Did I mention that I turned in Angel One to my editor last week? That means that this week, I'm working on what was commonly called "one oh one oh one oh one oh one oh one" by my friends on TNG. It's also known as The One With The Bynars, and I recall thinking that it was pretty good. I loved working on it, but until I watch it later today, I don't remember exactly why.
Some people have asked me how I put these things together, but I never know exactly how the memories will shake loose for me while I'm watching it. There are some things I remember clearly, like Jonathan crashing into the turbolift doors on the bridge, and then there are others that I haven't thought about in years, that hit me like one of those snowballs Wesley Crusher threw out of the holodeck at Captain Picard – like the time Lawrence Tierney scared the shit out of me just outside stage 16 while we were filming The Big Goodbye. I plan to spend more time with my friends from the cast and crew while I work on Volume Two than I did with Volume One, mostly because it's a great excuse to get together with people I like, but also because I love the Roshomon-like experience of sharing our memories of the future. For example, when I was talking with Brent about The Big Goodbye, he remembered that Lawrence Tierney showed up for work his first day, and for some reason, rather than waiting for the guard on Melrose to open the gate, drove his car right through it. When Brent told me that, I remembered it like it had just happened, but it was something I hadn't thought about in ages. Incidentally, Brent told me that everyone was as scared of Lawrence Tierney as I was, which surprised me.
I'm excited to dig into the second half of the season, mostly because the Memories of the Futurecasts have been so much fun, and have been so well-received by so many people, that I feel inspired and energized. I'm not going to lie to you, Marge, some of the episodes in Volume One were a real slog and not much fun at all, and I think that unfortunately comes through in those chapters. Now that I know how much at least a few thousand people (and hopefully more) want to read Volume Two, I can't wait to see what I can come up with.
Okay, some business that needs attention before I get to work:
Have you caught a typo or formatting error in Memories of the Future, Volume One? If you have, would you please leave the page and paragraph number in a comment on this entry? I'm going to do an ePub version (Lulu now supports that, in addition to PDF) … so I'd like to repair any mistakes before I do the conversion.
Would you be interested in a limited edition, signed and numbered hardback, similar to what I did with Happiest Days of Our Lives? I ask because it's going to cost me a not-insignificant amount of money to make them, and I kind of need to know that it's even something people are interested in. It would be $50 like the other one.
Speaking of The Happiest Days of Our Lives: everyone who pre-ordered from Subterranean Press and is getting antsy because they've waited so long deserves a big apology from me. A couple of things happened while we were putting the book together which were not my fault (OpenOffice and MSOffice not playing nicely was a significant setback for the timetable) but the latest delay is squarely on my shoulders. I've been working my way through just over 2000 signature sheets for several weeks. I've only had time to work on a 100 or so a day until last week, because I just didn't have any other time in my schedule. This has worked out pretty well for the final product, because my signature starts to break down after about 200 pages, but it's increased the wait quite a bit. The good news is that I have about 400 left, and I'm doing them in two sessions today. They'll be sent off to Subterranean Press tomorrow, so the book can go to press and get into your hands real quick. Oh, did I mention that this wait has allowed me to secure a pretty awesome Afterword from my son Ryan? I couldn't be happier about that.
Finally, if you've written or seen a review of Memories of the Future, Volume One, would you leave a link in the comments here? I'd like to collect them all together and share them in a post later this week.
Okay, that's it. If you haven't heard this week's Futurecast, you should be able to get it in the usual way, or you can go to MemoriesoftheFuturecast.com and pick it up directly.
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Wil –
Ohmygod – Episode Eleven had me A) Shooting Starbucks out my Smurfin’ nose, B) emailing friends to tell them if they haven’t listened to it yet that they had to NOW, and C) wanting to go back and watch this episode again. Thanks for these, they’re wonderful, and I hope my wife follows through on her promise to get me the book for Christmas!
Here is a glowing review of Memories of the Future: http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/2009/10/28/book-review-memories-of-the-future/
Enjoy! I can’t wait for Volume 2 🙂 Any word on a full audiobook version of Volume 1? have enough people commited to make it worth the (insane amount of) time and effort required?
I noticed that you ‘liked’ my review on goodreads, which I am very grateful for, would that be the kind of review you were thinking about? Also if you’re interested, I’ve written about your writing on my blog as well, http://icoomber.wordpress.com/2009/09/10/in-which-i-write-about-a-writer-who-writes-about-writing/ .
I started listening to Memories of the Futurecast episode one last night and went through them all including episode 11 this morning. I’ve recently watched all of ST:TNG and while season one is pretty painful it’s so worth it once we get to seasons 4 and 5, so don’t you dare stop! Love the podcasts, but don’t be so hard on poor Wesley. Save some of it for other annoying characters (like Dr. Pulaski, my personal least-favourite 😉
I remember seeing a typo as I was reading it – a misplaced paragraph – but I have to get home from work to find the details. I’ll post about it in 4-5 hrs (and read the other comments first in case someone else posts before me).
A limited edition of Memories of the Future? I, for one, would be very interested in that.
Also, that’s really neat about Ryan writing the afterword for the SubPress edition of THDOOL. Looking forward to that.
Hey Wil,
Thanks for responding to my tweet on your blog! 🙂
On page 134, third paragraph, second-to-last sentence, the word “apologies” should be “apologizes”.
I haven’t seen these episodes for years, but it was such a pleasure reliving those times with your voice in my head. Thanks a TON for sharing your memories and letting us into your life all these years.
Also: I’m switching from LivingSocial to GoodReads based on your presence (as a member and an author) on the latter system (LS doesn’t have Memories of the Future in their system yet), so I’ll start with a review of MotFv1.
Mistakes I’ve caught thus far:
page #, paragraphs down, (mistake) how to fix it
17, 3, (Zorn,.) should not have a period
24, 1, (season,and) needs a space between season and and
89, 2, (whole paragraph starting with “Man if I were Marina…”) belongs on p 88 after 1st paragraph ending “I wish I could say.”
+1 from me for a limited edition signed super version…
Hrm… I thought it was odd not to see an episode last week. My iTunes didn’t download it. Guess I will need to double check I’m subscribed to the correct feed.
Also, a signed hardcover? I’d be all over that! I need a companion to my signed Happiest Days.
I totally enjoyed Volume 1 and am eager to dive into Volume 2 when you complete it. I’m not sure I’d be willing to shell out an additional $50 for a signed hardcover of each individual volume, but would definitely pay that (or more) for signed hardcover omnibus edition of each season.
Speaking of The Big Goodbye, I was surprised that although you mentioned Felix Leech as being a Peter Lorre-esque character, no one I’ve ever talked to picked up on Lawrence Tierney’s Cyrus Redblock as being an obvious nod to Sydney Greenstreet. Oh well. Thank you and keep up the great work!
Hey Wil, I wrote one of those review things on my blog. I loved the work and am downloading Futurecast 11 right now. It’s the first thing I bought from you, but I’m going to work on grabbing all your works – they’ve been added to the Christmas request. I really can’t wait for Volume 2.
Does this mean that there will be more copies of Happiest Days published so those that are just tuning in can get one?
Yes. You'll be able to get copies from Subterranean Press. There's a link in the sidebar, if you wanted to check it out.
Hi, Wil–
First, I very much enjoyed Memories of the Future, Vol. 1 and am looking forward to Volume 2!
Re: found typos, etc., in Page #–Paragraph–line format, with the air date and other introductory info counted as a paragraph…and leaving out ones mentioned by others:
6–2–6: “well-received” s/b “well received” (no hyphen needed in that position)
6–4: whole paragraph appears one point smaller than the rest of the section (although it might just be me)
11–2–6: in other appearances in this and the next chapter, “Farpoint station” appears as “Farpoint Station”
12–3–4: “over-shared” s/b “Over-shared”
15–4–3: “Star Trek” is italicized in its first standalone appearance in the chapter (8–2–7)
19–2–8: Um…not that I lack a sense of humor, but did you really want to perpetuate that urban legend about Cass Elliot choking to death on a ham sandwich? Because, well, she didn’t, and it’s also kind of a cheap shot at the fat chick…
More later.
I remember this one because I think it may be my most favorite typo ever 🙂
Page 62, last paragraph (under “Obligatory Technobabble”): “As the power grew, I applied the energy asymptomatically.”, should be “asymptotically” instead.
Wil, have you considered making one/some/all of your books available through Lightning Source (POD)? Having worked at bookstores for the last ten years, it would be nice to be able to put your books in customers hands.
Also, the bookstore at which I work just installed an Espresso Book Machine (we can download, print, and bind books with it), and Lightning Source is one of our…um…sources for those titles.
Just a thought for further expansion of the Wheaton empire.
Some links:
I’d love an audio book format (nothing beats hearing the book in your voice.) Plus if the hardcover was a collection of both books for the season I’d be very interested in that.
I didn’t notice any errors when I read through the book so nothing to add there.
Awesome to hear about an e-Pub version. That’s my preferred e-format. You won’t hate me too much if I wait to buy until that format is available?
Loving the Futurecast and telling as many people as will listen (and some who aren’t) about it!
I would love to buy a limited edition of HDOOL. Memories of the Future has also been a wonderful thing to read. and listen to!
yes, i am pro signed hardcover edition, and if you do it, i will convince someone to give it to me as a christmas present 😉 i love what i read on your blog but haven’t purchased a copy so far because i wanted to “save” the book for the holidays. a signed special edition would be one more reason to look forward to that!
don’t know if you’re interested in any international reviews for your collection, but if that’s the case, have one in a scary foreign language (don’t mention the war!) for the sake of completeness:
the short version is that this blogger (who writes on many nerd topics and who’s doing very entertaining stage shows based on his blog) is enthusiastic about it and recommends it to everyone. he did something on your blog earlier this year and linked to your blog entry on the E4 campaign you did for nolan.
“Have you caught a typo or formatting error in Memories of the Future, Volume One?”
Yes, I did: you forgot to put my name on the cover. No biggie, but it can be corrected for Vol.2.
Well, it turns out I couldn’t link or copy and paste so I had to copy by eye and by hand my comment off of Itunes. Which worked out well seeing as I edited it just a little too.
Wil as a writer and narrator does with honesty, passion and joy what can easily be lost in the podcasting process. He seems to only release podcasts he something to say or something to share and it’s refreshing to hear a show that actually sounds like you’re sat down with a close friend, chewing the fat whilst Wil takes his turn in the pace of the conversation.
There are great podcasts out there where people will rave passionately (one sided) about what ‘they’ are interested in, or who take a didactic route that though you share the same interest, it leaves you feeling like you’ve been talked at rather than with. Wil Wheaton though talks like there’s a dialogue of which we are all part of, and he’s just having his say.
It’s nice to hear that professional yet warm style applied to his take on Trek. Wil Wheaton gushing about a topic that’s as part of his personal make up as is his favourite beer or the latest game he’s interested in, comes across well in these broadcasts.
It’d be easy and a little lazy to say that I am a geek coming together or that is why Wil will get such a great response to these. Yes the 30 something’s who initially come to the future cast may have similar passions, similar ideas and even similar worries. However these podcasts are a fun and honest dialogue open to all generations, which end far too quickly and stay with you the rest of the day.
Take a few minutes of your day to pause, breathe out and listen to a great personal take on an iconic TV show. You’ll be glad you did.
Gods, I’m sure looking forward to getting my copy of MotF1.
An OT note: Wil, have you ever seen this video?
It’s called “Game Over” by PES, a guy who does kinetic animations. Having read your columns on the old classic arcade games, I thought you’d get a serious kick out of it. (I was a stone Catepillar freak, myself. Any idea where I can get hold of that game for PC?)
I keep meaning to review your book for my site. But I just received my copy last week and it has been a fight between myself and the boys as to who gets it read it next.
Hopefully it gets done by mid week.
I really cannot wait till Volume 2. Sometimes I wonder if I am the best person to even write a review on this since Star Trek was a very important part of my childhood and it as well as Wesley got me through some pretty dark times which got briefly explained in my own book.
So if the review gets written or not because I am two minded about whether or not I should based on my personal biased, I just want to let you know Wil that it is indeed a wonderful book. There are a few parts that make me cringe but that has nothing to do with the writing or you, but just gut reaction anytime Wesley is bashed. I think it is wonderful that you can mock the character given your past with it. Kudos.
The one with the Bynars sits well in my memories too. I was always disappointed that we didn’t see more of the Bynars later in the series. I suppose they need their huge planetary computer system to survive long term and that kind of gets in the way of long distance space exploration.
Or maybe their super fast integrated computer connection made them so integrated with their version of Facebook that without continual access to their friends’ updates they would die of lonliness.
Okay, crap, I meant “Centipede”. That tells you how long it’s been since I played it!
I just finished watching 11001010 for the first time since it aired, and though I recall liking it back then, I don't remember it being as good as it is! It's such a *cinematic* episode, and the writing is so good … man, it's going to be a real challenge to make its entry funny instead of reverent.
The Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator can play most of the old school arcade games. The problem with trying to play a game like Centipede on a PC is the lack of a trackball.
I'll see your MAME and raise you a Tank Stick!
I can’t wait to hear the review of “When the Bough Breaks” myself.
Apparently, Lawrence Tierney also had the entire cast of Seinfeld scared, as well. Stole a butcher knife from the set, and when Jerry confronted him, he made stabbing motions, a la Psycho.
WHEATON! Good call on the Tank Stick; I think that’s going on the ‘expensive toys’ portion of my Festivus list.
I noticed a couple of typos, but I think other people have them covered already.
Anyway, I wrote something on my blog about MOTF:
I would wait until you have two (or four? or EIGHT?) MotF volumes out, then release them in a hardcover bundle. I wouldn’t be so interested in $50 for a book now, knowing that I’ll need to drop $50 on *another* book later.
And really it’d be more like $70 out of my pocket, since I’d inevitably end up buying Vol. 2 in its regular form first, followed by the collector’s edition. I’m not so likely to drop THAT much coin.
I noticed several errors as I was reading. What I saw may have already been noted above by others, but I’ll look through the book again.
I agree with the person above about the dig at Cass Elliot. When I read it, I winced.
I’m one of those who preordered The Happiest Days of Our Lives (a book of yours I haven’t read yet) from Sub. Press. One thing that appealed to me about getting that version, besides the excellent quality of Sub. Press books, is that it has been expanded from your original releases.
And so, I’d be interested in an omnibus hardcover edition, one which assembles into one book all the Memories of the Future books, especially if it had bonus stuff you didn’t include in the original Lulu press editions. I would not be into a hardcover of Part 1, a hardcover of Part 2, a hardcover of Part 3, etc.
I reviewed MOTF here (under Rachael): http://www.librarything.com/work/9106744/reviews/52596155
And finally, I loved the Bynars episode. And while it would have been great to see them in another episode, Minuet is referenced later, and that was super cool.
The One With All The Bynars? If I’m not very much mistaken, are we now into “where no snark has gone before” territory, i.e. into the reviews that didn’t get to TV Squad? That is strangely cool.
I’m also looking forward to getting my hands on my Christmas 2008 book-type present 😉 Yes please on another limited edition volume; could we get a nifty TNG logo or some-such that builds up on the book spine as we collect them, please?
Two typos that I noted, but managed to miss all the others reported so far. Yay me.
Page 68, 2nd para, “Anticans” has been misspelt as “Anitcans”.
And just noticed that the second one has already been mentioned. I’ll be going now.
Just wanted to say I just bought Memories of the Future after listening to some of your futurecasts and am really enjoying it. Thanks for all the work you put into it. I loved watching the show with my dad when I was a kid.
Stay strong.
Actually Brian, if the word was wrong it was wrong in the script. Wil can only quote the quote (???). “Asymptomatically” is what was actually said. I thought it sounded wrong when I heard it as it seems more a biology term. But then… I’m not a scientist and I have no business disputing Obligatory Technobabble. But I am good with the dialog mimicking.
You could always borrow from Alan. His facebook take is timely and could be funny.
Whatever you produce to keep me company in the laundry room during the coming long dark teatime of the Type A mind is fine by me. I’m either going to make Trek converts or prove that I am the freakiest geek on the property.
How did anyone not get the whole Sydney Greenstreet/Peter Lorre thing? THe whole feel of the holodeck during that episode was sooooo Casablanca. Though I was always disappointed to never really know what the thing was that Hill was supposed to have been holding, I loved the fact that he never got it.
“…because he’ll never never never never never never do it again (not until the next time).” Have not heard that song in a decade and a half. Nicely played.
Feel free to use the Facebook joke as if it were your own. Although maybe use the generic “social computing” term so that the book doesn’t sound date next year when “SuperSocialFunhouse.com” becomes the in-thing with all the kids.
(hurrying off to register supersocialfunhouse.com now…)
Also supposedly the Bynars upgrade the holodeck. Personally, I couldn’t tell the difference. We did see the un-upgrade holodeck before this, right? All we really had was Riker’s reaction to the upgrades.
Maybe our 20th (excuse me… 21st) century minds can’t appreciate the subtelty in 24th century graphics improvements in the same way that my 10 year old self though the graphics in The Last Starfighter were totally realistic, but look completely fake to me today.
There has got to be a joke in there somewhere, but I’m not sure where it is.
You could also think of this as a roast of 11001010. It is possible to be very respect of someone at a roast and still f-ing barbecue them.
Reviewed on my blog… I have to admit, it wasn’t glowing.
I would definitely be interested in a signed version of the omnibus MotF that contains all the volumes in one rather than each one seperately.
I’ve always liked the one with the Binars :). I’m sure lots of jokes can be made, though – like the scene where Riker keeps pestering the Binars until the virtual girlfriend has just the right “hotness” quotient for him, lol.
Just sent an e-mail to Subterranian Press – I recall ordering both the Lettered and the Special editions of the Happiest Days, but it has been so long that I am seeking confirmation. 🙂
I both need and crave and desire Memories of the Futurecast to be parlayed into an audio book version of Memories of the Future. I would buy it twice.
One review of MOTF1 here:
It’s our book for December, but once it arrived I couldn’t wait and did my review early. There’ll be a couple more reviews added there over the next few weeks.