We went to Napa for our tenth anniversary.
For the record: being married to your best friend rules.
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We went to Napa for our tenth anniversary.
For the record: being married to your best friend rules.
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What a beautiful picture! Happy 10, to you! And, may your next 10 together be just as awesome.
I’ve been with my best friend for almost 13 years (come December 13; we started dating on a Friday, even), and we’ve been married 8. What a ride it’s been!
Fantastic. (Although you two should go to Healdsburg and the Russian River wineries sometime.)
OK, seriously… how many of us are still doing the math? *raises hand* 😉
Damn. She’s hot. She single? Oh wait…shit.
Seriously though. Congratulations Wil. I know you’ve been through some really hard times and I’m so happy that you have someone as wonderful as Anne to lean on. Good luck on the rest of your life together.
Could not agree more. Congratulations!
Congratulations, Wil and Anne!
Congratulations Wil! What a lovely photo of you two as well. It is wonderful marrying your best friend isn’t it? My best friend and I have been married 3715 days as of today.
BTW – I think that might be ZD winery’s deck you’re on, not Camus. I’ve been there a few times with the hubby, who works with them. I would ask him to confirm, but then he would just roll his eyes and say “I can’t believe you are such an internet geek”. Of course, the next time we watch a movie and he complains about some stupid vintage being served to the characters, I will roll my eyes and say “I can’t believe you’re such a wine geek”.
Eyeball aerobics are big around here.
Oh, yeah, I know we were at ZD. The *vineyard* behind us is Caymus, I think. Did I confuse them in my post?
I *love* ZD. Abacus is to die for, and their reserve Cab is probably my favorite red in all of California. We actually got a private tour of ZD, and got to have the 2009 Chard right out of the barrel, when it had only been in there for about 8 days. OMG the peachy goodness; I can't wait to have that when it's bottled next year.
Yay for you guys! Marrying people you like is rad. I’mma do it soon, if I can work up the nerves to ask him!! Gratz on your ding, and many happy returns!
okay, what is ZD? I work in a booze shop in England, and I want to see if we can get us some, cos geek-suggested wine would do stupidly well here, and also I’d like to try it!
Congrats! That is so awesome, and that photo is so cool.
My husband and I just celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary, but have been together 11 years. (I can’t count in days.. math is hard.)
He came home from work today, and we hugged hellos and kisses said I love you’s and I thought… how cool, after 11 years we still do this every day. I Love it.
To ten more years! Cheers!
See! Geeks do get the hot chicks! 🙂
Congratulations to both of you!
This is a TRUE FACT.
ZD is an incredible winery in Napa Valley.
Aw, cute!
Expect the aforementioned secret Fantasy Flight awesomeness in your mailbox on Friday. Er, if you’re back by then. 🙂
Ditto on being married to your best friend, congrats!
I’m with alyknitsandknits, here’s to many many more years of happiness. I married my best friend too, and it’s incredible. Cheers, you two.
…now, about all this wine/winery talk. *swoon* I had no idea you enjoyed wine so much. Thanks to you, now I’m going to have to go in search of ZD. I hope you’re happy. 🙂
Congratulations on 10 years! My best friend and I just celebrated 8 years a week ago. Here is to many, many more beautiful years together!
Love that picture, and congratulations!
What a wonderful photo! Happy Anniversary! 1999 was a good year to get married. My husband and I will celebrate our 10th (wedding) next month, and our 20th (hookin’ up) next year.
I do that too … I didn’t know it had a name, I just thought I needed to slow down when I’m writing!
You’re right! I’ve been married to my best friend for 12 1/2 years! Two kids later, trials and tribulations, as well as many good laughs.
Congrats on your 10th anniversary, and here’s to 10 more!
Congrats Wil & Anne! Here’s to many more! 🙂
Oh wow, you have almost the exact same anniversary as me and my ex – Oct. 30, 1999. Though I left him a year ago so we didn’t make it to 10. I’m glad someone did though – congrats to you both, you look beautiful.
Congrats guys! Here’s to many more fun-filled years together! /cheers
Very impressive… and I totally agree. My husband is my greatest friend, supporter and cheerleader. And I am his. It so totally rules!
Congrats. Love that lasts is a beautiful thing. A best friend also… finding both together- so much more than priceless.
Ah, thought it stood for somfink, but it doesn’t (I’m from the Silicon Valley and didn’t recognize them at first is all). I shall try to get me some for my shop (or at least for me, I’ll make my parents drive up there and then post me some). TY for the info, grats again on being awesome!
And here is to Many More Years of Happiness!! Sounds like you got the formula down right. 🙂
Congratulations Wil! Wishing you many more years of happiness and joy!
congratulations, guys! may we all be so lucky.
and yes, marrying your best friend is defs FTW. 🙂
Congratulations! And yep, having the best friend as husband or wife is definitely awesome!
Oh, bless.
Yep, being married to your best friend is the greatest.
Congratulations Wil and Anne. That really is a beautiful picture of the two of you. I would love to go to Napa Valley. I’m a real foodie and I love wine.
Me and my hubby celebrated seven years of marital bliss this past June, and welcomed our first baby into the world in July.
We were friends when we started dating and I’m glad we took the plunge into marriage and parenthood.
Oh and for the record, some girls find geeks to be super hot. At least this is true for me. When we got serious, I took my man down faster than a zebra being attacked by a lion in a National Geographic video. Oh yeah!
I always thought what I had was dyslexia, even tho I can see words just fine. The mix up happens when I write. Your describing of your dysgraphia sounds somewhat similar to what happens to me. Ya got me thinking, Will. I’m going to do some research on dysgraphia. Maybe that’s really what’s wrong with me. Thanks!
And Happy Anniversary!!
grats, to both of you. And, you’re right, being married to your best friend absolutely rules( I’m working on year 20).
Not only is Anne very beautiful, but she also seems to really understand what make you tick. Personally, I love hearing all your stories about how she understands you, sometimes better than you do yourself.
Congrats! And wishes for many more happy years of geek-love 🙂
Congratulations!! Hope it never ends.
And it is great being married to your best friend!! I agree 🙂
Aaw, that’s great. Congratulations!
Congratulations you both! *throws confetti and starts fireworks* That’s awesome!
I am on day 24 of my marriage. I pray that our love is as strong & fun as yours at day 3,563. Congratulations!!!
What a GORGEOUS picture….. *melt* Happy Anniversary to you and Anne.
My husband and I will celebrate our 25th in March 2010. And for the last few years, enjoying your blog has been part of our *happy*.
The very best to you and Anne, and many, many more.
karen and bill in pittsburgh, pa
Happy Anniversary to you both! 🙂
Congrats, Wil and Anne! My wife and I celebrate our 10th next June. I consider myself lucky to have found someone who is able to put up with my extreme geekiness.
Happy 10th anniversary to you both! I think we all hope there are many more to come.
Were the presents traditional or modern?
My wife and I had our 10th last month, we had a long weekend in Las Vegas (which is a big deal, seeing as we’re in the UK!). She got a Tiffany bracelet, I got to see Penn & Teller live (and buy a die-cast, 1979-vintage Star Destroyer, unboxed). I win 🙂
My mom always told me growing up, “Passion fades. When it does, if the person you’re with is your friend, you made a good choice. If that person is your best friend, you made the RIGHT choice.”
Congratulations on ten years.
Happy anniversary!
And yeah, being married to your best friend in the world totally does rule. 🙂