This was filmed by one of the producers, near the end of a very, very long day on the set of Eureka:
We're obviously having fun and being silly, but there is an element of truth to what we said: we have a good time when we bring these characters to life, but it really does require a great deal of focus and dedication. One of the reasons I loved working on Eureka so much was the cast and crew's ability to have fun and stay relaxed, while remaining focused and working hard to make the very best show we could make.
Remember that my episode, All The Rage, premieres this Friday at 9pm, on the network formerly known as Sci-Fi!
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Y’all’re both nuts. *G* Just one of the many reasons to keep watching.
I love this show and I agree you are both nuts…
I’m sure it will be awesome. I’m a little upset with the whole timeline alteration. If only The Traveler were there to fix things… Or perhaps ‘Eureka On The Edge Of Forever’?
I love this show and can’t wait to see you in it 🙂
Yet like The Derf I’m a bit concerned about the time alteration plot. It seems like an easy way to just go back on “things they shouldn’t have done”… But these changes sure seem interesting!
I’m sure you all had a “Naked Time.”

It will be wonderful to see you on this show Wil, been watching it since day one, so this will only make it better.
Now to the usual, since there has been no WWdN:IX game on Stars, I have been on FullTilt, particularly on Wednesday nights, with many of the formers, but sadly, our host, TheMookie has had to retire, but let the name pass on, at 10pm ET (7pm PT, 22:00 GT). Of course with CC:SD and wootstock, it will be at least a month or so for you (assuming no other pressing engagements), but the poker crowd misses you (or at least this part of the poker crowd misses you). So let us know.
Have fun at the con and stock!!
I love Colin’s sage nod in this.
Now that we’ve had a glimpse into the new season, can you reveal if your character has anything to do with the Founders’ Day storyline (e.g. came into existence because of bits that were changed)?
Finally! I’m not one to be all “I know what’s right so shut the f**k up!” Well, actually I am, but anyhoo! I knew from day one watching Eureka that you’d be a choice actor to have on that show and as a part of that world (not to get all Aladdin/Disney on you). I’m really looking forward to this Friday’s episode, but I’m always looking forward to Eureka. It is such a wonderfully nerdy, techy soup of humor and smarts. Yay!
“Part of Your World” was the Little Mermaid song… I feel sad for knowing that..
Okay, how tall are you and after that tidbit how much taller are you to Colin Ferguson?…Not going to answer, okay, but you are on one of my favorite shows and I can’t wait for you to show up in the current storyline. Also, when are you going to be on Leverage?
I can’t wait to see it! I am always really excited for you that you get to do work on shows you enjoy – it seems like the best of both worlds? (I’ve always wondered, though, once you have been in an episode, are you able to sit back and enjoy it, or do you have to tie your internal critic to a chair in a dark corner of your mind first? Does it change the way you feel about a show generally? You seem to have an even greater appreciation for some shows after you’ve worked with the amazing folks on them, but I’d be curious to know how it changes your viewing experience, more specifically.) In any case, I’m glad Friday is tomorrow!
I loved this. I can’t wait to see this episode. Perfect combination of some of my favorite things/people.
I have always loved Eureka. I always feel like I can tell if the atmosphere on a show is good or not. May be it shouldn’t really matter, but it always seems to effect the show.
I’m watching Eureka!, and I am really enjoying it.
You rock, dude.
And Fargo really does have a tiny head.
Okay, now I feel silly. When I first saw this post I thought it said Craig Ferguson, and I thought it was a bit of an odd pairing, and somewhat out of context. As soon as I hit play & saw Colin there I went “oooooohhhh”, facepalmed and then giggled at the silly that the pair of you put on the screen.
Thanks for that! It’s Monday, so I needed to get my DUH moment out of the way early.
Don’t worry. Not only did I know that too, not only did I have the soundtrack on cassette, not only did I have the soundtrack on CD, but I suspect I was the only person to ever have that soundtrack on 8-track.