As some of you know, for the last six weeks, I've been working night and day on my PAX Keynote, which I deliver in 176 hours. It's been a long and sometimes agonizing road but after intensely bouncing drafts back and forth with Andrew this week, I have a draft that I can begin polishing.
This means that, today, I'll be reading it aloud in my office so I can time it out, find places where I can move words around, maybe add a phrase, and maybe take something out if it doesn't sound quite right (for example, I changed a "didn't" to "did not", because the words around it obscured the n't just enough that it could confuse people who didn't – I mean, did not – hear it clearly; stuff like that.)
I don't own a stopwatch, so I grabbed my iPod Touch (I mean my iPad mini! HA! HA! HA!) and fired up the little stopwatch thingy that comes with it. Here's what I saw:
(Please forgive the crappy Blackberry photo; I don't have my "real" camera handy.)
I guess I started it about 5710 hours ago, and forgot to press stop. Now I don't want to reset it, because it would be 237 days before it happened again. Also, this is probably only funny to me.
In other news: OMG my keynote speech for PAX East is so close to being finished!
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My work here is done. Pass on what you have learned, my children, and remember me fondly…
Your slogan of “Don’t be a Dick” came to mind when I read this….
K that’s all….
I think that’s the time since you last cleaned your Apple keyboard. There are some serious cheetos smudges on that number 8 key.
I personally feel those smudges act as a protective layer. Who needs those fancy keyboard protectors when you can have a daily replenished film of finger grease.
I think this is hilarious! I did that once with mine, but it had only be going a couple of days. I thought that was amusing, but this is much better!
Hey Wil, whatsup? You should come to Universal Studios, Hollywood, this Sunday March 21. I’m going to be there for my first time ever, that would be cool if I saw you there, :/, C:, XD, Please? I’m sorry if I’m not a good speller, haha.
Hi Wil – Just wanted to offer a hearty GOOD LUCK with the keynote. I look forward to hearing it (on Youtube?) – the original one was grrrrrrrreat (an 80s reference to get you psyched).
Have fun with it!
Honestly I just want to know how you managed to take a picture of your Ipod with a Blackberry and the world didn’t come to a halt. My Blackberry senses someone with an Iphone in the area and it jumps from my pocket and hurdles itself at them. Ok, so it was me, but I figure if I can’t use my Blackberry for a projectile object what else can I use it for!?
are you gonna be at the PAX up in Seattle this year?
237.9 days to be exact. That’s seems like a long time to me. That could have been running since the time you bought the iPad Mini. Thanks for that smile. The funny thing is I never thought to check my iPhone when I read your post, but just today I was sitting down to take a power nap (I set the Timer thingy for like 20 minutes and power nap) and I looked at the stopwatch and mine said 3120 hours. I laughed so much I couldn’t sleep and I just got back to work. Thanks for the post even though it took me nearly a week to comment on it, I just didn’t see the connection until today.
Man, I’m bummed out that I can’t make it to PAX East MORE now. Stupid economy. Maybe I’ll see you at Prime.
I saw the picture before I read the story so as I was reading I was thinking, “Is his speech really that long?” Ha. Good times.