Today is Towel Day, a day when all geeks can carry their towels with them in tribute to the hoopiest frood of them all, Douglas Adams.
I absolutely love that I’m recording an all-geek podcast on this most sacred of days.
Updated: Oh! You know what I love even more? Spending 2.5 hours working on the podcast, then losing the entire thing to some weird confluence of system lockups and crashes.
I’m taking a long, long, long don’t-break-anything walk, and I’ll try again in the morning. Sigh.
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Np Wil.. Looking forward to the next RFB 🙂
Yeah thats as bad as adding the earlier casts to a torrent client, waiting for them to complete and then accidentally clicking on “remove tasks and files”
it has been done.
Behold the awesome might of the spinning rainbow beach ball!
Lookin’ forward to the show though, it’s been awhile. 🙂 Best of luck.
Just one of those days.
The Burrito must live!!
I usually throw eggs at something outside when I’d like to break something. 🙂
So I guess we’re skipping another number again huh?
Oh no! That’s really crappy. Walk far, Wil. But, I’m sure when it eventually decides to behave itself, it’ll be worth it.
Chapbook arrived in TN for my friend, thanks Wil!
Dude … I feel for ya … electronics suck when it crashes
well, don’t panic.
ha…ha…sorry. 🙁
Where there’s a Wil there’s a way.. or something corny like that. Long walk. Deep breath. Throw dirt clods against a fence. 🙂
We’ll be waiting.
*sniff sniff* Do I smell sarcasm?
It sucks to lose work to gremlins… I think we’ll understand if you’re late. Don’t stress yourself out about it too much.
At least you don’t have to use Audacity. For school work. On deadline.
I’m perhaps the world’s only Adams unfan, but I’ll defend to the… hmm, not death, nor pain, nor inconvenience your right to praise him.
But the world is usually a better place when people do things they’re passionate about, so Go You.
I’ll content myself with running another session of Wilusa.
I think perhaps Douglas Adams was watching you, or maybe you forgot to stick a Babel Fish in your ear.
Wait a minute. I thought he used a Mac, and Macs don’t crash. I saw it on that commercial. Oh, I know. He’s got one of them new Macs with the PCs innerds. Curse you Intel.
Did you forget to bring your towel to the podcast?
in addition to being towel day, may 25th is aslo a standout day in the Terry Pratchett Fandom. It involved liliacs and remembering fallen warriors for various couses, both fictional and real.
because i am a geek, i wore a lilac towel all day and picked lilacs.
suck about the podcast, but we are patient and can wait. because if a thing is good, it is certainly worth waiting for.
Towel Day, May 25, 2006
You sass that hoopy Douglas Adams? Now theres a frood who knew where his towel was. You are invited to join your fellow hitchhikers in mourning the loss of the late great one. Join in on towel day to show your appreciation for the humor and insi…