I can't believe it's Friday, which means tomorrow is the weekend. Where did this week go, anyway?
A few things I wanted to mention before I get busy:
1. If you'd told me a year ago that I'd be going to bed between 9 and 10 every night, then waking up entirely on my own between 6 and 7 the next morning, I would have called you a name … but it's what I've been doing the last six weeks, because I'd rather wake up on my own, than be woken up by the fucking construction next door.
2. Scott Kurtz' PvP is always wonderful, but The Incident just killed me. Start with part one and work your way forward – it only lasts a minute, though, so don't rush it.
3. I don't know how I lived without click2flash until this morning, but since I installed it, my Mac is easily 5000% faster.
3+1. My friend Amber pointed out that today (1120) = (1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 × 6 × 7 × 8) / (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8). I love that, and it makes me wish I was better at math.
5. Speaking of wanting to be better at math, I have this idea for a class at a community college. It's for people like me who are in their 30s and have realized that they've forgotten a lot of the things they learned in high school, things like rules of grammar, algebra, chemistry, and civics. The truth is, unless you use those things every day, the reality of adult responsibilities pushes them out of your head. I mean, I'm a pretty smart guy, and there are times when I have to write down a math problem that I used to be able to do in my head, and some of the spelling and grammar errors I make are just embarrassing – and I'm a writer! So my idea is for an 8 week class that meets once or twice a week for a couple hours, that would be a mental tune up for guys like me. We don't need to relearn everything from the beginning, we just need to stimulate that part of our memory where algebra and geometry are stored so we can remember the things we used to take for granted. Someone do that, and do it at PCC so I can walk there, okay?
6. Speaking of college: I'm going to CalTech today to do an awesome thing for NASA. I'll be on campus for a few hours, and I had an idea that could be fun: I'm pretty sure a non-zero number of people at CalTech read my blog or follow me on Twitter (or are a few degrees from someone who does), so the first person to find me there today and say "Qapla'!" gets a signed copy of Uchu, one of the Star Trek mangas I wrote. (NB: If I'm working with you today, you're ineligible*. Sorry.)
7. Is it just me, or has the last week brought a significant uptick in people being dicks on Twitter? I'm blocking a lot more people than usual. It has a Long September feeling to it, but I realize my user experience isn't the same as a normal person's.
√64. I've been asked if I'll be at ConCon (the Leverage convention) next year in Portland. I'm not sure they're interested in bringing in guest stars (and, honestly, if you had to choose between me and Mark Sheppard, I'm obviously staying home) but if they are, yeah, I'd love to be part of it.
9. People ask me all the time if I'll come to their city for a show. I haven't been willing to travel very far, because it's too risky to invest in travel and shipping merchandise only to have 40 people show up. But Paul F. Tomkins wrote a post for his blog about how he's letting people build an audience that makes it worth his time and money to travel to their town and do a show, and it makes a lot of sense to me. I think it's a model I could duplicate (or at least attempt to duplicate) so if you're at all interested in seeing me perform live in a town near you (read: not Los Angeles) then please read his post. I'll expand on it next week. (Related to this: let's say I could do a live show that was streamed online. I would perform some stories for about an hour or so, and then take questions from The Internet. It would probably cost about $5 or $10. Does that sound like something you'd be interested in doing with me?)
X. Looking for something to do this weekend? GET EXCITED AND MAKE THINGS! There's a ton of inspiration from your fellow creators in the comments on this post.
*Sigh. I had to look up the proper spelling of "ineligible." Please, someone, get to work on that class, okay? I feel stupid.
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You know, if you need someone to edit your stuff for grammar (or just remind you of basic grammar rules as you need help), I’m willing to help. I’m a grammar nerd (or nazi, whichever).
Re: 9, JoCo has reportedly had good luck with Eventful.
With so much math talk, I just wanted to remind you that not only is today (1120) = (1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 × 6 × 7 × 8) / (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8), it’s Benoit Mandelbrot’s birthday!
ROTFLMAO- That comic was great! (and I’m up for a class like that too, thank the GODS for spellcheck!)
5. My community (Fresno, CA) has an “adult school,” a community run education program with classes just like this.
X. Get excited and make things has inspired me to power through my term paper this weekend so I’ll have enough time to finish the blanket I’ve been working on for the last several months!
Vote for Floyd Hansen on the Criminal Minds page of CBS.COM
Do you remember Number Munchers or Midnight Madness? I wish they could spruce those up for an older crowd… maybe an RPG.
“You gain x experience points, where x^2+x=6 for x>0.”
I would so take that class. In fact, I would take the hell out of that class.
I haven’t really noticed anything, but I agree that your Twitter experience must be vastly different that most people’s. I was, however, shocked at a reply someone made to @feliciaday yesterday, which was just astoundingly rude. (Hope I haven’t made your blocked list!)
On the “mental tune up” bit, I’ve often thought that, despite nine years of higher ed, I was a lot smarter as a senior in high school than I am now. But what about nice, hour-long online lessons instead of in-person? Imagine lynda.com for physics or calc. I’d pay real dollars for that, and I wouldn’t feel like I’ve been stricken with Alzheimer’s any more.
Don’t feel bad. I’m a proofreader and I have often had to look up the spelling of ineligible. English is a tricky, tricky language. 🙂
I’d like to see you in Atlanta. I’ll be watching for the minumum numbers you’d need to get. There are a LOT of geeks in Atlanta, Wil, and we’re D*Con goers.
I would think that we can book a venue at the University where I work, too, if we wanted to do the single fee direction. I’ve got a student activity fee board meeting today and will bring it up. But I have no idea what your fee would be. We could ask you to do a performance and then do a QnA on writing, acting, and guest starring on TBBT, the Guild, leverage, etc.
Thank you so much for the Click2Flash tip. Finally marketing Nazis no-longer decide what I view on websites. You are a top chap.
Re:7.) Keep in mind, Trent Reznor walked away from twitter entirely. He didn’t understand the concept of flamers and trolls.
Re:9.) I use eventful for music because it hooks up to google calendar, outlook, or ical
Re:10.) I <3 instructables.com I made one of these for lols: http://www.instructables.com/id/Pimped-Out-Megaphone-Helmet/ I should note that I am obnoxious with that thing on 😀
Oh, and something you might do is buy a Barron’s SAT review book, and work through the practice exercises. It’s amazing for that kind of review.
I used to have great luck with Eventful, but I've encountered some problems with it lately:
1. It's become incredibly difficult to navigate.
2. There's no way to clear old demands, so I have the most current (and therefore useful) information.
3. There's no way to ensure that "one demand = one real person in a seat in a theater."
Hurm. I think I'll ping JoCo and ask him some questions.
Wil, would you be interested in coming to Dallas, TX for our annual http://www.FenCon.org convention in say 2011? 2010 will be our 7th year.
RE: #5 – I completely relate. Awesome idea!
I really like the “refresher course” idea. Ya know, it is so true! I’m 31 now, and I can’t remember how to begin solving a basic quadratic equation anymore! The one thing that I have found actually gets better with age?…logic. I guess the Vulcans have the right idea…lol!
I would kill (as would my husband and several of our friends and acquaintances) to have you come to Peoria, Ill., for a show. I think a well-placed Facebook campaign could just do the trick toward filling up a theater for at least one show… 🙂
Wil, it’s the internet. It couldn’t be that hard to get together a selection of teachers to run an online course. I know I’d happily teach (English, ethics (bio, medical, applied), or philosophy), and I’m sure a lot of other people would, too.
Teaching for students who want to learn is a lot more fun than teaching students who have to be there.
I think you refresher course idea is a good one, but maybe not for community college, rather for continuing education, or outreach type stuff. Just because those are generally cheaper than enrolling in community college. Just my two cents.
You want Wil Wheaton? You GOT Wil Wheaton!
Now COMING to a computer near YOU! See him LIVE in all his UNFETTERED geek GLORY! LISTEN to HOT double-entendre ACTION as he READS his STORIES, just for YOU and your FRIENDS! WATCH him entertain YOU with his MANY TALENTS! Let him ENTER your HOME for ONE. NIGHT. ONLY!!!!!
$9.99. All major credit cards accepted. Not intended for children under the ages of 18. Please ask your parents before viewing.
(Bonus points if you read this with the monster truck announcer voice in your head…. SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY!) 😛
Hahaha. That's great.
Number 5 is a fantastic idea. I went back to college recently and got my master’s degree, and I did ok, but I had to do some work on my own to keep up with math. I miss knowing stuff, and sometimes now I actually need it. I thought about going back and really studying math, but I’d need so much remedial catch up, it would take forever. But I’d love a class like this. Call it the Be Ready to Help your Kids with their Homework class.
"Call it the Be Ready to Help your Kids with their Homework class."
re #9 – I may be the only person who thinks this, but I doubt it so I’m going to use the collective* “we”. I’m not really interested in a live, online type thing, because we already have you on the internet. Just about any appearance you make or speech you give winds up on the tubes, and I don’t think that watching those would feel significantly different that watching a live feed where you may or may not answer or comment on something that I’ve thrown at you. (Besides, that latter part is pretty much what we all do on Twitter or your blog.) We want to be in the experience. When other people watch the video, we want to say, “Yeah, but I’m telling you – it was even more hilarious in person.” I appreciate that you’re trying to appease more than just your LA fans, but you asked, so my vote is that it wouldn’t be the same.
I do think that there are several spots across the US that could make it worth your while to travel. I think you need to figure out exactly how much money / how many people would justify a trip, and then announce something on your blog. I’ve never bothered with that Eventful box over there because you’ve never really pushed the idea.
p.s. If you do come out to the east coast, please bring Adam Savage with you! Of all the things I’ve missed by being on the east coast, w00tstock is the one I most wished I could attend.
* not that collective.
I would take a class like that in a heart beat. I always scoffed at teachers who told me “you’ll need this when you’re an adult” and now regret that I ignored them. But it would have to be affordable. Nothing more annoying that finding a class, getting excited over it and then finding out it’s for 6 hours over two months and costs a leg, three fingers, the soul of your goldfish, and $1200.
caitlen315 is right on – I’d rather see you at a show or event in person because I’ve already got the online experience. wootstock really needs to come to the East Coast.
And aweome numbering of your list. No refresher course needed to get it!
Why don’t you come to Toronto?
Tomkins did and it changed his life. You’d find much love here. Also, we have beer.
Or at least go to Vegas in December – Nickerson, Otis, Pauly, and around 100 other people who indirectly owe their poker-based friendships to you will be there. You know you wanna. There’s also beer there.
Who is Mark Sheppard? LOL I think you can tell who I’d rather see.
Except for that third paragraph, of course…that has to be done in the quick, serious lawyer voice. :0)
i have the perfect thing to help with remembering all that stuff u forgot. homeschool. u would be amazed not only at all the things u remember but at all the NEW things u learn.
for math… check out an iphone app called mathmagic or a dvd series by the same name at the teaching company. the guy who wrote it works at Harvey Mudd like CalTech only better (according to him;)
OK will watch your posting further on item #9. Rumour has it, you had a bad incident in Toronto and would rather stay away from the city. Having said that, IF we got the people would you come?
Is it bad I took the date thing turned it into the algebra statement: (1 x 2 x 3… xn) / (1 + 2 + 3 + … n)
= 2 x (1 x 2 x 3 x … (n-1) ) / (n + 1)
And then wasted a good 30 minutes trying to simplify it further looking at the case n = odd or n=even.
Please come to Michigan. And how do I help you mak that happen? Uncle Willie can use my friends and family discount and we have two great Helath food stores. One wiht an awesome deli. I can vouch for that, personally. Idk how the other’s fare fairs? Uh.. yeah. About that class.
I’d be willing to use a goldfish, two orange tabbies and a spaniels soul to get into one. I alread owe my arms and legs since it is unlikely I will have a first born to use as collatral.
Thanks Uncle Willie, now I’m paranoid about my spelling and word choice. 🙂
That’s the thing about basic school stuff, they tell you you’ll need to know that as an adult – but really, by the time you get to be an adult you can’t remember any of it anyway! I could use a math refresher, but I’m a rock star at spelling.
I do play trivia every Monday night and that helps the noodle stay limber. We need someone on our team who knows sports. Anybody in? … Bueller??? …
Anyway I vote for number 9. I’ve noticed that you pretty much have to get dragged kicking and screaming to show up anywhere East of Las Vegas. Lots of people like you out in the land of cold, and I’m sure they’d join in.
A online live show would be really cool! I would love to be part of something like that, because I’m from Germany and I think I don’t have a lot of chances to see you perform live otherwise.
Although we also have a very big Star Trek convention here in Germany… 😉
I would take that class with you in a freaking heartbeat. I feel that way quite a bit, especially now that I’m working again. If it isn’t something directly related to my job or something else I’m working on, it falls to the periphery.
As far as dicks on Twitter go, I’m afraid that will only increase as more people join in, just like other things on the internet. I know it’s probably a lot harder for you than it is for me to filter out the dicks though. I’m not sure if there’s an easy solution aside from continuing to spread the gospel of Don’t Be A Dick.
You know, if you took the time to look up a word you didn’t know how to spell, that already puts you way ahead of most internet users. But I don’t think age and lack of practice is entirely to blame. When we see a mistake repeated over and over, and we see that often online, it gets stuck in our brain like a bad Christmas song, and will get called up quicker than the correct form.
Which is why I applaud bloggers who look up the correct spelling when they’re not sure. *claps* I mean how lazy does one have to be, with Google around? When I was a kid I had to use an orthographic dictionary. Made out of paper.
Ooh, (1 x 2 x 3… x n) / (1 + 2 + 3 + … + n) is a whole number only when n+1 is not an odd prime number.
God, I love the maths.
I requested both you and w00tstock to come to Austin, TX via Eventful.
This is what I’m talking about. Why make it something with a physical location, which is just one more destination to cram into a schedule already full of work, kids’ obligations, community activities, etc? The group interaction that comes with a classroom setting is great, but I’ll trade that for less time in the car.
re: 3! (three factorial) Whoa, Wil is visiting my alma mater. You should see if an undergrad will let you stay for dinner at one of the student houses for an entertaining experience.
Unless of course, you’re being feted at the Athenaeum.
BTW, I’d encourage you to get someone to play a popular Wagner piece. It’s our, uh, fight song.
Not sure how much time you have apart from doing your awesome for NASA, but for fun, you can also ask the students for some old final exams from their, umm, “favorite” classes. You can take them home (as caltech students do) and sit there asking “WTF? (as most of us did) when you look at the exam questions.
I support any idea which would allow me to see more Wil Wheaton performances! Saw your Awesome Hour at PAX this year and w00tstock v1.0.1!
I’ve wondered about this for years, so I hope you have a moment to answer.
A million years ago in the ancient year of 1988 I started at CalTech, sometime on October. Freshmen were trickling in, and it’s a small community so we got familiar with each other pretty quickly. One cat said (quite modestly) that the day previous to my arrival he had his friend Wil Wheaton along for his move-in.
Is that something you remember? I recall he seemed like a good guy and I assumed he was speaking honestly. I also wonder if he made it through the gantlet; it was a tough environment academically, and I lasted only six months (not crashing out, really, just realizing that it was the wrong place for me–you know how it is when you’re that age).
Thanks for your time.
OMFG you’re in the building right next to mine.
Don’t be afraid to approach your local community college with that idea. If they’re anything like mine, they might be surprisingly receptive, especially since after a couple of bad job-loss years, there could be some grant money in helping refresh workers who are looking for jobs in new fields.
Until that happens, my fav online lectures come from MIT, but here are some others.
Feynman teaches physics:
Lifehacker’s article on college classes online:
Education Portal, same idea:
My favorite thing about click2flash is that, for YouTube videos, it automatically gets the h.264-encoded video so you view it through QuickTime instead of YouTube’s embedded Flash player. (You might have to wait until the page is completely loaded before clicking, though, or you’ll still get the Flash player.)
The click2flash team also wants to add support for more than just YouTube:
Amber is so awesome. I miss that girl!
Re #1: It’s because you’re old, Wil.
Regarding number 7, you are absolutely correct…I have noticed this phenomenon on Slashdot as well.
Having taught community college remedial math, I can tell you that about a third of the students in the class would have readily tested out of it and into something that they could apply towards a degree if they’d have had some sort of refresher course.
That being said, it’s somewhat difficult to learn math online. One step is to watch someone do the problems after they’ve explained the concepts behind them. The next step is to try the problems yourself. The step after that is to ask questions about what you’ve attempted to make sure that you do understand what’s going on. That can be hard to do in an online setting, especially since it’s difficult to ‘write math’ easily.
I’d consider putting up mini-lectures on the web, but the amount of time required for me as overhead means that it’s a side project that I will probably never manage to get around to doing. I have done one-on-one things with Skype for friends who needed something explained, though, so it’s not like it’s impossible.
Re #5: I work at a community college – I think that’s an incredible idea… I’ll try to bring it up with the powers that be… of course, I’m in Chicagoland, so not quite too close to you.
You would be surprised how quickly it can come back. I am younger than you and thus have fewer years between now and high school but I have found that all that info is not all lost. I have been substitute teaching which requires that I teach many subjects I cared very little about in high school. My discovery is that for most things, I quick look at the text book gets the neurons firing again and I can handle most things. I even helped a kid with science today which was easily my worst subject in school. Just looking at a text book can really inspire that “Oh! That’s how you do it!” moment.