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I wrote A LOT about my sons, and our relationship, during this five year mission. It's rewarding and special to look back at those posts, now, knowing everything I know.
After a long Exile, I returned home this weekend. Until the heat death of the universe or I stop blogging (whichever comes first), I'll be back at WWdN.
This is the second to last post I made at WWdN:in Exile. I’m copying it here for completion’s sake. In 2001, blogs were very new things. In fact, as much more time was […]
This weekend, after way, way too many years in exile, I’m finally returning home. Wow. Typing that made me feel all the feels. I wasn't expecting that.
Coincidentally, I just watched Season 3 of The Guild last night was debating if it was worth tweeting you to see if there were any plans to bring you back next season. I eventually figured, “Eh, Wil will drop that spoiler when he’s ready.” Nice timing.
Loved the beetle bit on the blooper reel!
Yessssssssss. Finally, this question I’ve been dying to ask is answered.
I was really happy to find out that my suspicions were correct. I’d seen on the Guild’s Wikipedia page that season 4 was due to start filming in May and when you said you were busy and it was, in fact, May… the cogs started cogging.
I was so hoping you would make a return! I usually listen to RFB, but I don’t want any Guild spoilers (other than your return, which is awesome!)
It’s pretty spoiler-free to be honest with you. Not to spoil the podcast for you.
There aren't any spoilers on the podcast. We were very careful to make sure of that.
Cool đŸ™‚ Listening away then
I haven’t listened to RFB yet, so I’m just going to assume you’re eloping with Felicia Day. Congratulations!
There *are* spoilers if you know nothing of the series.
Which is my OWN DAMN FAULT and I have sent myself to bed with no supper accordingly.
Aww, now don’t Fawkes and Codex make just a darling couple.
awesome news! Now I’m tempted to watch season 3 again instead of finishing this chapter I’ve been trying to write all week. Can’t wait for season 4 and more Fawkes.
The sad part is that I’ve been spending too much time with friends who follow the tabloids & my brain went there for a fraction of a second… until I recognized Felicia.
Note: the delay was mostly caused by the fact that this picture of Wil would have been posted on 16-year-old me’s wall.
Also, awesome Y shirt.
UGH! Thanks for telling us that there weren’t going to be any spoilers in the podcast! TOTALLY RUINED IT FOR ME! Obviously you guys have never heard of a *spoiler spoiler alert* jerks!
PS I just watched season 1&2 of dollhouse and I loved Day in the Epitaphs. (In like 2 days, I was totally worn out from NY)
So, I know this doesn’t really fall under anything to do with the blog post I’m commenting on, but I stumbled on this pic and thought Wil and the rest of you here would like it:
Also, I’m really looking forward to more Evil Wil Wheaton episodes on the Big Bang Theory, my friends and I cannot get enough of that evil smirk you use!
I was wondering who made that shirt… What is a “Y shirt”?
Felicia is such an inspiration. It’s so wonderful to see creativity beat the odds, especially from a woman. Hollywood seems to think that smart, funny women aren’t interesting enough to invest in, which we all know is completely false. I can’t wait to see what other great things she’s going to bring to the community.
BTW – I am really suprised that were no comments about the final episode of LOST.
I thought a show like that would be right down your alley.
Is that a show that you have followed at all over the last five years?
Hooray! I am no longer a sad panda.
I’m not sure which of the two of you is the cuter one!
BTW, my husband just bought me season 1 of Leverage as part of my anniversary present… this is a show we hadn’t even watched until you appeared on it, so you really did introduce us to it.
This, this may have made my day. I went through all of my Guild DVDs again the other night, and I’m very much looking forwards to seeing you rocking the kilt again. (Why don’t all men have kilts? Do they just not want to spoil us women?)
Wait… who’s the guy with Felicia? Looks familiar…
I’ve got to say. I hope this interview gets transcribed, JUST to throw off people that are searching for “Felicia Day Vaginacam”
(Or, Sleepless in Seattle. What a Tweest!)
Did you get to kiss Felicia on the mouth? I’d better listen to the burrito…
Great interview, Wil! Any chance we can get more interviews with cool folks you work with on the Burrito?
This the painting you guys were talking about …? The Son of Man by RenĂ© Magritte
Well, I really wanted to listen already. Now I really, really want to listen.
I remember the children’s book you’re talking about:
P.S. I’d been PONDERING the best way to watch the Guild (Since I’m WAY behind the times on it), but listening cinched me on getting the Digital Versatile Disc form, due to DELICIOUS EXTRAS.
It is now safely bundled with an Amazon order for the new Big Lebowski dvd release.
Wil, the shirt you’re wearing. Where from? looks cool.
If I can figure out a way to make my audio setup not blow up on me, I would love to do more interviews. I think I'll have to invest in some equipment to do it, though, which means that I can't take burrito feedings and spend them on beer like usual.
Ah, tis a fine problem to have! Arrr.
Hhhhaawesome. Episode 28 is on my iPod waiting for me to get out of my awesomefun temp job and listen on the way home.
I wish my birthday was sooner than December so someone could buy me the Guild DVDs. *sad face*
Great news, Wil!
The Royal portrait of the Geek Empire. All hail, your Majesties!
Yaaay! More Fawkes on the Guild = major WIN!
Aaaaw… very nice episode Wil. Felicia is so sweet… that slight lisp that she has sometimes is cute! đŸ˜€
Also, kudos to her for the indie production of the DVDs: knowing the authors get a better slice of the cake is always a plus.
Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina.
That was a lot harder to spell than you think. The quintessential childrens book. That page you referenced is always the one that pops into my head when I start feeling overwhelmed by all the hats I wear. And hello… nap in a tree. They’ll never find me!!!!!!!!!!
Disagree with the Dr. H on TV. Although it might have gone well on the BBC. That seems like the kind of humor you get over there.
Awesome interview, Wil. And congrats on a season 4 with the gang.
Is it just me or is Felicia pulling an awesome trollface there?
“Problem, Wil?”
My guess is that the shirt is an image from the classic Terran Trade Authority books (not the dodgy remakes from a few years ago).
When it comes to America’s favourite g33ky readhead, I’m always interested.
Great interview, wasn’t really surprised to hear you’ll be in season 3, but happy that it’s confirmed now! Saw season 3 is up on Netflix, but the extras on the DVD sound really cool.
I know it will not weigh on your method but just as a karmic twist my birthday is on May 31 đŸ™‚ and if I see anyone with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire I’m out of here!
Damn you Wil Wheaton… I just watched the DVD of Dr. Horrible. LOVED it.. and now you get your picture taken with Felicia Day.. the most beautiful woman on the planet (next to my wife)..
Why.. Why.. Why.. lol
Listening to this edition of RFB made me desire Wil Wheaton anything of Joss Whedon’s. I think that would be an absolutely amazing collaboration.
I loved this episode! You were both extremely elegant in your attempts to keep the ‘cast spoiler free. I am one of those deviants that can enjoy movies, books, what-have-you, even if I hear a spoiler or two. Wish I could bottle that super-power for my more tightly wound friends! DEE-lightful burrito, Sir.
I thought it was from the cover of an issue of “Y: The Last Man”, a pretty great comic book series. But now I see there’s slight differences, so I couldn’t tell you who made that shirt.
I so enjoy the Radio Free Burrito.
Oh wow, you totally played your +20 Jacket Of Epic.
Seriously. I love it.