Everything about this is just beautiful. I highly recommend watching it full screen, but for the lazy or whatever, here's an embed:
(via Geekosystem)
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Everything about this is just beautiful. I highly recommend watching it full screen, but for the lazy or whatever, here's an embed:
(via Geekosystem)
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I wrote A LOT about my sons, and our relationship, during this five year mission. It's rewarding and special to look back at those posts, now, knowing everything I know.
After a long Exile, I returned home this weekend. Until the heat death of the universe or I stop blogging (whichever comes first), I'll be back at WWdN.
This is the second to last post I made at WWdN:in Exile. I’m copying it here for completion’s sake. In 2001, blogs were very new things. In fact, as much more time was […]
This weekend, after way, way too many years in exile, I’m finally returning home. Wow. Typing that made me feel all the feels. I wasn't expecting that.
Wow, I love the music.
Very soothing, thanks Wil very nice find.
Cant spoiler but love some of the Return Of The Jedi, subtle jests.
Awesome. All three movies in under 3 minutes.
Agreed with Hekate180. Nice and relaxing. Perfect nostalgia music.
“Just once… let me… look on you with my own eyes”
Very beautiful. And a lot of work!
That is beautiful. I missed the feeling of being utterly incapacitated by Star Wars!
Trailer for another Star Wars to get excited about:
(I so wish it were real)
That was very well executed. Thank you for sharing the video.
Yay, no Ewoks! Great movie.
To keep the Geekiverse in balance, Hayden Christensen needs to promote a synopsis of Next Gen done with sock puppets.
God, I hate Star Wars. I hate the movies. I hate the books. I hate the parodies, the homages, the tributes, the porn versions, the everything. And I hate any film maker who sacrifices story for production. I’m embarrassed to live in the same galaxy cluster as Lucas.
Stargate and Star Trek ATWATS.
That was simply awesome and I cant wait to share it with the Mega Star Wars fans in my life!
My favorite artist. Glad to see he is getting more noticed.
Really, Trollio? I mean, really?
3D done right. And no Ewoks. Doesn’t get better.
I saw this posted yesterday somewhere else, it is indeed superbly done, picking the best bits from each film.
Exactly my thought. 😉
OK, the AT-ST looking up at the AT-AT was probably the cutest Star Wars thing ever. #justsayin
I hope you weren’t trolling, because that is exactly how I feel. I couldn’t have put it better myself.
Very cool. I am actually Ok with the whole series.
I actually like parts of 1, 2 and 3. Espeically Qui Gon Jinn.
Four and five are probably the best.
Number two is the best of the prequels.
My least favorite is the third one but even parts of that are good.
I love STAR WARS but at the end of the day its just a movie.
that’s beautiful…
but here’s the REAL story:
That was cool, I’m a 64yo guy who just finished reading Just a Geek, any want to say that is the wrong title, it should be
“How To Be A Man” that thing between our legs makes us male not a man. You have been through more BS in a few years than most go through in there entire life but you hang in and keep on going not making a mess of your life. Not only have I seen you in STNG & Stand By Me but also in Toy Soldier, December, Book of Days, and even Flubber and you were good in all of them. All were different and you played them differently. It’s obvious that you have a great wife and fantastic parents they should be and I’m sure that they are proud of you and you should be proud of yourself. Keep up the good work that book should be required reading for troubled youth and adults.
I cannot strongly enough reccomend getting the audio book of it from his online store Harvey the emotion in the reading is so uplifting and times and wrenching at others.
I intend to get the days of our lives audio book next which from what you have said in your review about parents/man etc may be an excellent listen for you.
What a great share. This is really quite hawesome. Thanks for exposing us! Umm…I mean…
I want to like this, I really do. And the animation is kind of cool, but the music causes me actual physical pain. It makes my brain twitch and I want to stick sharp pencils in my ears to make it stop.
Jeremy did a superb job. Thanks so much Wil for sharing. And the music was beautiful. Does anyone know the title/Artist of the song playing?
This is completely awesome.
@hotmama: Jeremy Messersmith/Tattoine. He’s from Minnesota <3
I have lost track of how many times I’ve watched this with my four year old.
Sorry, off topic, but just a reminder–tomorrow at some point the date and time will be 10/10/10 10:10:10. Awesome.
Freeman \\// _
Very cool.
In the interest of following Wheaton’s law, I must edit a sentence here.
I meant Thanks for exposing us TO THIS VIDEO.
Dude. Someone’s rocking the Wesley Crusher!
You do such a good job of updating this site.
Hopefully a new post is coming up soon.
I’m surprised this one didn’t get more posts!
Keep up the good job.
Alesum:summarizing the world.
The local paper placed your quote in yesterdays paper.
This dude played 1st Ave last week here in Minneapolis. Coolio.
That was great! Thanks Wil!