Holy crap! It’s a new episode of Radio Free Burrito!
This show is all about Jonathan Coulton, because it’s the First of May.
Show Notes:
- The logo was designed by WWdN:iX reader Marc, who asked that I not link to his "in progress" website. Thanks, Marc!
- I drop at least one F-bomb in this show, so you probably shouldn’t
listen to it around little kids, people with sensitive ears, or at
work. Especially if you work in a daycare for kids with sensitive ears.
(Hi, Agnes!) - I encourage you to visit Jonathan Coulton dot Com.
- You may want to examine all the songs produced for the Thing A Week series.
- I know you want to give JoCo shiny gold rocks in exchange for musical and clothical items.
- The video for the Flickr song, as promised.
- Tom Cruise is Tom Cruise Crazy, but just be glad it’s him, not you.
- Jonathan Coulton Tour information!
- Paul and Storm on the intarwheebs!
- I didn’t bother with chapters and all that for this one, because I banged it out in about 30 minutes. (No, I didn’t do it outside, despite the song in the show.) In fact, it’s taken me longer to put together the show notes than it did to make the show. I think that qualifies me for several government jobs.
- My silly little news item came from Wikinews.
- Here’s the original Misty Morning blog entry at WWdN.
- I got the address for the podcast about as wrong as I can get it without sending you to xkcd by instead. In addition to the Feedburner link (which is just the feed for my blog) you can check out all the posts tagged "podcast" here.
- Hey, did I mention that I’m going to be in San Diego this weekend?
- Radio Free Burrito is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
- This episode weighs in at 21.7MB and is about 24 minutes long.
I won’t be able to update this post with mirrors, because I’m going to be in San Diego this weekend (see what I did there?) but if you make one, please leave it in the comments and I’ll update when I get home from San Diego, where I’ll be this weekend.
Enjoy the show, everyone!
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Mirrored for great justice: http://www.mediapundit.net/rfb/radio_free_burrito_episode_12.mp3
I had an awesome time at JoCo’s show in Minneapolis tonight. Just wait until you see the First of May video. It’s uploading to YouTube right now.
(Yes, I’m still awake when I should be in bed because I have to work in the morning. Why do you ask?)
Ha ha, just saw your Tweet about having JoCo on the new podcast.
My last tweet of the day was that I was queueing up some JoCo for the drive home.
I’m crazy excited for the House of Blues show later this month. Will be my first.
I JUST heard JoCo’s 1st of May song today on another blog, and I think I frightened my cats with my laughing. The video is even better.
Hey Wil, have fun in San Diego this weekend (I think that’s where you said you were going ;-)). I had hoped to join you either at the booke shoppe or for a beer, as part of my west coast road trip with my husband, but we’ve had to postpone it until later in the year due to family illness, so we’re stuck in the rainy UK for the moment. Incidentally, if someone had a small token of appreciation for what your writing has given them, is there an address this gift could be sent to? Would you get it if it were mailed to the return address that was on the HDoOL packaging?
mirrored in Seattle-ish:
As promised, the First of May performed on May 1, 2008. It’s a bit shaky but that’s what happens when I’m only using my arms and not a tripod. And laughing a lot. Enjoy!
Everyone? Is JoCo Denoblian?
Cute song. You start out thinking it’s really heart-warming, and then realize how dirty it is. Perfect combo.
Alas, I will not be able to make it to San Diego, because I’m in New Orleans, trying to pay off a school loan and mortgage. Some day, though.
Mirrored in Los Angeles:
Is there any way you can have a separate RSS feed for Radio Free Burrito, so I can subscribe in iTunes?
I’ll listen to RFB when I’m home and not around sensitive ears but I did want to comment that “Misty Morning” is still a beautiful entry. Gosh, that seems like such a long time ago! What a perfectly wonderful thing to read on a spring day. I wish my day started as serene as that but it will one day. 🙂
As always, thanks for re-sharing that with us.
When you insert breaks in an episode (chapters?) my iPod stops playing the episode.
JoCo = Awesome voice & even more Awesome’er tunes!!!
Not that you ever need an excuse to do an epi of RFB, but if there was ever to be a good excuse — JoCo is it.. Bravo on Epi 12!
Love these Wil, please keep them coming.
Also, Tomorrow is Free Comic Book Day
I’m adding my vote for an East Coast tour sometime.
–Jacque Chadall
sweet! I am actually seeing JoCo tonight, so I will listen to this later today to get even more psyched!
Watch the F-bombs, Wil, or you might find yourself getting a real one…
I don’t know why that url didn’t show up. Let’s try it again.
JoCo w/Paul & Storm signing “First of May” on May 1, 2008.
I love technology. Just 10 years ago only a few people would have gotten to see something like this. Now it’s out there for the world to share.
I emailed this to select friends and siblings yesterday. I love this song too. I think perhaps Tom Cruise Crazy is my 2nd favorite. JoCo is so freaking awesome. I’m gonna go downstairs with my ShopVac now…Cry all you want.
I’m trying to listen to this in Windows Media Player at work (I know, I know, but it’s all I have on this machine) and it first says the file is 24 minutes long, then it stops after a minute and change. Anyone else having this problem? I guess I can just wait until I get home to listen. Wish I could make the trip down to San Diego Wil, seeing as how I missed out last weekend and all. Sigh…
Mirrored out of Utah: http://andrewferguson.net/wilwheaton/radio_free_burrito_episode_12.mp3
JoCo – Sweet!
p.s. you were totally right about how JoCo + Paul and Storm is an amazing package deal. W00t! One of the best shows I’ve been to, period. Hurrah!
Awesomes poscasts!
….poDcasts. (yes, I’m lame)
The gods are mocking me. I get around to listening to this episode in just enough time to go to Jonathan Coulton’s website and see that he just played a show in Chicago a few hours ago.
Excellent Burrito – very tasty – and great sound
Hi Wil-
I just listened to 2 of your RFB podcasts- I want to say they were 10 & 11. I’ll have to go update my iPod now for #12. What an interesting bunch of music you’re into! It was fun hearing all of the surf music- from other countries, no less!- in #10, and your review of Code of Honor in #11. I was wondering if I could ask you a HUGE favor (and no, it’s not pretty please with organic sugar on top play one of my band’s songs in a future RFB, although I wouldn’t say no if you wanted to). Now please, nobody get offended at this. First let me say, you have the right to say whatever you feel like saying, and I totally support that. If I decide I don’t like what you’re saying, it’s up to me to stop listening to the podcast, not up to you to stop saying it. I *completely* understand that the responsibility lies with me, not with you. Having said that, I wonder if you might be willing to not say, “Jesus F—-ing Christ” in your podcasts. It’s not so much the JC part, as it is the middle word. I don’t even mind that word so much- it’s just when it’s in between the J and the C that I really cringe, and it does take away from my enjoyment of your podcast. It’s completely your decision, and I respect it either way. I will also continue to listen to RFB, because I enjoy listening to you and the music you choose to play. It would just be that much more enjoyable for me personally (I don’t know if anybody else feels the same way I do) if I knew I wouldn’t be hit with that particular F-Bomb. Again, not trying to censor you- just asking a personal favor. Thanks in advance- and if you do decide not to stop saying it, if you could just warn me ahead of time so I could hold my ears it would be greatly appreciated. 🙂
[email protected]
Very nice! I will let my friends know about this at the http://community.broadcastkings.com
Hi Wil. I discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago via Twitter and now I’m hooked. I’m getting caught up by listening to past episodes of Radio Free Burrito and I think they’re great. Keep up the great work and I’ll stayed tuned!