We went to Napa for our tenth anniversary.
For the record: being married to your best friend rules.
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We went to Napa for our tenth anniversary.
For the record: being married to your best friend rules.
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Happy Anniversary!! 10 years is awesome! January 22, 2010 is my and my partner’s 10 years together as well so I know exactly how you too feel. Congratulations and I can’t wait to read about another 10 years that you too have been together.
Very nice pic, Wil.
Both you and Anne truly have your mojo risin’ with a poodle in your strudel.
Congratulations! I echo the sentiments of others on here – it’s wonderful to see an inspiring example of love that endures and grows. I wish you both many more years of happiness together.
– Rachel (halfway to 10 years of marriage!)
Congratulations on a wonderful milestone. You should be very proud of your success as a couple and family.
My husband and I just clicked our 35 year anniversary in October, but we have been together for 43 years. He is still my sweetheart.
They say that a good marriage is not so much finding the right person, as it is being the right person. I think, based on what I know of you both, you have it made.
AWW THAT IS SO SWEET!! Congrats. I hope you had a lot of alone time together.
I have seen you in a lot of things and I can not picture you being a romantic either. I would like to see you try it though. It would be sompething new foy you. Good luck !
p.s. you have me thinking about playing Magic now, Great, thanks alot! LOL
Happy Anniversary, Wil & Anne. Hope there’s many more where that came from.
And I love that picture! So romantic. *sigh*
Congratulations! May you have many more wonderful days (and years, and decades) together. Always great to hear about a long, lasting love.
I know it’s late, but congratulations! Hope you have many more.
And incidentally,
being married to your best friend rules
is exactly what my parents, married thirty-three years this Thanksgiving, say.
Mazel Tov!
hah. that was from me: jbay. I like how typepad lets me post w/out id’ing me. sort of a potentially bad bug. I could be a spammer leading you to tuvan throat-singer dating sites.
Heh. Thanks, jbay. BINGO!
You WOULD say that. Just like Hitler.
Happy paraskevidekatriaphobia day.
Congratulations Wil. It goes by quickly, doesn’t it?
The StarFleet poodles, Pat and Ken wanted to wish you Happy Anniversary too. We were in Napa the same weekend. We know all of the good local places to eat food. Happeness is good.
Pat and Ken
Happy anniversary you two. Here’s to many more great years together. And thanks for the tingling on the left side of my head that hasn’t stopped since I looked at the picc and read the post 🙂