Threadless finally reprinted a shirt I’ve been waiting a long time to get, and it went on sale today.
When I posted about this a few months ago, we all lamented that they sold out before we could buy them and make them the official T-shirt of our gang, so I’m doing my civic duty and letting everyone know that it’s available again.
For you damn kids today, this references a movie we all liked when we were young, called Reservoir Dogs. It was made by the guy who made Kill Bill.
What? You don’t know Kill Bill? Christ. Okay, how about Grindhouse?
No, he didn’t make the cool movie in Grindhouse. He did the other one, Death Proof.
I know, I know. But Reservoir Dogs is really a great movie, I swear.
Okay, how about Pulp Fiction? You ever hear of Pulp Fiction?
I know it came out when you were in elementary school, but you walk around in 80s clothes like they’re cool — they’re not, by the way, and I was there so I know what I’m talking about — and you weren’t even born then.
Look, the point is, when you’re as old as we are, you’ll want to have semi-obscure cultural references to share with other old folks, so you can spot each other in the line to work in the sugar mines and jointly recall a time when you were cool, and old people just didn’t get it.
Now get off my lawn, before I blast you with my laser before our evil alien overlords get back.
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Did you say ‘overlords’? I think you meant ‘protectors’.
Somebody has Pee MMMM essss!
I take exception that rate ‘Death Proof’ as ‘uncool’ – we’ve just got the full cuts of Planet Terror and Death Proof (we never got the Grindhouse release in the UK). Both are cool, but differently so.
I prefer Death Proof – Zoe Bell is just great. The DVD extras are worth a watch…
Hey Sally!
typo – sorry. ‘that you rated’
Personally, I’ve a soft spot for ‘Jackie Brown’. Pam Greer is great in that, the opening sequence is fantastic.
I know it came out when you were in elementary school, but you walk around in 80s clothes like they’re cool — they’re not, by the way, and I was there so I know what I’m talking about — and you weren’t even born then.
Hey, at least they’re not pegging the cuffs of their jeans. Yet.
(A word to the wise, in case this does come back into vogue, kiddies – the tighter you can get those cuffs, the COOLER YOU WILL BE!)
Wil, I know you weren’t a fan but death proof was easily one Tarantinos best. In any case I highly reccomend you check out “Jackie Brown”. It’s still my favorite QT flick. This shirt is indeed awesome.
I saw a kid the other day wearing those godawful black plastic bracelets that some of us wore by the thousands back in the day. I just looked at him & thought, “You weren’t even born when they were popular the first time.” Yep, one of the benefits of being old, you can see recycling in action. Or something like that.
Please, don’t let the acid washed stuff come back. Or turning up the collar on your polo shirt… Some stuff was too scary the first time around.
The multi-layered Polo shirts with the collar up are already back.
Death Proof was awesome! Shut up!
I thought Death Proof had magnificent car chase scenes, and great music and photography.
However, I thought the dialog sucked. It felt too clever by half, went on way too long, and felt like it was written by a film student who had just seen Reservoir Dogs for the first time and was inspired.
Taken in the context of the entire Grindhouse experience, after Planet Terror and all the trailers and other material, Death Proof just didn’t hold up for me.
I thought Planet Terror was a brilliant homage to the Grindhouse double feature phenomenon (which I’m just slightly too young to have experienced in its full glory, but did see in occasional ironic revivals in the 90s) but Death Proof let me down; it felt like QT was trying too hard to force a concept he’d already developed into this movie, and it didn’t work for me.
Now: Lawn. Lasers. I’m serious this time.
So… what about ‘Jackie Brown’?
Personally, my list of favourite Tarantinos changes with mood… but Jackie Brown is often a top contender.
However, I thought the dialog sucked. It felt too clever by half, went on way too long, and felt like it was written by a film student who had just seen Reservoir Dogs for the first time and was inspired.
I love dialog like that. OK, it probably doesn’t fit the grindhouse esthetic, but I can live with that. I was entertained; all else is ephemera.
Pegging the jean cuffs FTW. I will own up to admitting that I pegged my jeans EVERY SINGLE DAY in middle school (While wearing hawesome high top sneakers with three different colored laces in them.) and I apologize for nothing. For what it’s worth I still wear those black plastic bracelets. But only three at a time these days — not thousands. But I don’t wear 100 Swatch watches on the same arm anymore. I do have my pride.
And I’ll meander off your lawn when I’m good and ready, lasers or no! 🙂
Just watched Death Proof this weekend, and the last 20 minutes rescued the first 90. They could have easily chopped 20 minutes of dialogue, but Quentin is Quentin, so…you know. I’ll indulge him.
Fantastic shirt, by the way – my order is in!
Just the other day a pal and I were discussing how much we loved pegging our jeans. Personally, my fave was pegging baggy pants (which I recall as being basically roomy khakis). I also liked the jelly bracelets (black mostly with a few clear neon green thrown in for good measure) and wearing several watches at once. I did wear acid-wash jeans (and shirts for that matter), but mostly because that is what was available for purchase not because I thought it looked good or stylish.
I did, however, never care for or take part in the double polo with the popped collars trend. Why did THAT come back in style and pegged baggy pants remain lost in style history? I would peg my pants in a minute if it was socially acceptable to do so 🙂
And, Death Proof was the only part of that movie I stayed awake for. The dialog _is_ obviously self-aware and clever, but I felt like that was expected.
Hey now, you’re not giving us young people enough credit. I not only got the joke in this shirt, I also HAVE the shirt, ordered it before you, apparently. And I also enjoyed Death Proof.
I don’t know what this ‘pegging the cuffs’ thing is all about.
But let me tell you… The word’s other meanings are brings up straaaaaaaaaange images in my visual imagination.
Ordered. I bet it will be sold out again soon.
I didn’t see Dogs when it came out. I suppose I was a little young (though that did not stop me from catching every slasher flick in the local video store before I hit puberty).
I should probably add the DVD to my collection, along with Boondock Saints.
Pulp what now?
I saw Planet Terror this weekend instead of Death Proof. Would someone please include me on the next memo so I don’t watch the wrong thing again?
I also saw Bee Movie which, oddly enough, is related to working in the sugar mines.
Enjoy your obscure cultural references now. It sucks when the the whole room only stares at you and the only one that chuckles at your references is the old guy in the corner rocking and looking for his teeth. “Who are Mr Greenjeans and Dancing Bear”?
I’d like to point out that in their own way, both movies in Grindhouse were equally good. Although zombies ARE my cup of tea. But Death Proof was a girl power flick. 😀
I was so happy when I got the e-mail about this shirt being reprinted and snatched up mine right away. It’s an awesome shirt for one of the best movies ever.
Curse you! I had to order it, plus The Communist Party one. I’ve been waiting for both of those to come back in stock.
I don’t know what this ‘pegging the cuffs’ thing is all about…
Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up:
Pegging the cuffs = Take the cuff of your jeans and fold it over to the side, so that it is really tight around your ankle. Then, roll up the hem two or three times, so that it stays pinned (or “pegged”) there.
Bonus points if you wear two or more pairs of socks in contrasting colors.
(I remember explaining this to the kids who’d come through my ropes course, back in the day, with their baggy pants that I told them to not wear, because they’d get caught in the pulleys. I made them peg the cuffs. BWAHAhahaha!!!)
Dude, you’re making me feel old, which is no mean feat considering I’m four years younger than you. I’m having bad flashbacks of jelly bracelets, IZOD polos, prairie skirts (had to be a Little House fan to get that one), my favorite Swatch Watch – the “Jellyfish” that had no face and no one but me could read it and tell the time…
I have a picture – an honest to God photograph, probably taken with my old Instamatic 110 camera – of me, standing in my grandparents’ kitchen, with my jeans pegged. It was December 1990, and I was a freshman in high school. Somewhere in that year I began my transition from 80’s jeans-pegging to 90’s grunge, when I stole my grandfather’s flannels to wear to school over baggy T-shirts, jeans, and ragged Chucks. Ah, those were the days… and my favorite TV show in 1990? TNG. Season 3 is indelibly etched into my high school memories as the Best.Season.Ever in TNG’s run.
By the way: pegging your pants is still a useful trick if you happen to ride a bicycle and don’t want the cuffs ripped and frayed on the front set of gears.
that’s a great shirt.
i actually saw “city on fire” before i’d seen “reservoir dogs”. you kids, get off my lawn.
Reservoir Dogs was not my favorite, but that picture of them modeling the shirt is awesome!
NSFW Language but fun
I was so excited that they finally reprinted this shirt! You turned me onto Threadless and now I am into them for several shirts! Thanks!
I’ve never quite fit in with others of my generation. Did I take longer to mature or was I so ahead of things that THEY never got it? My ego says it’s the later but my mind says maybe the former. In any case, you make me feel so, so… OLD!. I started out with one group of people playing D&D and living life and ended up with another, quite younger group, still playing D&D, investigating religion and trying to find my path in life. I never got that computer degree but I did get a degree (History). I gave up grad school after one semester after seeing my debt skyrocket BUT I got a job working on computers and now I’m a sys admin of sorts.
Here’s the deal. Age has never meant much to me. I was born in ’63. When I was a child I hung around mostly with adults. So I got to know the things they referenced. When I got into school I had a few close friends but I still hung with the adults and stood apart from most of my class mates. Then at the end of elementary school we moved and it was HARD finding friends again. When I did, a few of us got together for D&D and such or just walking around the countryside, ala Stand By Me but with no dead bodies and leaches. By high school, the D&D thing was in full swing and that’s when I started hanging with some younger kids too (only by a few years). It wasn’t the age so much as the shared interest – and I feel (arrogantly) – the level of intelligence by coincidence.
So, shift to college. What a shock. Suddenly, I had to actually work to get good grades. But I didn’t work lots of the time so my grades suffered and I almost turned into the perpetual student
My common experiences run with people older than me all through the undergrad college crowd of ’88. It’s after that that things start getting WTF with me. My wife is 12 years my junior, which causes some minor communication difficulties at time but we still have a surprising (to some) common ground with which to reference inside humor.
So, it’s a bit odd and disturbing to read someone you find commonality with who then goes off on a tangent you almost don’t get but just, barely, do. I had to think about it. But then when you go off on your later movie references, well, it just makes me feel OLD!
Why they heck to I bother writing this. No one will read this anyway. Here’s an experiment, if someone does read this, email me at gmknobl at vt dot edu. Anyone else out there feel “apart from time” as I do?
Ah, I bought one this morning, as well. And the commie party one rocks. Some of my friends have it, too, so I reckon we should start a communist party here and use it as a uniform. I’m still waiting for a reprint of the Poetic Irony one… 🙁
Some of us called it “Tight rollong” our jeans instead of “pegging” them. Anyway, the shirt rocks!! Resovoir Dogs is still the best Tarentino flick ever!
Got mine … and 3 others besides. Threadless is like chips. “you canna eat just one”.
Believe it or not, kids are pegging their jeans again.
Ke-ripes man!
Holy shit, and they’re nine bucks? Sold!
Would now be a good time to hypnotically suggest you buy a Save Ferris tshirt as well?
Late to comment, again. We called it “tight rolling” your pants. Here’s a how to.