The plan was to sleep for as close to 12 hours as possible, to reset my brain for local time. My brain, as usual, had plans of its own. I woke up after about four hours, and before I fully realized what was happening, I'd solved a fairly major story problem on this project I've been stalled on for months.
I got out of bed, wrote down everything I could, hoped it would make sense to me when I woke up for real, and went back to sleep. About 8 hours later, I woke up and felt great. It was just after 9am local time. I hopped out of bed, and while I made my coffee, I checked my notes from the middle of the night. They all made sense, and now it's just a matter of time before HOUSE OF CARDS is written.
My first day at FedCon was a lot of fun. We did a press conference in the morning, which was pretty much everyone who was not named Richard Dean Anderson listen to Richard Dean Anderson take questions about Stargate, which is incredibly popular here. I sat next to RDA, which is what I figured out his friends call him, and I was quite impressed with his humor and intellect.
After the press conference, I ate lunch with Marina Sirtis, Kates Vernon and Hewlett, and Paul McGillon. I caught Marina up on the last ten years or so, and made new friends. It was awesome.
I had a break after lunch, so I came back to my hotel room and did some writing and Redditing before going back downstairs for my first photo session. The photo sessions are a little unsatisfying to me, because I always want to talk to everyone, but can't because the line just has to keep moving. I did my best to share at least a few words with everyone, though, and I think the fans I took pictures with all had a good time. At one point, the photographer was saying something in German over and over again to a girl who was posing with me. She said to me, softly, "I don't understand what he wants me to do!" She had a Scottish accent. I resisted the urge to say "Come along, Pond," and just shrugged. "Neither do I," I said. One of the photographer's assistants heard us and said to him, "English!" Everyone laughed, and he told her that he was trying to get her to tilt her chin down, so her glasses didn't reflect the flash.
When my photo session was over, I did my first Q&A in the main ballroom. It was more heavily-attended than I expected, considering that it was 9pm on a Thursday night, and I guess there were about a thousand people who were just awesome. I got a standing ovation when I came out! I told them that Anne asked me if I was going to learn German before I came here. I said that I wasn't going to try, because I didn't think I'd learn enough to be useful, and it would take valuable time away from playing Portal 2. I said that it wasn't that important, though, because we'd all be conversing in the universal language of nerds this weekend. For the rest of the hour, that's what we did. I had a great time, even though I was way out of my comfort zone just answering questions instead of performing something from one of my books. I haven't done that at a Trek con in over ten years, and I didn't know if I'd be able to not suck, but it was like riding a bike, and I left the stage feeling like I'd entertained everyone there, and made it worth their time to see me.
When I was all done, I went to the bar downstairs with Garret Wang and got a local Alt Bier, which is a darkish beer that's not as hoppy as what I usually drink, but is the local specialty. While Garret and I traded "We worked on Star Trek" stories, a DJ played incredibly loud American rock music. It was delightfully surreal to hear about two hundred Germans singing along in accented English with KISS, while colored lights flashed along the walls and ceiling.
I fell asleep listening the the FAX compilation on my iPad, and had dreams that I was a super hero who could fly.
No, really.
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“I had a great time, even though I was way out of my comfort zone just answering questions instead of performing something from one of my books. I haven’t done that at a Trek con in over ten years, and I didn’t know if I’d be able to not suck, but it was like riding a bike, and I left the stage feeling like I’d entertained everyone there, and made it worth their time to see me. ”
Going to award you 500 XP there, Wil, for roleplaying outside your comfort zone. How close does that get you to the next level?
Thanks again for your great performance yesterday. You didn’t give any impression of being out of your comfort zone. Btw – I had the honor to interview David Saltzberg during my USA trip last year. You can check it out here:
“…considering that it was 9pm on a Thursday night…”
Do you think that’s late? 😮 Come oooon! Anyway, we’re on daylight savings, so it really was only 8pm… ;D
Thanks for the account. I wish I could have been there. Looking forward to reading about day 2! 🙂
Btw, I found this yesterday:
Made me smile.
Your life is good. Enjoy.
I’d say it beats being at or in a royal wedding.
Wow! RDA spoke at a convention?! I heard it’s been years since he’s done that. How cool. I wish I could’ve been there! Have fun!
Wil- What FAX compilation are you referring to? Is it this FAX?
Wow. I have to say I admire an artist who seems to view fans not as an entitlement, but as people who deserve something for their devotion. Kudos to you, Wil!
It was a brilliant panel. Really enjoyed seeing you. And you retweeted my picture of you which lead to me wondering why I had lots of replies until my friend pointed out the retweet. Thanks for that.
I wish I had dreams where I was a Superhero(ine) who could fly. Every single one of my dreams that I can remember are about my job. I’m a grade 2 teacher!
And I love the “we worked on Star Trek stories” bit – you wrote it so well that I could see and hear it.
Yep. I love FAX. Air is amazing.
“Come along, Pond,” – BRILLIANT!
This kept me chuckling for quite awhile, thanks Wil.
whatever you say, Wil, but in alternate reality you are Wesley, writing entries to your log and Star Trek NG is real !
(just kidding (like you did not know)
Thanks for the story! (real, real!!!)
Try a couple of these:
Ich habe keine Ahnung
Was Sind Sie von Baruf?
Du kannst mich dutsen.
They will love it – LOL
That sounds like a great trip Wil!! I’ve never been to such a big con. I missed the sci-fi convention in Newfoundland this year, really wanted to meet J.G. Hertzle. He’s been the biggest actor they have had there. Well unless you count Lord Z from Power Rangers. lol
I just wanted to mention that there were probably that many people at your thursday Q&A session because it’s still easter break at school. I think it’s also a good occasion for many other people to take a few days off, especially if there’s also this convention to attend 😉
I watched Stargate. Stargate is cool.
Sounds like good times in the Land of Chocolate. 🙂
BTW, did you tell Garrett Wang that Captain Picard looks better in a dress than Captain Janeway?
So pleased you are having a good time after such a long trip. I hope this is the first of many European adventures for you. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Awesome! Who knows… maybe Pete Namlook is a Wheaton fan. Keep an eye out for him while in Germany. 🙂
I caught Marina up on the last ten years or so […]
I did a double take reading this. It’s weird to realize I’ve been reading your blog for upwards of ten years (forget the fact that your blog has existed for OVER FRICKIN’ TEN YEARS), and I can vividly recall contemporaneously reading the entries related to your reunion with everyone on the set of Nemesis, recall feeling so nervous for you, recall feeling so happy it was a positive experience. What a strange, wonderful future we live in.
tl;dr — dude, the last time you saw Marina, I WAS THERE. We all were. All of us who read your blog and whom you’ve entertained and made feel such a part of your life for all these years. And that’s pretty amazing, when you think about it.
silly question..If you really could be a superhero what power would you want?
It's an endless debate among nerds, isn't it? I always wanted to be Batman, but as I've grown older, I think it would be pretty awesome to be Iron Man or Captain America.
“The universal language of nerds.” True, that.
I visited Germany on a choir tour some years ago, and before I went, I asked my grandfather (whose first language is German) if there were any words or phrases I needed to know. He told me, “All you need to know is ‘danke’.” (He was right.)
Though you may get some fun out of “Keine Panik.”
As for surreal moments, ours was probably hearing a German choir sing gospel. German choirs can ace Mozart on the first try, whereas gospel’s a challenge. You could tell they loved it, though.
ur first day panel rocked mister! u were more than JUST entertaining us.
What you missed by not learning German: “Whenever the literary German dives into a sentence, that is the last you are going to see of him till he emerges on the other side of his Atlantic with his verb in his mouth.” (Mark Twain)