In the world of entertainment, there are things that make me laugh, there are things that make me cry, and there are the rare things that work on so many different levels, or are so surprising, they simply drop my jaw to the floor and blow my mind.
This cover of Poker Face by Molly Lewis is one of those things.
Molly Lewis, you are a national treasure. It is an honor to occasionally share the stage with you.
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Other than never having shared a stage with her, I strongly agree!
I completely agree. She made us a really great CD, but she eated it… Worthy purchase!
I think I want to have her babies…
Oh, and you may want to know that she made the MP3 of a free download:
Plus, she made us a great CD (but she eated it):
I lover this video. People sent it to me for Halloween.
I also really love her ukulele version of Still Alive
As I was typing the words ‘where can I get this to put on my iPod?!’, Wil read my brainthoughts and posted the mp3 download.
This is a work of genius. Molly Lewis is my new hero.
That’s simply awesome.
More complicatedly it’s awesomlicious.
That’s pretty cool. I’ll have to look up stuff she’s done. Thanks Wil!
(FYI: the zip-zip quasi-VCR noise at the beginning caused my cat to go nosing under my laptop to look for the critter that was making that noise; I guess it sounded like a mouse or something. funny!)
WOW, that’s really amazing! Thanks for sharing, Wil!
I never really liked the original, but her version is great!
Yeah, I feel exactly the same way. I don't care for anything Lady Gaga has done, but this version is so wonderful, I find myself singing it in my head.
That’s highly bizarre. I’ve been listening to her for a few days on thesixtyone now. I’ve even got her FABULOUS song about Mr. T favorited on my page.
That Mister T song is one of my favorites. Isn't it awesome?
You said it, Blair! Molly Lewis was one of the first members of the Ning Community, “Too Much Awesome”! A community of independent musicians, their fans and friends.
And she was a guest on their weekly podcast!
Molly also won the Internet Song Writing contest, “The Masters of Song Fu #3,” beating out Wootstock Song Fu Masters Paul and Storm in the final round.
It is the awesomest.
Also awesome is Christopher Walken’s version:
Mr. Wheaton, you never cease to amuse me. That is not a bad thing. The problem, however, is now I’m torn between chatting it up with you, and listening to all of Ms. Lewis’ body of work… THAT is a bad thing.
Ah, can’t embed youtube vids in comments. It’s here:
Yeah, I totally agree here. I have such a nerd crush on her it’s stupid. Her cover get stuck in my head at least four times a week.
Man, she’s got some funny stuff!
All this talk of music and I thought of something. One of my fellow Philadelphia bands released a new CD yesterday. Check them out at Wil, I really think you’ll like it if your podcast selections are any indication. It’s quirky, indie, kinda rock and is pretty cool. In particular, check out track 6, Never Saw It Coming. I really think you’ll be glad you did!
Why, Wil, WHY?!? I played the video once… then I had to do it again. And again. I finally succumbed and bought her CD “I made you a CD… but I eated it.”
This is really getting in the way of my homework. I’m supposed to be studying the GSM cellular architecture and reading about the CDMA architecture for tonight.
But I can’t get this song. Out. Of. My. HEAD!
Wow, and here I thought that this song had no redeeming value in it whatsoever, and then Molly Lewis comes along and brings out the awesome. Oh yes, this is definitely getting spammed to all of my friends and family. That is totally so full of awesome and win! Molly Lewis, FTW!
Most awesome.
She is so much fun to watch! And she’s wearing my very first threadless shirt when she’s rockin on that stylophone, too. Threadless FTW! Fun music FTW! FTW FTW!
I do apologize for this but…who is Molly Lewis? I feel like I’m that one kid in the back of the class who can’t read the blackboard but doesn’t want to say anything cause he fears he needs glasses and he’s already an outsider what with his bad fitting shirt and non Nike shoes
Molly rocks. It still blows my frakking mind that she is only 19. And she is so damn adorable.
Molly is a musician (that part is kinda obvious)
She was brought to JoCos attention a few years ago because of a cover she did on the Uke of one of his songs. He asked her to play with him. She has been a participant in the Masters of Song Fu Song writing competition. She was at PAX. She was in w00tstock. She is amazingly talented.
I hope that answers your question.
I keep having this nagging feeling like I know Ive seen here somewhere, but I really dont think I have… Which sucks.
But now I have!
I first saw her playing with Jonathan Coulton a few years ago, and we invited her to be a special guest at w00tstock 1.x. She's an incredibly talented person.
Hmmm… Wil, two things.
1- Are you a Firefly fan?
If so,
2- Are you familiar with Marian Call?
Wow. This isn’t a simple cover!
Playing all the “tracks” herself?
Her existence a scant nineteen orbits of Sol?
A superb talent. Send my kudos to Molly, Wil.
I love being introduced to new stuff. This is new! It is also stuff. Epic win! Thanks for sharing.
Long time reader, first time poster etc. This is a good cover, beating out (but only narrowly) an acapella cover by a little group out of oxford:
Could you amend the title to *international* treasure, please? 🙂
I still think I prefer her version of “Toxic” though; I was completely unaware that a ukelele could make sounds like that and it’s been my highlight of the w00tstock audio so far (close second is “The Trade ft. Paul and Storm”, though :-).
Right, off to find if DFTBA ship to the UK!
When she wears the wig she looks exactly like a girl from where I work work.
I would love to see molly preform live, because she would actually still be AMAZING. That’s important to me.
I was going to say that she's a national treasure that spans multiple nations … but then I decided to be all "USA! USA! USA!" and keep her all to ourselves.
Until we got back from w00tstock, I had *only* seen Molly perform live. I can assure you that she is wonderful.
You always show me the coolest music by really talented people, I’m still in love with Theressa Anderson!! Thanks Wil
She is incredible. You need to get her to come to the Phoenix Comic-con next year. I would love to see Molly Lewis and Wil Wheaton rock the stage with Rock Band!
Love this cover! Molly Lewis is ace.
If you’re a ukulele fan (and let’s face it – who isn’t?) check out Leftover Cuties version of Poker Face:
P.S. I love that is is rocking the MST3K t-shirt.
Uh-huh, other ukes in the arsenal. You can’t have just one. 🙂
Now what I wanna see is the collaboration between her and Christopher Walken on this song.
How about a national treasure of the Geek Nation? After all, that’s a gathering of people that, happily, doesn’t have borders imposed on it 🙂
Srsly though, dude, you guys are going to have to share her or we’ll get Simon Cowell to inflict “X Factor” on you. There’s not enough ukeleles in the world to cure that particular fever.
That was an amazing cover! I’d rank it even with Daughtry’s that he did in Germany (
Get the two of them together and it would be a KILLER duet 🙂
I love it!
Then again I love anything that makes use of a stylophone.
Now if Molly can get her hands on a Tenori-On I may get head explody.
Don’t forget her birthday is the 23rd of this month. Everyone needs to wish her a Happy Birthday!
Well, you need to get her on stage when you come up to Seattle for the ECCC. I think a little late night shindig is in order.
I wonder if you’ve heard any of her stuff acoustic? (Lady Gaga)
At first I really couldn’t stand any of her music, then looked into her background a bit. She can really play the piano, and some of her songs are quite amazing. Her voice is nothing what you hear on her albums. Normally I wouldn’t tout another musician/band when someone says they don’t like them, but as a singer, I can tell That Gaga has something pretty special.
(Fooled me again with your honest eyes)
Holy Martian Mary, there are ice fields on the moon! Is anybody else watching NASA’s streaming press conference right now? For once I’m sorry I don’t have Twitter, because I want to send everybody a big YIPPEE!!!!!
Apparently the L-CROSS mission immediately confirmed there was lots of hydrogen in the lunar plume that was kicked up by the fracking device, but the scientists took their time to confirm that, in fact, the spectrometers were picking up water.
Sorry to threadjack. I’m just so inexplicably happy! It’s like every other geek’s hope is coming true. Excuse me, I have to go retrieve my Young Astronauts pin from my trousseau.
Molly is the result of a charming collision between genuine talent and cuteness.
For comparison, I just saw Lady Gaga’s original version of this track, and I definitely prefer Molly’s. The former has a decent beat, but suffers from overproduction.
Whomever edited Molly’s clip also did a terrific job; it’s simple, clever, and direct.