I'm in Canada, working on Eureka, so I couldn't watch the previews CBS put online for The Wheaton Recurrence. Using all of my Evil Wil Wheaton powers, I contacted a sympathetic mole deep within the CBS Fortress of Power and got my hands on this preview.* I'm sorry I had to disable embedding, but it's the only way I could outrun CBS's army of lawyers. I'll leave it online as long as they let me.
Believe it or not, it was really difficult to get the timing just right on the reveal of Evil Wil Wheaton. The camera had to move into a precise position, and then Jim and I had to be in exactly the right place when he sat up and I turned around. I think we had to try it eight times before we finally got all the pieces to click together correctly.
The Wheaton Recurrence airs Monday, April 12, at 9:30pm on CBS.
*CBS asked me to take the video down once the episode aired. Since I'd like them to employ me (and let me do awesome stuff like this) in the future, I complied.
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This nemesis thing Evil Wil has with Sheldon reminds me of possible W00tStock sketch. If you have ever heard of the play “Love Letters”, then try
Delightfully Evil Wil Wheaton and Sheldon Cooper in,
Hate Mail.
Just a thought.
Break a leg in Van Will 🙂
Very awesome. You can totally tell that moment was intricately timed and comes across just right, so kudos on the hard work. Can’t wait for the episode 🙂
Excellent! Yet another reason to watch this fantastic show. Looking forward to it.
Looks good Wil!Evil Wil Wheaton is the guy we all love to hate! I hope your enjoying it here in Canada!
Remind your mole that they didn’t actually register wilwheatonstinks.com .org and .net and they will probably be porn sites if they don’t.
LOL. I saw another commercial last night where you tell Sheldon to come to (give in to?) the Dark Side and he exclaims, “That’s not even your franchise!” 😀
You’re using coconuts!
The timing looks perfect! I can’t wait to see it! And still thanks for the sun here in Van, please feel free to leave it behind when you go!
I, for one, love the Evil Wheaton. As much as I enjoy Sheldon, the character needs a true nemesis to give us a reason to sympathize with him, while at the same time exploiting his obsessive, childlike, narcissism. I tried imaging the first Wheaton episode with Nice Wheaton and I realized that had the writers done that, Sheldon would have just come across as an obnoxious creep, instead of the future mad scientist we now know and love.
Evil Wheaton not only provides a foil for Sheldon, but cleverly uses Sheldon’s own nature against him – much like a Master Ninja. 🙂 I really like the comment about “living in there rent-free” from the preview. This is so true when you obsess about an enemy and yet delivered in that context, the comment comes across more as strategic tactic – a chessmove – some thing to counter.
Sir, you and the writers of The Big Bang Theory, have masterfully created a character that is a Moriarty to Sheldon’s Holmes. And have done it in a way where one doesn’t not have to root for either one to enjoy the battle between them. I applaud your combined skills and wait eagerly for Monday’s show.
*Happy Bounce & clap*
This Monday it’s finally going to air, yay!
I can’t wait! Your episode was the reason I started to watch TBT in the first place.
It didn’t take long for me to cover season 1,2 and 3 after that, I couldn’t believe I had missed such an awesome show so thank Melora (May she grant Aeofel peace) for your episode =)
Thanks for the clip, hope they don’t suspend your account on the Tubes for it 😉 (J/K)
I’m ridiculously excited about this! Now at least I have a video to show my friends (for the time being…) rather than trying to put the hilarity into words!
Now you have a small idea of what it takes for Canadians to keep up the the internets from time to time.
Wicked awesome reveal – looks like you dialed-back the evil a little – which is good.
Fantastic clip! Laugh out loud funny, and the reveal was pitch perfect. I must finish watching season 2…
Amazing sneak peekery there, Wheaton! V excited for this, it looks excellent.
And even though it winds me up when people quote what they’ve just seen on youtube in the comments to that VERY VIDEO *eyetwitch*, I have a feeling that “Foolish Wil Wheaton… it was never off” will be creeping into my vocabulary.
Thanks for bringing the sunshine. hehe. Saw the trailer, thanks to your moles, and am looking forward to seeing the episode.
Evil!Wil FTW!
There’s only one or two shows that keep me from writing off TV entirely, and BBT is one of them.
Actually, doing a whois search turns up Warner Bros. as owner. Likely not planning to make the site go live until the show airs….
Foolish Wil Wheaton…it was never off.
Love it.
Wootage! Very much looking forward to this. Did you throw the balls, or was there a stunt bowler?
Wow! This looks uba cool! I can’t wait to see it!!!!!
I’m hyperventilating just watching that clip…..
Sooo well done…sooooooooo well done.
Some of the YouTube comments picked up on the superhero-type nemesis. I’m thinking that Wil Wheaton is Sheldon’s Captain Hammer to his Dr. Horrible.
All those WilWheatonstinks url’s are still available… better go grab those before some truly evil person does.
Wow! This looks uba cool! I can’t wait to see it!!!!!
awesome how did you do it?
Though it falls right into my likes, somehow I missed watching TBBT. I just got Seasons 1 & 2 for my birthday, all b/c of Wil!
Love it! That rivalry storyline is really hysterical.
Wil: Thanks for posting the video preview.
It looks great, and I can hardly wait for the show to air on Monday night.
This news article got posted today:
I hope that when you get time, you will write a blog posting about your time in Vancouver describing what you did both for Eureka and while you played tourist around town. I grew up in Vancouver, but it is always interesting to find out what visitors find interesting or not about my city.
Feeling a million miles away in Tahsis, BC
I like how Sheldon sits up like a meerkat when your name is mentioned but I saw you walk in with the others. 😉
Yeah, I thought that was hysterical, too. Jim doesn't waste a single beat when he's being Sheldon.
If you’re driving by way of Bellingham, WA, just across from Vancouver, check out local microbreweries Chuckanut, and Boundary Bay. They’re within ten minutes of each other, and both are award winning breweries. Chuckanut is more “session beer” in style, Boundary is more “big beer,” and has better food.
Oops! Major spoiler there for Monday night’s episode.
That said – quite a long and quite good article.
Interesting stat that TBBT is leading in viewership in Canada now and close in the US – considering that it’s heavily watched via streaming or torrent it must be WAY ahead in real numbers.
Just watched the Klingon voiced bit from Wil’s first appearance for the first time and almost fell off my chair when I realized he was wearing a Fruit Fucker T shirt.
Well played, Wheaton, well played.
That was such a tease, but I’m grateful anyway. I can’t wait for Monday night now.
Hopefully we can hear all about your newest projects on an episode of Radio Free Burrito soon. I’ve missed it alot.
Have fun in Vancouver, and thanks for posting a preview that all of us Canadians can see;)
This isn’t listed in my guide! Is it online or something? I’m a new reader of your blog… but I’ve always loved ya!
never mind .. I found it, just me being retarded
Hey Wil. My girlfriend and I bumped into you today on the street. I’m the guy who worked on Red Dead Redemption. It was a thrill to meet you. Check out the picture. It turned out pretty well.
It was really great to meet you. If you’re in Vancouver for a while, hit me up. I’m sure you’re super busy but I know lot of interesting things to see and do in this city.
I can’t wait to watch it! I hope they make you more of a recurring character in the seasons ahead, instead of just a guest star.
Also, could we see a possible Emmy nomination (and win) for ‘guest star’?
Wil Wheaton….Soooper Genius
Sir, you and the writers of The Big Bang Theory, have masterfully created a character that is a Moriarty to Sheldon’s Holmes. And have done it in a way where one doesn’t not have to root for either one to enjoy the battle between them. I applaud your combined skills and wait eagerly for Monday’s show
Well said! I am very much looking forward to seeing this episode.
I realize Wil is Sheldon’s foil, but wouldn’t it be great to see him become the same for the rest of the cast?
Dialed back until he is ready to strike with a fury on our favorite little Moon Pie … BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
It would be brilliant for CBS to pick them up to help continue this storyline even further!
Ooohhh, I can’t wait…I know where I’m going to be at 9:30 tonight!
Great video, Wil! You’re a brilliant choice for Sheldon’s nemesis. I can’t wait to see how the tournament goes.
The Torontoist blog has a nice little blurb about your appearance tonight on Big Bang:
“Wil Wheaton returns to The Big Bang Theory in his now-recurring role as Sheldon’s archenemy. Wheaton’s a fun writer and all, but you just know part of the reason he’s successful again now is because he sat down one day and said, “you know, I don’t think there’s actually a professional nerd out there. Not a guy who’s a nerd who does a job, like an IT support guy or something. A guy whose job it is to be a nerd. I bet there’s a niche for it. I bet I could do it.” And now the rest of us all just sit back and look on in envy at the motherfucker. (CTV, 9:30 p.m.)”
Nerd-envy. It’s a sad thing.
What worries me is that although Warner bought those domains, they didn’t grab the obvious alternatives of the “willwheaton” variety. :-/
Hi, Wil! Been lurking for some time. Love your appearances on BBT. Here’s a link to an NPR mention of tonight’s show.
This has got to be the most anticipated episode of TBBT in a long time. Must have something to do with that Wheaton guy.
Oooo, just a few more hours….
Hey, Wil,
I love your work and I’ve been an avid TNG fan since I was 15. I’m now watching all the episodes with my five-year-old son (well, LOTR desn’t freak him out, so…).
Len loves Captain Picard and Commander Riker but he especially loves Wesley and is always asking where he is, if he does not appear in the episode.
Anyway, poor Len just ripped a huge hole in his Future Starfleet Officer shirt that I got him at the STE awhile back, and he’s really broken up about it. He was about to outgrow it anyway, so I thought here’s a long shot, why don’t I ask Wil if he knows of an awesome *Wesley* kid’s T-shirt available anywhere on the Intertubes–and NOT a “Shut up, Wesley” shirt.
So… do you know of any? Because if you don’t, you really should see about getting one done. I like the Wil shirts, but my kid only knows Wesley right now. I’m thinking a really cool shot from First Duty era, that kind of thing. Less a goofy Naked Now shot.
OK, I’m done babbling. Keep up the awesome!
Thank you,
PS, is this a good place to admit I was INSANELY jealous of you as a teenager? 🙂