This picture was taken after we'd been working all day on all the scenes that take place in the bowling alley. It turns out that shooting pretend bowling sequences is really complicated, and just a few minutes of final cut takes several hours to film.
What you can't see is how Jim and I are trying like crazy not to crack up, on account of something that was said just before the picture was taken.
…no, I'm not going to repeat it. I have to keep some things for myself, guys.
Obligatory Tune-in Reminder: The Wheaton Recurrence airs April 12 on CBS.
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But where are the pictures of you in Aaron Douglas’s Canada sweater?! At the very least, I want to know whose jersey he owns…
Actually, I kinda can see that.
TWO MEN ROLL THEM! ONE MAN… ah, shit. Gutter.
Sheldon has his own pair of bowling shoes. Evil Wil Wheaton rents.
Fun caption based just on the facial expressions:
Wil: “You’re so getting pwned.”
Sheldon: *gulp*
Ashes to ashes,
DJ Pheonyx
The Cape Radio
Those are some mighty stylish shoes Moonpie is wearing. Was that scene done in a real bowling alley, or was it a set?
It takes me a few hours to play a single game never mind film it!
those shoes are pretty fly.
I hope it’s taken in the spirit it’s intended, but simply looking at Jim/Sheldon cracks me up. His facial expressions are awesome.
I cannot wait to see how they managed to convince Sheldon to wear rented bowling shoes! That is a brilliant picture.
The Creepy Candy Coating Correllary came on the other night. When I clicked on it on my Tivo, my husband said “don’t worry- it’s a re-run.” I said “I know it is. I can totally watch this one again.” He laughed and said “Oh I know you can!”
BBT + WW = Happy Geek
It was a set. Doesn't it look amazing?
Evil Wil is Evil.
All I know is when I see this picture I keep wanting to sing Weird Al’s “White and Nerdy”…
Here’s hoping you get to be Sheldon’s ongoing nemesis in the future — the Bob Villa to his Tim Taylor! The Newman to his Seinfeld!
The attention to detail that goes into the sets on that show is INSANE. Seriously, Big Bang Theory has some of the best and most detailed looking sets I’ve ever seen in a TV show, and just that little shot of that bowling alley adds to the growing list of amazing locations they have created. Awesome!
I can only imagine working on a set like that makes your job much easier…
I need to find a way to watch old episodes of TBBT. Kicking myself for not leaping upon this symphonic cartwheeled transport earlier.
As to what was said, something like “okay guys, look like you really have some confidence in your balls.”
Always disappointed not to see your Three Wolf Moon shirt… I really think that would suit Evil Wil. Maybe a newer version for him?,435896202
Wil – does my monitor need adjusting or is your ball… blue? o.0
You guys are looking good. Wil, your appearance on Retarded Policeman #5 is great.
Or he could wear the Three Hippopoticorn shirt.
Didn’t know how else to get this to you, Wil. It’s unrelated, yet awesome:
TED talk by Jane McGonigal: “Gaming can make a better world”
What a great anniversary present! My husband and I celebrate 7 years on the 12th – and we’ll get to see a great episode. 🙂
Now that you mention it, I can kind of tell the ‘I will NOT crack up!’ thing with you. Not so much on Jim. And I still have eleventy-billion questions about bowling alley sets. LOL
I gotta get me one of those shirts 😀
Don’t you all believe this stuff about “Evil Wil”! I just checked IMDB and it says that Wil Wheaton is playing “Himself” on this episode!
Maybe this whole “Don’t be a Dick” Wil has just been a disguise?
After all, if you can’t believe IMDB, who *can* you believe?
The Flanders to his Homer?
Man, you should have been in our lunchroom today. It was all about the balls.
Dude! That is twenty seven different flavors of awesome! And I can’t even imagine the feelings you must have…well, felt…when you learned the title of the episode. Pretty damn humbling, man. Pretty damn humbling.
I assume that most of the geek-ware sported by the cast is custom made (it’s just way too geektacular to be available in stores). Did wardrobe let you keep your t-shirt?
I feel like The Dude should be in the background, somehow.
The Dude was in my mind the entire time.
As was Donny, who was OUT OF HIS FUCKING ELEMENT.
Nice. 😉 You realize now I'm tempted to Photoshop The Dude into the background, right?
You realize that, because you've put that idea into the world, you must do it, right?
Ha! Okay, I'll do that tonight once I'm home and send it over. Been meaning to email you anyway, but work keeps on exploding.
I’d like to follow up on DJPheonyx idea and have a caption contest on that picture, it is EPIC!
Any takers? 8^D
P.S. Now I’m even MORE giddy for the episode to air!
I know I am a gutter-minded simpleton sometimes, but I can’t help but wonder if the comment just prior to the photo was something like “Okay, both of you grab your balls and look really menacing at each other”…
Of course, I imagine the level of set-pic disruption humor is better than that, but that is all I could come up with off the top of my head.
cant wait cant wait til april 12th
wil and sheldon together again
so awesome
<3 you wil
so great to meet you at ECCC
Sheldon: Wil FUCKING Wheaton!
Do you know where the BBT wardrobe gets the shirts the guys wear? They are awesome and funny.
I really enjoyed Awesome Hour. We were both crying with laughter the entire time, despite having heard Blue Light Special last year and on Happiest Days audio. It is a great story and you tell it well.
The Red Robot shirt and Electric Sheep are from @rstevens Diesel Sweeties webcomic site:
So, I figure they were Wil’s own shirts.
so lemmie get this straight… i get to see norm macdonald on april tenth, my birthday, then your second evil wil wheaton episode, all in three awesome days? one right after another? this may very well be the bestest birthday evarr. i’ve had a few pretty good birthdays so it’s up against some pretty stiff competition. i can’t wait. *squee*
Happy birthday to us! Happy birthday to us! I have no plans yet for the 10th or my birthday, but I’ll be tuning in to BBT on the day after for sure!
One word: EPIC.
Dude. Just saved that pic and has a crisis. Do I put it in the “Wil” folder (a subset of the “Trek” folder – simplistic, I know, but it works) or the “BBT” folder? Ah! BBT, of course!
Check out They do a pretty good job at tracking down the shirts Sheldon wears to a variety of sources on the net.
VT, the idea was too awesome:
Evil Wil… abides?
Thanks 🙂
I need some more geek shirts.
balls. ha, just got it! bowling is funny.
In order to fill the Big Bang Theory/Wil Wheaton-less hole in my week I just watched your last episode of BBT and followed it up with John Hughs’ “She’s Having a Baby”. Imagine my squee and delight when I saw you in your Wesley Crusher sweater suggest the name ‘Jason’ during the end credits.
I think it’s amazing that something you did for like 5 minutes 26 years ago could so thoroughly brighten my today. It’s even more amazing that I can let you know it happened and then ask, how did you wind up there?
Great picture. Sheldon may be physically taller than you, but you tower over him here. Awesome.
Is it just me, or does your ball kinda look like one of those orbital photos of Earth? Or better yet, is that actually the design?