For those of you who are wondering about the audio version of Happiest Days of Our Lives : it’s currently in post-production. My producer/partner/engineer/friend David, who should be working on it 24/7 and only stopping to occasionally eat and pee, had the nerve to go get cast as Eric Doyle on Heroes, and I guess the producers “like him” and “want to keep working with him” all the time, so he’s “kind of busy” with “that” and he’s working on the audiobook in his diminishing free time. GOSH! Uh, I hope it will be finished and available in the very near future. Like, maybe next week, but you didn’t hear that from me.
I mention this because I’ve come up with something cool and special that involves the audiobook and the special expanded edition of the book that I’m doing with Subterranean Press.
Months ago, I talked with Bill at Subterranean about taking something from the audiobook and putting it at Subterranean Online to help promote the special edition, and hopefully sell audiobooks. Everyone wins!
The thing is, David and I are already very busy, and it’s unlikely that we will be able to coordinate and record the extra material and get it edited together in time for a holiday release. I don’t want to do two versions of the audiobook, so I’ve decided to kill several birds at once, make a necklace from their skulls, and attach their feathers to football shoulder pads, just like that guy in Mad Max: using my rig at home (which isn’t nearly as nice as David’s, but is good enough) I will record audio versions of the stories we added to the expanded edition, and give those to Bill to put on Subterranean Online.
For free.
Yes, you read that correctly: it’s for free, as in, “Hey, look what Wil gave me for free! He sure is a neat guy!”
I hope that this will help sell the expanded edition by letting people who aren’t familiar with my work hear me perform it, and I hope that it will create interest in the audio version I did with David. It may even generate sales of Just A Geek: teh Audiobook, but I don’t want to get too close to crazy talk, so I won’t count on that. Additionally – and this is really important to me – the people who don’t want or can’t afford the expanded edition, but already have the MP edition will have a chance to hear the stories that they’re missing. This special edition wouldn’t even be possible without those people, and this is my way of saying thank you. It’s really important to me to take care of my customers, and I hope that this effort will convert unhappy people into happy people.
This plan was formulated in the middle of the night, when my brain wouldn’t let me sleep and not even the pouring rain could drown out its incessant babbling, so I haven’t worked out a release schedule yet. When it happens, I’ll be sure to post about it.
Hooray for awesome news that is awesome!
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YAY! Its always awesome listening to you tell your own stories out loud (even so I can hear how you would say them in my head as I read them).
Its almost like hearing your favourite relative tell you stories of times past. Its like all warm and stuffs.
Great idea Wil. I knew you would make it work out for everyone somehow.
Just a Geek: “Teh” audiobook, heh? Is that like fucos?
Oooh. Cool.
Still debating on the expanded edition, Im 76 of 300, so…maybe. Lettered is def out. As much as I love Happiest Days, I cant justify a weeks pay. Knowing me, Ill probably break down and get limited. Heh.
Looking forward to the audio blurb.
All I can say is:
2-Everyone wins.
Thank you for not treating us like WFS treated you, Wil.
You are made of awesome. And I am not (-2 CHA).
What InkBlot said, even though I don’t really know what it means…
[email protected]
Thanks Wil!
That is a truly awesome idea, and damn nice of you.
Happy Thanksgiving Wil and all!
Nope, not good enough. I demand pie.
Great plan, Wil. That’s awesome.
Love middle of the night ideas. Except when they’re perfectly formulated blog posts that you just KNOW you’re gonna forget when you wake up.
But the computer’s off and it’s nice and warm and comfy in bed… and so you just feel frustrated at the anticipation of losing that perfect phrasing.
FAB! Has anyone told you…YOU ROCK, WIL!
Mind you, pie would be good, too…
Have you considered sleeping with a feather quill and some dried, flattened wood pulp…or, alternatively, a dictaphone?
haha, I knew putting off ordering your book had a reason, I just ordered the limited from Subterranean 🙂
There you go violating the first law of awesomedynamics again!
That IS awesome!!
HAHAHA @Tony omg!
That’s awesome, Wil!
Even the Canadians can’t bitch about this deal! Suhweeet!
I can’t reallllly afford it, but because of this gesture, I’m going to buy the Sub. edition to sit it alongside my original. Maybe I’ll give my original to a Geek friend for Christmas and share the love!
Thanks, Wil!
Hurm… I still wanna buy the new SP version even though I’m a member of the 300. Dammit… Stop doing cool stuff. 🙂
Wil, I don’t do table top but I thought you’d appreciate this: MIND YOUR DICE!
Just saying again how awesome this is. Oh, and did someone mention pie? I’ll take some. Thanks!
Dude, awesome! That’s beyond cool of you to do, especially when you’re strapped for time already. Thanks!
Gee Wil, you’re swell! What a neat gift!!!! I look forward to hearing your reading. Thanks!
WW – not sure if you’ve seen this yet:
TNG written as if by Suess. Enjoy.
That is great news Wil! I plan on preordering the special edition next week. What an awesome idea!
Awesome idea, Wil, Thanks.
Phase 3: Profit!
I didn’t realise you were a blogger fan.I went to a Star Trek Convention back in 95 at the Royal Albert Hall and I got your autograph (won one of the lucky tickets)and I said last night to my hubby..”wonder what happened to the person who played Wesley “.Well did a search and here you are!!!
I’m a huge blogger fan aswell and have a blog
Its about the environment.I also saw Depeche Mode back in the late eighties and they were great.Gosh I’m from the same generation and the net is a great tool!
That’s one more thing to be thankful for today, Wil.
Have a great day with the family today!
Merry early Christmas! That is awesome news that is awesome. I am excited about this because:
a) I like to listen to you read your work. Just a Geek – teh audiobook and any of your live stuff are enjoyable “listens”.
b) Although I want to (and do) support you and your work, I couldn’t justify buying another copy of the book again and it would suck if I couldn’t read/hear the new stories.
c)Free stuff is always nice, especially great when it’s awesome free stuff.
Thanks Wil!
So silly question here… where *do* we get the extras? Did I miss a link, or has it not been posted yet? Thanks again, Wil- truly awesome of you.
[email protected]
Hey, very cool all around. Coolness about the audio book and coolness about putting the extra tracks up at SubPress. That’s very awesome of you. Thanks!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Well, butter my ass and call me a biscuit! Your David is evil puppet man from Heroes? I enjoyed your banter on the audio book of Just A Geek immensly – now twice as much. Can’t wait to get The Happiest Days Of Our Lives on my iPod.
And yes, thanks of course for the extra stories 🙂