. In your RFB#7 you expressed horror at posts about auditions. Okay, so if auditioning is no longer a part of your life (?), then what moves you now? Where are you at when the muse strikes and you pulled along by the undertoad of your creativity? What leaves you breathless? crushed? able to see to the end of time?
Meanwhile, keep up the great conversation…
Yeah, agreed re poker. If I see a poker post, I skip the blog for the day. If there’s too much poker, I don’t come back for a week. You could always do two blogs – one where poker fans can get their fill and not have to dig through the personal stuff. Your advertising could be tailored towards them, as well.
The other one for the rest of us. I’m also a writer going though similar shit – I like hearing about how you get through it all to the DOING part. We all have different approaches, that’s for sure. I wouldn’t mind seeing what your edge looks like, too. If that is indeed what you feel you’re missing creatively. As many commenters have said, we come for the honesty. So go for it!
Hey Will,
New blog reader here.
Heard of your blog back on the TechTV interview. Never had any interest to check it out until I saw you in the VH1 “I Love the 80’s 3D”. I thought “Wow. He’s cool. He’s a regular Geek like me.” Thought I’d check it out. I wouldn’t know how much I’d relate until this Pod case. I too am a 30 something w/ multiple dependents. I agree, “Life gets in the way of living.” It’s up to us to put food on the table and pass a little something into those heads full of mush. But what about me? What about my goals? 3 ways to go from here.
1. Make life you means of living. Now that’s no fun for the 18 year old, ‘Dew slammin’, devil may care part of each of us. But there’s pride in results.
2. Live on the edge. Responsibility, what’s that? Forget about those who rely on you. Let ‘em do the best they can. Maybe enough will rub off by accident.
3. Balance. Neither side get satisfied, but neither side gets neglected. Constant battle between the light side and dark side.
Enough. I ain’tcha daddy. But the drama is an interesting read. BTW, I had yesterday’s ‘cast on loop. Had to force myself to make it stop.
Also, I do realize I used the work “I” way to much. I appologize.
I, for one, really enjoy everything you’ve put out, and recommend it to my friends.
I dunno what it is exactly i like. You have great tone and you make whatever your saying engaging to listen to.
I dunno how to improve it, or anything, which i know is kind of lame feedback. But i’ve adored everything you’ve done up to this point – and will continue to listen and read as long as you are willing to talk and write.
Just my thought,
I am a new yet loyal reader of your blog. I agree with you, it can be bit mundane at times, but that is how life goes. I am a married mother of 2, and sometimes the humdrum everyday normal shit of doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, cartoons, homework, etc etc, just start to suck the life out of me, and I too have been in a blogging rut so to speak, writing about my kids and not much else. Now I am not a writer by trade, I am just a mother and wife and part time coffee slinger at Starbucks, but my creative stuffs also frequently suffer when “real life” gets in the way. I make stuff, most notably glass stuff on my torch in my basement. I havn’t torched in maybe 2 weeks. Just not motivated. Although after listening to RFB I will say that I think I WILL get on that torch today, I can feel the ideas rolling in and it feels pretty fucking good. Stepping away from the normalcy of everyday life is a neccessary thing, and I for one am really looking foreward to reading what happens when you do. And if stories of kids and wife slip in, so much the better, by including all aspects of yourself in this blog you are creating a much more interesting picture than if you leave the normal stuff out. After all, every good stew has to have a little salt in it. So bring it on. This reader at least will be happily waiting.
I think what makes you particularly interesting and fun to read is the variety of topics one might pick up on your blog. From the acting gigs, poker playing, living in the 21st century and family life. I appreciate the love that seeps through the family pieces and the fact that at any given point (elsewhere) you’re just as likely to through in an F-bomb or two. Doing the blog full time seems to be an end to that kind of variety. I think you just need to sit down and revise that list of things you want to accomplish and rethink what you love and engages you and modify your time and efforts there. Once you get right with yourself again, the rest will lose that lackluster thang…
When I download episode 7 I only get the first three minutes of it. Is anyone else having this problem? Or perhaps a suggestion to help me?
Nice, BT links! I’m looking forward to listening to this. Makes me want to get my podcast back off the ground.
when u say u lost readers . i dont think u really did ,if they are like, me they are waiting for the radiofree burrito show .. sometime u give more insight to us . when u do this and we know what u are realy feeling on issues . i personaly cant want till u do one and i put on my ipod and take to work and share it with every one . i know at lest 10people i know who started looking at ur site with help with other people . keep it up dude . ur time will come. sometimes it seems worthless but its not . so take time look and the sky and take in the Beautiful thins around u. exp. Anne , ur step son’s there is so much u can look
forward too, please remeber
money is not as importen as ur life,family, and friends
u brobly think i am one person who is a geek and I dont Know what i am saying , mabey ur right but i dont think u are putting ur shelf out there enough for others to know u are still here . u should put a add on some one else’s site so
they will check u out . i have a friend who have this
site u should look at its
it might help who knows
What can I say that hasn’t already been said? You’re wonderful, talented, engaging, and witty as hell. I’ve been reading for years. While I’ve gone and come back a couple times, I always return with renewed respect and amazement. The poker stories aren’t my favorite aspect of your blog, but it’s your blog, I’m not the boss of you. I read them anyway. I read them because I’m hoping to find some snippet of wit and am seldom disappointed.
As for feeling discouraged, now you know…and knowing is half the battle. I can sense you’re getting back on track, just like you can feel a storm coming. There’s a certain electricity in the air.
I’m inspired by you on a daily basis. As a writer, blogger, podcaster, and nerd, I’ve also run into emotional and creative brick walls. You’ve helped me pick myself back up when I’m feeling that absolutely no one gives a shit about my work. In the end, I do it for me, because if I didn’t, I’d implode. And you’re right, it helps to have an audience. Your audience may not be as vast as it once was, but we’re faithful.
BTW, I am so pissed I’m missing Gland Slam this weekend! I live within walking distance from the Convention Center, but I’ll be out of town!
Keep up the great work, the podcasts own.
~The girl who said you remind her of Tommy Kirk.
As a single parent, I’m learning alot from you, Wil, on what a step parenting means. Stepping is an incredibly delicate high wire act, and hearing how your relationship is changing as the kids get older is a learning experience I thank you for sharing with me.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I see a lot of introspection coming out in your writing lately; not really self analysis, but a form of exploration. I think every writer goes through periods like that while they bake up new material.
I think you are being too hard on yourself, but we often are our own worst critics. I am enjoying your podcasts and hope you continue doing them in whatever format you decide.
Ok so I am behind the eight ball here and have only gotten to RFB ep.7… But really Wil I like your Blog atm sure not every single one is interesting to me, but some I like others will hate and so on. It is the variation that makes it all the more exciting. But (what bad grammer starting with But!) I do like the idea of some fiction coming on to your blog I would love to see a few short story ideas come on. one or teo page intro’s etc… something to keep you in creative mode and for us to get excited about. Wil’s weekly story blog – continuation week by week journey into a world by Wil… Cheers