Last year, while we were out running errands, my wife surprised me with an awesome geek moment:
Anne: It's Jedi day! Me: What? Anne: May the Fourth be with you. Me: OMG I am so sending that to Twitter.
Just so the historical record is clear: my wife, who is the beauty half of our beauty and the geek marriage, figured out Star Wars day before I did. As you can imagine, this delighted me.
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Oh the pain of the pun…
It must be shared, I will get myself smacked for this one.
LOL. I said it to someone over the phone today and they didn’t get it, either. And of course I sent it out on Twitter and almost everyone who follows me did get it. It’s a geek thing. What can you do when a geek reference is lost on a non geek? You not getting it is pretty funny, Wil. Epic fail for a geek, man. May the Fourth be with you.
Wil – As always, I am totally charmed when you make reference to your wife. Your adoration of her is, um, adorable.
And Danyiel – What you can do? Just be a glad you’re a geek! 🙂
True that! Yeah, I live in Philly, so I kind of picked up some “trendy” language from a bunch of four year olds in my classroom. That’s pretty bad, but then again, I’m a geek.
I think it’s awesome that last year it was Anne who told you about Jedi Day instead of the other way around. Also, I had never heard of Star Wars day until you tweeted it last year, so I’m glad she did!
Happy Jedi Day to you and your family and feeling better soon I hope you are.
It’s as if millions of ‘normies’ cried out in terror, and then suddenly sighed and rolled their eyes…
Happy Jedi Day to all fellow Monkeys!
Happy Jedi day!
For anyone who might be interested, I recently did a two week storyline in my comic strip where a toy Boba Fett abducts one of my main characters. I take a jab at Jango too. It starts here:
i knew this before my husband, and, i know it will get me laid tonight but will it get me the dishes washed? Doubtful.
Does that make 4/4 Jedi Master day?
Ok That’s funny.. made me laugh out loud, dog now thinks I’m nuts.
I saw this on Twitter earlier and giggled! My husband’s reaction when I told him via gmail chat?
I think that Jedi Day is a better name for today than Star Wars Day. When I hear Star Wars Day, I think “anniversary of the film’s release,” and that’s May 25.
I reminded my daughter last night, in hopes she would use it to someone back in Wisconsin. I told my husband it this morning and my sister and nephew. Hubby called me a dork lol, sister and nephew rolled their eyes and laughed. Now I read about it via your twitter and I got to smile about it. 😀
You are. But we don’t judge.
Hey, it’s a fellow Pennsylvanian, and he mentioned Monkeys! You wouldn’t happen to be a Soapboxer, would you?
Happy Jedi Day, everyone!
*contented sigh*
Thanks, I needed that.
Ah, Teh Soapbox. Those were the days. Alas, I only read but never participated.
50,000 monkeys at 50,000 typewriters can’t be wrong!
Wow, thanks to everyone who emailed me about my Boba Fett comic! Glad you guys liked it.
Sorry Wil, I won’t be posting outside URLs anymore. Just wanted to share some Star Wars comic parody stuff on this Jedi day!
No worries, man. Your comics are really funny, and I’m glad you shared them. Thanks for reading my blog!
Hey, thanks a lot Wil. I really appreciate that.
Hope to see you at Comic Con. I should be at the National Cartoonist Society booth selling merch for my comic.
Yes, teh soapbox, where 50,000 monkeys at 50,000 typewriters can’t be wrong, but they can fling monkeh poop all over the place! Don’t feel too bad, I lurked for a while before I officially joined in on the poop flinging. I was a bad monkey, in case you were wondering. “Dad voiced” on more than one occasion. LOL. I’m referring to the old box that was connected to the old WWdN site that *someone* broke.
I joined up on the new box, and I go there occasionally, but I rarely ever post. I think my post count is somewhere in the 60’s or 70’s, pathetically low. I’ve kept in touch with some of the old school monkeys, but there’s so many new (at least to me) ones that I don’t know over there that I feel weird posting over there. I’m not knocking it, it’s still a great place, I just don’t know where I fit in over there. But I have my memories of the old box tucked away in a file in my brain that will always bring back some fond and fun times infinitely.
Thanks for posting it on Twitter Wil! Can’t believe I didn’t know about it.. I almost don’t deserve my Twitter username of infotechguy… lol
I am learning my Master…..
hehehe, this made me LOL. ;D
So I got my copy of Just A Geek in the mail today (*squee!*), and I am insanely curious. Is this your ACTUAL desk? Are those things all actually yours??
It’s not my actual desk, but, yes, all those things are actually mine. I got most of them from Think Geek.
I just think you and Anne are so cute. I love the “beauty and the geek” statement. haha.
At one time, I do believe I was, at least on one iteration of teh soapbox or another. But that was a long time ago on a message board far, far away… Right, I’m just a bit too into it, I’m afraid…
While rare, the East Coast Monkey does, in fact, exist in the wild! It’s nice to know that I’m not the only vocal Pennsylvanian here! Super Awesome Monkey Army, East Coast Division, Assemble!
What box was there besides teh soapbox? And new box? There’s a new box? Why don’t I know about this? I’m apparently out of the loop. 🙁
And I’ll form the head!
Wait, no, I’m not part of the East Coast Division.
Texas Division, assemble?
*runs in wearing Cal. U. of PA gear*
Vulcan Batalion of the East Coast Division reporting for duty, SIR! *salutes*
What have I started?!? o.O And now we all come out of the woodwork!
My nearly 16 year old sister, who constantly berates my geek status (I say there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a 21 year old girl having the 5th Doctor-era Doctor Who theme song as a ringtone for a cellphone that happens to be the same color as the TARDIS!), texted me this morning before she left for school…at 7 in the morning. The text? “Happy Jedi Day, Anna! May the Fourth be with you!”
The last time I was that proud of her, she was showing me the dance she had to do to the song “Ballroom Blitz” in the spring musical. She doesn’t like to admit it, but she’s slowly turning into me. 😀
It was bound to happen sometime. What better day than Jedi Day? 😀
we have a bar here in Redondo Beach that celebrates it every year!
Oh you didn’t have to tell me that. I looked at it, then said to my fiancé “I wonder if this is actually his desk, and this stuff is his? 2/3rds of it looks straight from ThinkGeek!!” ;D ;D Unfortunately it costs money to get all that. =( I DO have the binary watch, and I got that free QR code shirt they had. And ubergeek fiancé found some software to read QR codes just to find out what it said. LOL.
I remember that tweet from last year!
Ive waited a WHOLE YEAR to be able to spread the Joy of Jedi Day.
I even answered the phone with something like..
“May the Fourth be with you! We here at XXXX YYYY hope you’re having a great Jedi Day. This is Sandra, can I interest you in joining a summer league?”
Sadly enough, I didnt get that much of a reaction from callers.
After about the fifth time, colleagues started making an effort to answer the phone before I did.
It was a gooood day.
OK! We got a real PA Monkey presence here! Now how much damage can we do? I can just see it on the news tonight – “Geek riot breaks out in the local area on Jedi day, and it’s all Wil Wheaton’s fault! Tune in at 11:00 to find out why!” (Told you I’m a bad monkey) J/K. The last thing I wanna do is be a dick, if that’s even possible for a girl.
Wil, can girls be dicks? Just out of curiosity and stuff…I honestly do not mind and/or object to the use of the “C” word, just so you know.
Haha, yep, I wait evey year to use this joke. The first time I ever heard it was back around 1992 while watching an episode of Count Duckula called “The Vampire Strikes Back.”
I have to send my dad a reminder every year so he can use it on someone at work. I have to be selective on who I use it with, because most people don’t get it, and the cool ones who do have already heard me use it in previous years.
Nothing better than when the woman you love makes/uses a pun or joke referencing something you love. My wife does that all the time, even referencing things I like that she doesn’t particularly care about(such as Doctor Who). never fails to get a solid ‘I LOVE you!’ from me.
I’d like to know too! I was always of the opinion that you don’t have to have one to be one, but that’s just me.
So I second your query. Wil, yea or nay: Is it possible for a girl to be a dick?
And in other news, welcome to International Drunks Day…
I am a baby geek in the company of king geeks. I got that people were saying it was Star Wars day, but took a couple tries to realize why.
Sadly, it is possible for anyone to be a dick.
Dude… that is so awesome.
I totally told my hubby yesterday “may the 4th be with you” and he got all proud I was geeking out 🙂 oh, and guess what, you were on tmz today in their “‘memba then?” on the main page as of 10:30am pst.
Well…in that case, feel free to call me a dick at any time. You know, when I deserve it.
I tried valiantly to wish people a Happy Jedi Day. Alas, none but I understood the joke.
East Coast Geek Division of Florida reporting for duty, sir!
In my hometown, we call it “Cinco de Whiskey,” because we fail at life constantly.
Happy International Drunks Day, which I can FINALLY CELEBRATE THIS YEAR! 😀
Hey Wil, do you read A Softer World? The meta tag on today’s was about you!