One of the great joys of w00tstock 2.4 in San Diego was finally getting to see and hear Marian Call in person; she is brilliant, and totally One Of Us.
I was talking with Marian this morning, and she told me that she has a show coming up in Seattle:
Well, we're having a sort of mini-w00tstock 2.4 reunion up here, with me, Molly, and Finn this Thursday night. I am very very very excited as I get to have a full band and strings and such for the show, which my usual gypsy-ing about prohibits. I'm also releasing a single tomorrow in conjunction with the event — that'll be at
Marian was incredible with a typewriter and a guitarist … I can't even begin to imagine how wonderful she's going to sound with a full band and strings! And Molly will be there! And Finn!
If you live in or near Seattle, and you like things that are awesome, you simply must go see this show. I promise that you will hear great music, and – even more important – you'll be supporting a rising indie star, who just happens to also be an awesome person.
Seattle, WA // Thurs. 09.09.10 – Fremont Abbey: the Very Very Big Seattle Concert
Marian almost never plays with a band, but this September in Seattle it shall come to pass. Strings, drums, and every good thing, including the unsinkable Molly Lewis opening (#freemolly!). 8pm, all ages, tickets $10-18 with student/senior/military/disability/starving artist discount. Tickets will be available in advance at starting August 26th and at the door. 4272 Fremont Ave N, Seattle WA.
Marian thinks the show will sell out, or get very close to selling out, so you people who are lucky enough to go see the show should buy your tickets in advance, or at least follow @mariancall on teh Twitters for sales updates and last-minute panicked buying.
Oh, and Vancouver? You're next! Marian is coming to entertain you on Saturday.
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And if you can’t go (you should go), keep an eye out for that single Wil mentions is coming. You will want it. Get your money ready. (But then go to the show.)
Marian Call is, indeed, one of the awesome-est people in all of Awesomenia. She may very well be Teh Queen of Awesomenia. Trust me, her live performance is relevant to your interests.
Marian & Molly … you really can’t go wrong here. I had such a good time at w00tstock 2.4
You will enjoy yourselves.
I could hop on a plane right after class on Thursday, see the show, and maybe even stay with my cousins, who would love the Show of Awesomeness.
*checks bank and credit card balances*
Will still tell the cousins about the show, though. 😉 If they can make it, they’ll love it.
But wait, there’s more! Vixy & Tony will be on stage with her too! NOW how much would you pay?
I’m bummed – I can’t go (no sitter).
Seriously though, if you have no idea who Marian Call is, check it out – she’s awesome.
Glad you like her, Wil. She’s one of our favorites up here.
I occasionally get the chance to run the camera for her webcast’d concerts, and always have a blast. Plus, she’s just good fun to have lunch or a beer with.
Hope you get to hang with her some more in the future!
Marian has entrusted me with the duty to make sure you all go, which is why I’m glad you said something, Wil. Then I can just pretend that it was my ranting and raving is what filled seats. ;^D
See all you Seattlites there!!!
As if there was any doubt, the concert was amazing! It didn’t quite sell out but there weren’t more than a handful of empty seats. Molly’s opening set included a much more finished version of her Open Letter to Stephen Fry that she performed at w00tstock Seattle. If anyone had told me a year ago that I would be a raving fan of ukulele music I would have thought they were nuts!
Marian’s set was unbelievably good. Much as I like her stripped down just-a-voice-and-a-guitar sound, having a full band behind her really brings out the power in her voice. I really REALLY hope she was recording this set because it was just stunning.
It was a great show. Marian has an amazing and powerful voice.
I also realized at that show that I have now seen Molly perform live more than I’ve seen anyone else perform live. It’s been great to see her mature over time as a performer.
Having been a fan of Marians’ since friending her on Myspace, some while ago I was very glad to see her get this show. I hadn’t heard of Molly before the show, but I picked up her cd after her act.
Marian was amazing, having gotten my dad hooked at a previous show, I have to really rub it in that he didn’t make it to the awesome.
Also for those not in the Seattle area, Marian is on a mission to tour all 50 states so keep an eye (and ears) out, she’ll be in your area soon.
P.s. Thanks Wil for promoting them.