I'm slowly but surely clawing my way back into the land of the living with the relentless determination and singular sense of purpose that can only be found in a recently reanimated corpse on a quest for brains. It's appropriate, because I feel very much like I'd imagine the recently-deceased would feel, and just last week my friend asked me via e-mail, "hey are you dead?"
This was the worst flu I've had in years, and the worst sickness I've had since I got mono (with bonus strep throat and bronchitis) about 5 or 6 years ago, but even knowing that, it's very weird to me to feel so tired and weak and groggy, four days after I last had a fever. My doctor says it's normal to feel this way, though, and I should just accept it and rest until my body says it's okay to go outside and play.
So while I'm not quite ready to go on the cart, I'm not exactly spoiling for a fight with the Black Knight, either. I would probably be able to make a trip to Castle Anthrax, though.
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Be well, Wil.
BTW, you were teh awesome in Eps. 1 & 2 of The Guild Season 3. Where can I get a kilt like that?
I wish I could give you advice to help you get better faster.
Next time you…say…have the hiccups, I’m totally there for you. I know how to fix those!
Get lots of rest friend. Feel better soon!
Glad to hear you’re on the mend. But did you know you’ve been accompanying me on my daily walk all last week. Amazing feat for a man down the rabbit hole.
Thanks for the company! Just a Geek was a great listen.
Hope you’re feeling better soon matie. I always get the Flu at this time of year as I teach at a University and the kids always bring germs to my classes! Feelin’ for you!
I so feel you. I got the dreaded H1Nerd1. Thank bob you did not because it kicks your ass.
I would hate to see how I was feeling without Tamiflu. Stupid lupus and H1Nerd1.
Get better soon! You’re in my thoughts and I know that in no time you will be kicking all kinds of ass,both alive and undead.
Be well.
No, no. Too perilous.
Feel better man. My group is playing again tomorrow night, and nat20s for PAXpox relief will be continuing!
Shame on you, Wil. A spanking!
I bet you’re gay.
i think you gave me whatever you had. lol i feel the same way. hope this makes you feel better, i know it made me feel better creating it. http://www.twitpic.com/h63d9
Glad you’re feeling a bit better– get well soon!
High fevers will wipe you out, man. Take it easy so you don’t get hit a second time.
My kilts were provided to us by Sportkilt.com. They were *awesome* people to deal with, and the kilts they gave us were fantastic.
It’s been bothering me to hear so many people assume that I wore a Utilikilt, because even though I’ve always liked Utilikilt, the people at Utilikilt just weren’t anywhere near as friendly and helpful and willing to work with us as Sportkilt was. In fact, where Sportkilt was awesome, Utilikilt was … not awesome, which made me very sad.
I want to make sure everyone knows that, if you find yourself in need of a kilt, I think you should take your money and your business to Sportkilt.com, because they treated us like they valued our business and I imagine they’ll treat you the same way.
Oh come on. I can totally face just a little bit of peril.
That is … that … that is just MAGNIFICENT.
I got the same flu and I can say with some assurance that I know EXACTLY how you feel.
Last night I was well enough to croak out “Re: Your Brains” on Rock Band and gold-star it on Expert, though, so I’m pretty sure that either I’m on the mend or the game’s vocal scoring is even more forgiving than I thought. 😉
In conclusion, braaaaains.
Speaking of spoiling, WotC says you have something to show us. They already posted it on their visual spoiler page, so the cat (beast) is sort of out of the bag– but I’d still like to see how you introduce it!
It’s neat to see that you’re apparently on the inside for two Wizards products now 😉
I have one of the coolest Magic cards ever, and I’ve been too sick to scan it and post it.
So WotC is telling you the truth. It’s real, and it’s spectacular.
yeah i am just getting over the flu myself. i, too, haven’t been that sick or felt that bad in probably a decade. it gav me weird flashbacks of being a kid and being sick and staying home from school, which was nice and nostalgic and all, but not something i wanted to return to now.
thought you would like it, i have sent it to you numerous times on twitter, but you HAVE been ill so all is forgiven.
I will light the Grail Shaped beacon and hope that you feel better. I do have a question though related to the kilt. In the Guild episode, did you answer the question from Clara honestly? And was that part of the script or an impromptu question….lol.
Castle Anthrax — everyone only goes there to check out the huge tracts of land. 😉
Feel better, dude!
i hold you completely responsible for the fact that i discovered i am a geek. okay, that’s not true, i hold you completely responsible for the fact that i came out of the closet as a geek. love the farmville pic and am very happy to see you writing here and posting on twitter again. take care of yourself and don’t over do it.
Well, if you start brain-eating, at least we already know you’re not going to be unreasonable and eat our eyes.
Wil, glad to hear that you are on the firm road to recovery.
I am too familiar with the type of ‘ill’ that you have gone through.
You will be doing some activity soon and realize that you have been completely recoverd for a day and had not even realized it (that is gradual nature of the comeback).
Glad to hear you are on the mend… you’ve been missed… the world needs more podcasts, for example. BTW – I read in an earlier entry that you are a big Pink Floyd fan… since you are in the LA area, have you ever had the chance to check out the cover band Which One’s Pink? They put on quite a show! http://www.whichonespink.com/
Wil, I realized just this afternoon that we had not seen hide nor tweet of you for several days. I am glad you are starting to feel better now. I thought of you this afternoon when @martinsargent tweeted this link.http://www.myjones.com/limited/wizards. May not be to great to actually drink it but it would be fun to have the bottles. Anyways, hope you continue to feel better.
Right there with you on the recovery. The PAX-crud was some epic level funk. Hopefully this won’t dissuade you from bringing w00tstock to Seattle! On behalf of the residents we promise that if you come back we won’t try and turn you into a flu-zombie again.
I have to agree. That was pretty special. Good Job!
I’m glad to hear that you are finally getting better. I’ve had a case of the flu just as you described. I have never been so sick in my life. Well, that’s not totally true. There were times during my pregnancy when I felt worse…but not by much. 😉
bonus though: with GSN you can watch old episodes of Match Game with an adult mind and know why your parents were laughing so hard… or flying to change channels. Whatevs.
glad you liked it, i made this while the fever was at it’s worst, so please don’t think less of me. http://sendables.jibjab.com/view/cXJp8TW43Cbyl4uS
your PAX posts made me very happy and inspired a day of Youtube with Paul and Storm and somehow Rockapella. Mebbe I’m coming down with somehting. Anyway… thanks for the posting.
Uh Wil, maybe you should bathe in Orange juice or some other citrus based punch for several days before attending these functions. You always seem to catch something. Or steal a hypospray for cryin’ out loud.
I sympathize sir, my 2 travel companions to PAX both got H1N1 and one of them is still hospitaled up due to complications from it. It appears that super nerds breed super germs, because I don’t recall either of them ever getting their asses kicked so hard from a flu.
Goodness, Wil, will ya stop catching nasties already? I also noticed the lack of tweets & blog updates, & thought you must have been feeling pretty crappy… I’m sorry to learn that I was right. I’m glad you’re on the mend now; take it easy & get better soon so you can entertain us some more! 😀
-Alicia (@AliciaWag)
That’s actually my point: I have seen it. Wizards has a section called the Visual Spoiler where they post all of the cards that have already been officially spoiled. They’ve put your card up there even though you haven’t revealed it yet. So unfortunately someone at Wizards jumped the gun and stole some portion of your thunder. They’ve already spoiled it for you. You’re listed as the source for one of the cards at (SPOILER ALERT!) http://www.wizards.com/Magic/TCG/Article.aspx?x=mtg/tcg/zendikar/spoiler.
I think you should get an additional card to reveal to make up for this flub 🙂
I had the flu once, and by the seventh day, I found myself in a semi dream like state, imagining that if I died right at that moment, then at least I would no longer WANT to die. Dying just seemed like a really good option, from a health care perspective. So now I get a flu shot every year, because 17 years later, I still feel lucky to have survived the 11 days. Enjoy the sun, man.
Thank god there’s a light at the end of the PAX pox tunnel, though mine might be a little farther away than yours. I went to the Emergency room on Sat. and was diagnosed with mono and the secondary infection that’s causing the fever everyone seems to have. It’ll be a few more weeks until I’m well enough to enjoy the early autumn weather.
At least we can console ourselves with games! Is Anne or Nolan picking up a copy of Scribblenauts for you?
Oh no! Now I have to wipe tear stains off my glasses from the laughing! Too awesome!
My boyfriend just told me yesterday that they’ve developed an anti-influenza drug. There is going to have to be extensive human testing on various types of flu, but rest assured that it’s on its way! yay! http://health.usnews.com/articles/health/infectious-diseases/2009/02/23/a-breakthrough-weapon-to-fight-flu-and-bird-flu.html
Poor Will. Sounds like the “con crud.” 🙁
Wow… that is frickin’ cool! *s*
And there was I thinking I was hot snot w/ a classic labyrinth, in one quadrant of my Farm Town farm…!
*goes off to sulk in a corner*
; )
But they don’t do any Welsh tartans…
Everyone in colleges across the country (including here) are telling students to barricade themselves in their dorms, and not go to class if you have the flu. I mean, how many times will a private institution ask you not to come to class?
Glad you’re feeling better:-)
i had a good laugh/cry as well.
thanks guys, i saw wills avatar thing on this blog and i had to recreate it, it took 4 hours and 334,725 coins in farmville, but totally worth it!
My husband has a Utilikilt, but he bought it from a local retailer (The Kilted Nation), which seems to be the way to go if you want one.
I’m liking the look of some of the ladies’ stuff at Sportkilt. Maybe for the next con I’ll have a kilt of me own 😉
Hope you feel better, Wil. I remember when you had the near-death experience with the Doubleplusungood Mono. I had already been reading your blog for over a year then, which means I’ve been reading you for at least six years, if not eight or so. Gasp. For me that was four jobs and three cities ago; for you, three books ago (I think). Good luck with the new book and your next acting gig (whatever that may be).