My arms hurt so much today, I can hardly lift a cup of coffee, and I feel quite silly. This is how it happened…
I played ice hockey all through high school and into my early 20s. I loved being a goalie, and after going to lots of Kings games with Nolan in January, I decided that I was going to put on my pads and play again before the 2009 was over.
Well, due to a series of unexpected events, it didn't happen, so I pushed the goal (ha! ha!) into this year and started going to a gym three or four days a week to get back into shape. I've been doing lots of cardio conditioning for the last 6 weeks, and this last week I finally added some light weight work.
Now, I'm not talking anything serious, just some very light weight work. Like ten pounds in three twenty rep sets. Hey, stop laughing at me. I haven't lifted anything heavier than a pen in at least five years.
I deliberately started out light and easy so I wouldn't hurt myself or overdo it. It felt a little silly to be putting the three machines I used on their lightest settings, but I got over that pretty quickly … especially when doing my third set of incline presses was rather difficult.
This was two days ago, and even though my arms ached a little bit and felt a little heavy all day yesterday, I was glad for it. It made me feel like I was leveling a little bit, and gaining muscle XP (yes, there is nothing in the world that I can't view in gaming terms).
So yesterday, I got Bioshock 2. Anne was out all evening, so I settled in for a return trip to Rapture. Just like the first time I played Bioshock, I didn't open the manual or learn anything about the game; I just started playing and let the world and the story unfold while I was playing. I won't spoil it for anyone, but the first 60 minutes or so of the game was more exciting and compelling than any blockbuster movie I've seen in recent memory.
Here's a quick spoiler-free mini-review of Bioshock 2, based on my 7(ish) hours of gameplay: I really like it. I loved Bioshock because of the story and the world, and Bioshock 2 had some very big (daddy) shoes to fill. The story is still unfolding, but so far, it's very compelling. And Rapture … well, things have really gone downhill since the last time I was in Rapture. So I can't say definitively that it's the best thing ever because I haven't played it all the way through, but it's not every day that I pick up a sequel to a game I loved and play it for seven hours straight without complaint.
I took a brief break to eat dinner and watch the Kings (8-1-1 in their last 10) make the Oilers (3-7-0 in their last 10) look like the 1981 Islanders. It's like the Kings decided that the Oilers, being the worst team in the NHL this year, would be a cakewalk, so they didn't need to, you know, show up to play. I gave up after two incredibly frustrating periods and went back under the sea. (Kings eventually lost in a shootout after coming back to tie it while I was fighting with [SPOILER] in [SPOILER] and holy shit [SPOILER] was [SPOILER]!)
"Man, I could keep playing this all night," I thought. "I could take the day off tomorrow, too. I could totally sleep in tomorrow and nobody would care."
"Are you fucking serious?" My dad voice said. "Anne's off work tomorrow. You're planning to clean the house together, get started on the taxes, and work on your PAX East keynote. How the hell are you going to do that if you sleep all day?"
"But … Rapture!" It was the best I could do, on account of I was trying not to let [SPOILER] kill me at the time.
"Hey! I'm talking to you. Pause the game," My dad voice said.
"You need to act your age, be responsible, and go to sleep. Bioshock isn't going anywhere."
I mumbled something under my breath.
"Excuse me?"
"I said 'okay,'" I lied.
"That's what I thought you said. Now save the game and go to sleep."
"Oh, I have to, uh, get to a save point," I said.
"Nice try, mister, but I've played this too, remember? You can save and exit whenever you want."
I mumbled something different under my breath. Ten minutes later I was in bed.
When I woke up this morning, I tried to lift myself out of bed with my right arm, like I do every day, and I couldn't do it. I had to roll over to my left, all the way across the bed, and hop out on Anne's side (which, to be honest, was kind of cool and ninja in retrospect).
I initially thought that the pain was due to exercising my arms for the first time in years, but the more I thought about it, the more I noticed that the pain was localized just above my right elbow, while my left arm really didn't hurt that much. I replayed yesterday's marathon Bioshock 2 session in my head, and realized that I'd been so into the game, I was fiercely gripping the controller the entire time I played it, engaging all of those muscles that had, just 24 hours earlier, been subjected to ten pounds of weightlifting horror.
Feeling very stupid, and hoping that my dad voice wouldn't find out, I walked into the kitchen and yelped when I tried to make myself a cup of coffee.
"What's wrong?" Anne asked.
I told her.
This is where, were our lives a movie, we'd just go to stock footage: she looks at me for a second, cocks her head to one side, starts to say something, stops, and just slowly shakes her head.
"I know, I know," I said. "Let's not tell my dad voice though, okay?"
"Your what?"
"Uh, never mind … can you help me with this coffee?"
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Hi Wil,
I just have to say that I take exception to you calling the Oilers the worst team in the NFL this year (even though it’s true). As someone who lives close to Edmonton, I feel it my duty to make some feeble attempt at defending them, so… your face is! That’s the best I’ve got. Frankly the way they’ve been playing doesn’t even deserve that, but loyalty is loyalty. It was very kind of your Kings to give us a chance to break our losing streak. This polite Canadian would like to thank them.
I know, I know, you wrote this whole long entry and I just zeroed in on one tiny, off-hand remark you made, and skipped the main point. Sorry. I did enjoy the post in its entirety as I enjoy all of your writing/podcasts. I love RFB, can’t wait for more MotFC and your blog fills my otherwise boring lunch break with a good laugh or two. So, thanks for all the enjoyment!
Oh, and I totally get the “Dad voice”. It’s the voice in my head right now that’s telling me I should be in bed rather than laughing my head off at, especially since I have to be at work by 6:00 tomorrow morning. I better listen to it. G’night.
I’d think about seeing a Doc. You might actually have tendinitis. If so – DON’T get the cortisone shot. Go for the PRP (platelet rich plasma) instead…
Nice. Clown top and everything.
I just have to say that I take exception to you calling the Oilers the worst team in the NFL this year
You’re right! Because I’m sure it was the St. Louis Rams…
/awaiting facepalm…
Right. Sorry, but I had to do it. You being from Edmonchuck and me from Vancouver – our longstanding rivalry from the early 80s when your Gretzky led Oilers routinely thrashed our lunchbox Canuckleheads, demanded it, I’m afraid.
And I’m totally not completely amused and appreciating this Oiler downfall… down to the levels that said Canucks spent too many years struggling to rise from (while the Oilers relentlessly pounded “us” like a jock swirlies a geek). At least I’m really trying. Really.
And I know I wrote this whole long entry and I just zeroed in on one tiny… er… you get the pic 😉
I’ve had the same experience– with Guitar Hero. I was so “all consumed” with getting through every song on Hard that I totally ignored my “mom voice”. When I went to lift a frying pan the next am to make my child breakfast-I dropped it with a yelp! Hubby just shook his head in disgust…..
Unrelated research question from a writer you don’t know – My hero played D&D in the early 90s – is there a particular die that he could have used that wouldn’t be easily available in 2010? Urm, no sweat, but my deadline is in 3 days, and I figured I’d go to the best resource I know. Thanks. Jo
I don't think so. The dice have been pretty much standardized since the 1970s.
The only thing I can think of is *maybe* some sort of novelty die, like the giant d100 that every seems to own but never uses. That's not unique to the time period, but you could probably take some creative license and say that it had recently been released, or the game shop ended up with a large supply of them after a con where they couldn't sell them.
Man, the interwebs rock, and so do you. Thanks for such a swift reply. The book just may make the deadline yet!
It’s funny I was playing COD Modern Warfare 2 and some of the savepoints are right next to a guy with a gun, I would load and get immediately blasted. It would happen if I moved forward a little too far and triggered the savepoint before killing the bad guy, then later died and when I spawned – Blammo!. That happened a few times,
Wil – every year in Seattle, the Thunderbirds put on a Celebrity Hockey Challenge benefiting Ronald McDonald house. You should do it in 2011, it would be a good motivator to keep practicing!
Also, I am going to the Olympics tomorrow to see some hockey and was excited to hear that Michal Handzus is playing for Latvia vs an all NHL team for Slovakia. Should be a great game.
I love your blog! Whenever I’m having a bad day, I just come here and re-read some of your stuff. Today I was having a tough one, and I decided to come back to this post because it makes me laugh. I have had conversations with my own “mom-voice” enough to make this hilarious! Thank you for being so awesome!!