One of my favorite things on JoCoCruiseCrazy was our Informal Moustache Formal, organized by the (now dead to me) Paul F. Not Coming On the Cruise Because I Got a "Job" that "Pays Me" and "Furthers My Career" Tompkins.
During the Informal Formal, Kevin Murphy loaned me this most exquisite fez, which I wore proudly until it was time for the Informal Moustache Formal to come to its inevitable and all-too-soon conclusion.
"Thank you," I would say when a gentleman or lady would compliment me on the aforementioned fez, "it is on loan from the Murphy collection."
(Photo by my friend Atom Moore, who has a brazillion pictures from the cruise up at Flickr.)
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Many, many LOLs with regards to these mustache/fez photos. Oh, my side! <3
A sartorial delight.
Soooooo dashing!! Are you Akbar or Jeff??
All you need now is a date-eating monkey that likes to sit on your shoulders.
The important thing, really, is that this was taken at a place where the elite meet to survey the fleet.
Is that the same Paul F. Tompkins that filled in for you on w00tstock 🙂 well played.
And the fez is awesome!
“I am lookink for… how you say… Secret Squirrel?”
You look amazingly fine in a fez.
Fezley Crusher?
Perhaps you could toss me a band aid or some anti-bacterial cream
Beware redheads, lest you should lose your fez.
I was going to ask if he was Gooey, Screwy, or the ever-popular Ratatouille
I don’t recall your name, but your fez is familiar.
Wheaton, I’ve been seriously drunk because of Johnny Johnny. I know Johhny Johnny. Johnny Johnny is an imaginary friend of mine. Wheaton, you’re no Johnny Johnny! 😀
How swellegant of you.
well if both you and the good Doctor (
say this then I have no choice but to start wearing a Fez!
If you also had a maroon jacket and a little car, you could be in a Shriner’s parade.
But where’s the bow tie? Bow ties are cool.
Wil, I’m hoping you’ve already seen the classic Tom Baker story ‘Pyramids of Mars’ because it’s one of the best Doctor Who stories of the 1970s. You bear an almost uncanny resemblance in this photo to Ibrahim Namin, the character in the fez who plays a major part in episode one!
As the leader of all illegal activities on JoCoCruiseCrazy, I am an influential and respected man.
Suits you, Sir!
I love that you’re wearing a false moustache on top of your own. How did you manage to keep it there?
Bow ties are cool. So are suspenders. I hear that fish sticks and custard are delicious. 😉
Your expression makes the photo. Love it!
How very Matt Smith/Dr. Who of you. Looks great.
Dapper and dashing.
Erm, having looked at Atom’s photos on flickr, were there any men who weren’t sporting a beard? 😉
Excellent portraits.
Dammit. I was going to say that. Well played.
You have taken Nerd/Geek to a whole new level!
I was going to make a Doctor Who reference, then I realized you were not wearing a bow tie and could no longer take you seriously.
Forgive the commercial intrusion, but I am compelled to take this opportunity to pimp some fezzes. Fez-O-Rama [ ] crafts handmade fezzes that are, if not exclusively nerdcentric, at least comfortably nerd-compatible. Proof: some of the available designs feature Cthulhu, a Police Call Box, and the TWiT logo.
I’m sure these gentlemen would approve:
Careful. The Doctor is British, which means “suspenders” means something entirely different to him. 😉
You, sir, would either make an excellent Bond Villain, or are the most under cover Brother of the Cruciform Sword. Either one.
Just like that…
Matt Smith. Suspenders…
The mustache and the raised eyebrow make the fez particularly dashing.
Johnny Johnny and Skull the Troll taught me that a long time ago.
Clarification needed: are you wearing one because they are cool, or are they now cool because you are wearing one?
The only thing cooler than a fez is a brown fedora. The fez was Sallah’s only redeeming feature in Last Crusade (sorry, I’d better skip a rant here).
OTOH, the fake mustache looks too much like Hercule Poirot.
I wear a stetson now. Stetsons are cool.
Hello up there! I seem to have fallen down a cliff. I’m still alive, but I’m very badly injured. I think my legs might be broken, but I, I’ll try to stand up. *CRACK* Yes! They are broken.
That is prolly one of the most awesome things ever. From all the awesome on that ship I am surprised an “awesome singularity” didn’t occur and suck the ship and its occupants into Valhalla.
I’ve now learned more about fezzes than I ever wanted to know. Thank you. Fezzes are cool.
Sorry to tell you Wil Fezes are no longer cool, Stetsons are cool.
I see what you did there.. and I approve. Wonder how many others would spot that reference?
“No, I’m never gonna do it without the fez on. Oh, no. That’s what I am, please understand. I wanna be your holy man.”
Wil, I think you have a few grammatical errors in the title of your post. It should be the following instead:
“I wear a fez. Now, fezzes are cool.”
What a difference a full stop (and a comma) makes. Big improvement, no?
I can’t tell you how very much I want to have a t-shirt with that photo on it. It would be a black shirt, and it may even have a simple nerd-esque saying such as “Fez-tival!” or “Fez-tivus!”
If w00tstock 3 (or 2.X where X is the next appropriate number on an escalating scale) becomes reality, you must wear the fez. Must!
First of all, you look sharp in the suit. Second, if they every remake Casablanca, you’re a shoe in for the Peter Lorre part!
DW FTW! You are now the Master, Wil! …Or, are you in line to be Twelve?